
Bismark Processing Report

/gscratch/scrubbed/yaaminiv/Hawes/analyses/trimgalore-2/poly-G/zr3644_10_R1_val_1_val_1_val_1.fq.gz and /gscratch/scrubbed/yaaminiv/Hawes/analyses/trimgalore-2/poly-G/zr3644_10_R2_val_2_val_2_val_2.fq.gz

Data processed at 22:10:50 on 2021-01-25

Alignment Stats

Sequence pairs analysed in total 51902712
Paired-end alignments with a unique best hit 31715015
Pairs without alignments under any condition 13743561
Pairs that did not map uniquely 6444136
Genomic sequence context not extractable (edges of chromosomes) 4420

Cytosine Methylation

Total C's analysed 1120505063
Methylated C's in CpG context 15858264
Methylated C's in CHG context 953501
Methylated C's in CHH context 4021291
Methylated C's in Unknown context 39708
Unmethylated C's in CpG context 127966778
Unmethylated C's in CHG context 195809902
Unmethylated C's in CHH context 775895327
Unmethylated C's in Unknown context 2773973
Percentage methylation (CpG context) 11.0%
Percentage methylation (CHG context) 0.5%
Percentage methylation (CHH context) 0.5%
Methylated C's in Unknown context N/A%

Alignment to Individual Bisulfite Strands

OT 7967550 original top strand
CTOT 7894629 complementary to original top strand
CTOB 7887972 complementary to original bottom strand
OB 7960444 original bottom strand


Alignments analysed 31710595
Unique alignments 27894195
Duplicates removed 3816400
Duplicated alignments were found at 3333481 different positions

Cytosine Methylation after Extraction

Total C's analysed 672970784
Methylated C's in CpG context 9306910
Methylated C's in CHG context 564980
Methylated C's in CHH context 2386291
Unmethylated C's in CpG context 76260586
Unmethylated C's in CHG context 116489506
Unmethylated C's in CHH context 467962511
Percentage methylation (CpG context) 10.9%
Percentage methylation (CHG context) 0.5%
Percentage methylation (CHH context) 0.5%

M-Bias Plot