
Bismark Processing Report

/gscratch/scrubbed/yaaminiv/Hawes/analyses/trimgalore-2/poly-G/zr3644_18_R1_val_1_val_1_val_1.fq.gz and /gscratch/scrubbed/yaaminiv/Hawes/analyses/trimgalore-2/poly-G/zr3644_18_R2_val_2_val_2_val_2.fq.gz

Data processed at 22:10:52 on 2021-01-25

Alignment Stats

Sequence pairs analysed in total 50943423
Paired-end alignments with a unique best hit 31728340
Pairs without alignments under any condition 12874754
Pairs that did not map uniquely 6340329
Genomic sequence context not extractable (edges of chromosomes) 4296

Cytosine Methylation

Total C's analysed 1120635638
Methylated C's in CpG context 15532499
Methylated C's in CHG context 969958
Methylated C's in CHH context 4028886
Methylated C's in Unknown context 36820
Unmethylated C's in CpG context 127760849
Unmethylated C's in CHG context 196373738
Unmethylated C's in CHH context 775969708
Unmethylated C's in Unknown context 2718637
Percentage methylation (CpG context) 10.8%
Percentage methylation (CHG context) 0.5%
Percentage methylation (CHH context) 0.5%
Methylated C's in Unknown context N/A%

Alignment to Individual Bisulfite Strands

OT 7941013 original top strand
CTOT 7908280 complementary to original top strand
CTOB 7921957 complementary to original bottom strand
OB 7952794 original bottom strand


Alignments analysed 31724044
Unique alignments 28161722
Duplicates removed 3562322
Duplicated alignments were found at 3143623 different positions

Cytosine Methylation after Extraction

Total C's analysed 680956547
Methylated C's in CpG context 9228355
Methylated C's in CHG context 581444
Methylated C's in CHH context 2419643
Unmethylated C's in CpG context 77023847
Unmethylated C's in CHG context 118223750
Unmethylated C's in CHH context 473479508
Percentage methylation (CpG context) 10.7%
Percentage methylation (CHG context) 0.5%
Percentage methylation (CHH context) 0.5%

M-Bias Plot