Gene Expression Heatmaps ================ Yaamini Venkataraman 7/15/2019 In this R Markdown document, I will create heatmaps for *Z. marina* and *L. zosterae* gene expression. Set up R Markdown document ========================== Install packages ================ ``` r #install.packages("pheatmap") #Uncomment if you need to install this package require(pheatmap) ``` ## Loading required package: pheatmap ``` r #install.packages("dplyr") #Uncomment if you need to install this package require(dplyr) ``` ## Loading required package: dplyr ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Obtain session information ========================== ``` r sessionInfo() ``` ## R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) ## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) ## Running under: macOS 10.14.5 ## ## Matrix products: default ## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib ## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib ## ## locale: ## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 ## ## attached base packages: ## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base ## ## other attached packages: ## [1] dplyr_0.7.8 pheatmap_1.0.10 ## ## loaded via a namespace (and not attached): ## [1] Rcpp_1.0.0 knitr_1.20 bindr_0.1.1 ## [4] magrittr_1.5 tidyselect_0.2.5 munsell_0.5.0 ## [7] colorspace_1.3-2 R6_2.2.2 rlang_0.3.0.1 ## [10] stringr_1.3.1 tools_3.5.0 grid_3.5.0 ## [13] gtable_0.2.0 htmltools_0.3.6 yaml_2.2.0 ## [16] rprojroot_1.3-2 digest_0.6.15 assertthat_0.2.0 ## [19] tibble_1.4.2 crayon_1.3.4 bindrcpp_0.2.2 ## [22] purrr_0.2.5 RColorBrewer_1.1-2 glue_1.3.0 ## [25] evaluate_0.11 rmarkdown_1.10 stringi_1.2.4 ## [28] pillar_1.3.0 compiler_3.5.0 scales_1.0.0 ## [31] backports_1.1.2 pkgconfig_2.0.2 *Z. marina* heatmaps ==================== Create color scheme ------------------- ``` r RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all() #Look at RColorBrewer palettes. I'm looking for something that will still make sense for someone with red-green confusion. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png) ``` r heatmapGreen <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens") #Save green color palette from RColorBrewer ``` All genes --------- Using all genes in a heatmap will be noisy, and probably not that interesting since the changes will be hard to see. *Verdict: I was right.* ``` r Zostera.GE<-read.delim("EXP.CON.Zostera.logCPM.txt", header=TRUE) #Import logCPM file head(Zostera.GE) #Confirm import ``` ## GeneID S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## 1 TRINITY_DN102005_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.009724 1.854878 1.060435 ## 2 TRINITY_DN102006_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 3 TRINITY_DN102012_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 3.841850 2.076238 ## 4 TRINITY_DN102024_c0_g1 2.705404 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 5 TRINITY_DN102050_c0_g1 2.334413 2.334984 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 6 TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.854878 2.401306 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B S_8B S_33A S_36B ## 1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 2.269899 1.060435 1.775038 2.160810 ## 2 2.220749 1.060435 1.988649 1.531364 5.008820 1.060435 1.060435 2.396989 ## 3 1.060435 1.993144 1.440026 1.060435 2.918429 1.060435 1.060435 2.160810 ## 4 1.060435 2.554960 1.988649 1.060435 1.060435 2.035084 4.708736 1.060435 ## 5 1.060435 1.060435 3.168358 1.885816 2.461326 1.060435 1.060435 3.327576 ## 6 1.060435 1.060435 2.200489 1.060435 1.060435 2.035084 1.060435 1.526533 ## S_38A S_40A ## 1 1.060435 1.060435 ## 2 1.555101 2.134830 ## 3 1.060435 4.584684 ## 4 1.060435 1.060435 ## 5 1.060435 1.060435 ## 6 1.060435 1.060435 ``` r rownames(Zostera.GE) <- Zostera.GE$GeneID #Set gene ID as row names Zostera.GE.heatmap <- Zostera.GE[,-1] #Remove redundant column head(Zostera.GE.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## TRINITY_DN102005_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.009724 1.854878 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102006_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102012_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 3.841850 2.076238 ## TRINITY_DN102024_c0_g1 2.705404 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102050_c0_g1 2.334413 2.334984 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.854878 2.401306 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B ## TRINITY_DN102005_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 2.269899 ## TRINITY_DN102006_c0_g1 2.220749 1.060435 1.988649 1.531364 5.008820 ## TRINITY_DN102012_c0_g1 1.060435 1.993144 1.440026 1.060435 2.918429 ## TRINITY_DN102024_c0_g1 1.060435 2.554960 1.988649 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102050_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 3.168358 1.885816 2.461326 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.200489 1.060435 1.060435 ## S_8B S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## TRINITY_DN102005_c0_g1 1.060435 1.775038 2.160810 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102006_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.396989 1.555101 2.134830 ## TRINITY_DN102012_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.160810 1.060435 4.584684 ## TRINITY_DN102024_c0_g1 2.035084 4.708736 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102050_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 3.327576 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 2.035084 1.060435 1.526533 1.060435 1.060435 ``` r pheatmap(Zostera.GE.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapGreen, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 12) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Do not show rownames but show column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png) Differentially expressed genes ------------------------------ *Verdict: This is definitely the best looking one.* ``` r zosteraDEG <- read.delim("DE.EXP.CON.FDR.Z.Annot.M.txt") #Import modified file for DEG head(zosteraDEG) #Confirm import ``` ## GeneID logFC logCPM F PValue ## 1 TRINITY_DN102431_c0_g1 7.879689 1.594841 9.620747 0.006469395 ## 2 TRINITY_DN104822_c0_g1 7.264611 1.860002 8.558335 0.008354860 ## 3 TRINITY_DN111410_c0_g1 15.913332 4.656098 44.698086 0.000003800 ## 4 TRINITY_DN111543_c0_g1 8.141234 2.263420 10.397013 0.004969218 ## 5 TRINITY_DN111591_c0_g1 6.205884 1.383823 9.467357 0.006822930 ## 6 TRINITY_DN139711_c0_g1 7.930133 1.615140 11.000293 0.004072252 ## FDR Accession Isoform E.value ## 1 0.03949266 Q7ZX51 TRINITY_DN102431_c0_g1_i1 1.4e-40 ## 2 0.04851462 Q69LE0 TRINITY_DN104822_c0_g1_i1 7.2e-13 ## 3 0.00006350 Q9W020 TRINITY_DN111410_c0_g1_i1 7.3e-08 ## 4 0.03193581 O65202 TRINITY_DN111543_c0_g1_i1 4.3e-10 ## 5 0.04124408 O67876 TRINITY_DN111591_c0_g1_i1 1.1e-41 ## 6 0.02739917 P21187 TRINITY_DN139711_c0_g1_i1 1.5e-24 ## ProteinN ## 1 Tyrosine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic (EC (Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase) (TyrRS) ## 2 Zinc finger A20 and AN1 domain-containing stress-associated protein 10 (OsSAP10) ## 3 Nucleolar MIF4G domain-containing protein 1 homolog ## 4 Peroxisomal acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 1 (AOX 1) (EC (Long-chain acyl-CoA oxidase) (AtCX1) ## 5 Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) (ALADH) (EC (Porphobilinogen synthase) ## 6 Polyadenylate-binding protein (PABP) (Poly(A)-binding protein) ## GO_BP ## 1 tyrosyl-tRNA aminoacylation [GO:0006437] ## 2 ## 3 ribosomal small subunit biogenesis [GO:0042274] ## 4 fatty acid beta-oxidation [GO:0006635]; fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA oxidase [GO:0033540]; jasmonic acid biosynthetic process [GO:0009695]; lipid homeostasis [GO:0055088]; long-chain fatty acid metabolic process [GO:0001676]; response to cadmium ion [GO:0046686]; response to fungus [GO:0009620]; response to wounding [GO:0009611] ## 5 heme biosynthetic process [GO:0006783]; protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process [GO:0006782] ## 6 chemical synaptic transmission [GO:0007268]; dorsal/ventral pattern formation [GO:0009953]; male meiosis cytokinesis [GO:0007112]; male meiotic nuclear division [GO:0007140]; mRNA splicing, via spliceosome [GO:0000398]; negative regulation of neuron death [GO:1901215]; oocyte development [GO:0048599]; oogenesis [GO:0048477]; positive regulation of translation [GO:0045727]; regulation of compound eye photoreceptor development [GO:0045314]; spermatid nucleus differentiation [GO:0007289]; spermatogenesis [GO:0007283] ## GO_CC ## 1 cytoplasm [GO:0005737] ## 2 ## 3 nucleolus [GO:0005730] ## 4 peroxisome [GO:0005777]; plasmodesma [GO:0009506] ## 5 cytosol [GO:0005829] ## 6 catalytic step 2 spliceosome [GO:0071013]; cytoplasm [GO:0005737]; cytoplasmic stress granule [GO:0010494]; cytosol [GO:0005829]; nucleus [GO:0005634]; precatalytic spliceosome [GO:0071011]; ribonucleoprotein complex [GO:1990904] ## GO_MF ## 1 ATP binding [GO:0005524]; tRNA binding [GO:0000049]; tyrosine-tRNA ligase activity [GO:0004831] ## 2 DNA binding [GO:0003677]; zinc ion binding [GO:0008270] ## 3 RNA binding [GO:0003723] ## 4 acyl-CoA oxidase activity [GO:0003997]; FAD binding [GO:0071949]; fatty acid binding [GO:0005504]; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding [GO:0050660] ## 5 porphobilinogen synthase activity [GO:0004655]; zinc ion binding [GO:0008270] ## 6 mRNA 3'-UTR binding [GO:0003730]; mRNA binding [GO:0003729]; poly(A) binding [GO:0008143]; poly(U) RNA binding [GO:0008266]; RNA binding [GO:0003723] ## GO ## 1 GO:0000049; GO:0004831; GO:0005524; GO:0005737; GO:0006437 ## 2 GO:0003677; GO:0008270 ## 3 GO:0003723; GO:0005730; GO:0042274 ## 4 GO:0001676; GO:0003997; GO:0005504; GO:0005777; GO:0006635; GO:0009506; GO:0009611; GO:0009620; GO:0009695; GO:0033540; GO:0046686; GO:0050660; GO:0055088; GO:0071949 ## 5 GO:0004655; GO:0005829; GO:0006782; GO:0006783; GO:0008270 ## 6 GO:0000398; GO:0003723; GO:0003729; GO:0003730; GO:0005634; GO:0005737; GO:0005829; GO:0007112; GO:0007140; GO:0007268; GO:0007283; GO:0007289; GO:0008143; GO:0008266; GO:0009953; GO:0010494; GO:0045314; GO:0045727; GO:0048477; GO:0048599; GO:0071011; GO:0071013; GO:1901215; GO:1990904 ## Status Organism ## 1 reviewed Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) ## 2 reviewed Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (Rice) ## 3 reviewed Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) ## 4 reviewed Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress) ## 5 reviewed Aquifex aeolicus (strain VF5) ## 6 reviewed Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) ``` r zosteraDEG.heatmap <- merge(x = Zostera.GE, y = zosteraDEG, by = "GeneID") #Merge files by GeneID rownames(zosteraDEG.heatmap) <- zosteraDEG.heatmap$GeneID #Set gene IDs as rownames zosteraDEG.heatmap <- zosteraDEG.heatmap[,c(2:16)] #Only keep columns with logCPM for each sample head(zosteraDEG.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## TRINITY_DN102431_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 2.577379 1.060435 2.076238 ## TRINITY_DN104822_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 3.970485 3.284488 1.655952 ## TRINITY_DN111410_c0_g1 6.191308 4.255874 7.816069 3.037763 3.407565 ## TRINITY_DN111543_c0_g1 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 3.037763 2.890313 ## TRINITY_DN111591_c0_g1 1.833703 1.834107 2.577379 1.854878 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN139711_c0_g1 2.334413 1.060435 3.559861 1.060435 1.655952 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B ## TRINITY_DN102431_c0_g1 3.630958 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN104822_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111410_c0_g1 4.330281 3.273137 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111543_c0_g1 2.220749 4.931574 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111591_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN139711_c0_g1 2.220749 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## S_8B S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## TRINITY_DN102431_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN104822_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.878252 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111410_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111543_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN111591_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## TRINITY_DN139711_c0_g1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ### Without row numbers ``` r #pdf("2019-07-15-Zostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-Heatmap.pdf", width = 11, height = 8.5) #Uncomment and run if you want to save the plot pheatmap(zosteraDEG.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapGreen, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 12) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Do not show rownames but show column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png) ``` r #Uncomment and run after running plotting code above ``` ### With row numbers ``` r zosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber <- seq(from = 1, to = length(zosteraDEG.heatmap$S_10B), by = 1) #Add a new column numbering rows geneRowNumbers <- data.frame("GeneID" = rownames(zosteraDEG.heatmap), "Number" = zosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber) #Create new dataframe with gene IDs and row numbers write.csv(geneRowNumbers, "2019-07-15-Zostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-RowNumbers.csv") #Save file ``` ``` r rownames(zosteraDEG.heatmap) <- zosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber #Use numbers as row names zosteraDEG.heatmap <- zosteraDEG.heatmap[,-16] #Remove rownumber column head(zosteraDEG.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B S_47B S_48B S_2A ## 1 1.060435 1.060435 2.577379 1.060435 2.076238 3.630958 1.060435 1.060435 ## 2 1.060435 1.498523 3.970485 3.284488 1.655952 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 3 6.191308 4.255874 7.816069 3.037763 3.407565 4.330281 3.273137 1.060435 ## 4 1.060435 1.498523 1.060435 3.037763 2.890313 2.220749 4.931574 1.060435 ## 5 1.833703 1.834107 2.577379 1.854878 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 6 2.334413 1.060435 3.559861 1.060435 1.655952 2.220749 1.060435 1.060435 ## S_2B S_7B S_8B S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## 1 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 2 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.878252 1.060435 1.060435 ## 3 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 4 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 5 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ## 6 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 1.060435 ``` r #pdf("2019-07-15-Zostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-Rownames-Heatmap.pdf", width = 11, height = 8.5) #Uncomment and run if you want to save the plot pheatmap(zosteraDEG.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = TRUE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapGreen, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 1) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Show row and column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png) ``` r #Uncomment and run after running plotting code above ``` *L. zosterae* heatmaps ====================== Create color scheme ------------------- ``` r heatmapBrown <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrBr") #Save yellow-orange-brown color palette from RColorBrewer ``` All genes --------- *Verdict: Still not exciting.* ``` r nZostera.GE<-read.delim("EXP.CON.nZostera.logCPM.txt", header=TRUE) #Import logCPM file head(nZostera.GE) #Confirm import ``` ## GeneID S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## 1 TRINITY_DN102004_c0_g1 6.14403 6.576396 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 2 TRINITY_DN102014_c0_g1 6.14403 6.576396 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 3 TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.747021 7.354827 ## 4 TRINITY_DN10209_c0_g1 6.14403 7.178481 7.639015 6.144030 8.685148 ## 5 TRINITY_DN10241_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 8.508854 6.668313 ## 6 TRINITY_DN102420_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.668313 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B S_8B S_33A S_36B ## 1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 7.340733 6.144030 6.144030 7.529367 ## 2 6.14403 6.144030 6.587514 6.14403 7.121577 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 3 6.14403 6.144030 7.430638 6.14403 6.144030 7.250857 6.144030 6.487406 ## 4 6.14403 7.403922 6.144030 6.14403 8.224818 6.144030 7.742589 8.689254 ## 5 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.487406 ## 6 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 6.547885 6.144030 6.144030 6.487406 ## S_38A S_40A ## 1 6.144030 6.144030 ## 2 6.144030 6.144030 ## 3 6.144030 6.144030 ## 4 7.197029 6.894222 ## 5 6.144030 6.144030 ## 6 6.144030 6.144030 ``` r rownames(nZostera.GE) <- nZostera.GE$GeneID #Set gene ID as row names nZostera.GE.heatmap <- nZostera.GE[,-1] #Remove redundant column head(nZostera.GE.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B S_47B ## TRINITY_DN102004_c0_g1 6.14403 6.576396 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 ## TRINITY_DN102014_c0_g1 6.14403 6.576396 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.747021 7.354827 6.14403 ## TRINITY_DN10209_c0_g1 6.14403 7.178481 7.639015 6.144030 8.685148 6.14403 ## TRINITY_DN10241_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 8.508854 6.668313 6.14403 ## TRINITY_DN102420_c0_g1 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.668313 6.14403 ## S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B S_8B ## TRINITY_DN102004_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 7.340733 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102014_c0_g1 6.144030 6.587514 6.14403 7.121577 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 6.144030 7.430638 6.14403 6.144030 7.250857 ## TRINITY_DN10209_c0_g1 7.403922 6.144030 6.14403 8.224818 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN10241_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102420_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.14403 6.547885 6.144030 ## S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## TRINITY_DN102004_c0_g1 6.144030 7.529367 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102014_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102051_c0_g1 6.144030 6.487406 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN10209_c0_g1 7.742589 8.689254 7.197029 6.894222 ## TRINITY_DN10241_c0_g1 6.144030 6.487406 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN102420_c0_g1 6.144030 6.487406 6.144030 6.144030 ``` r pheatmap(nZostera.GE.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapBrown, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 12) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Do not show rownames but show column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png) Differentially expressed genes ------------------------------ *Verdict: Still the better one.* ``` r nonZosteraDEG <- read.delim("DE.EXP.CON.FDR.nZ.Annot.M.txt") #Import modified file for DEG head(nonZosteraDEG) #Confirm import ``` ## X GeneID logFC logCPM F PValue ## 1 1 TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1 19.770927 14.042753 103.12321 7.150000e-12 ## 2 2 TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1 9.513759 6.962783 12.52156 1.411480e-03 ## 3 3 TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1 7.733247 6.630983 10.80687 2.704897e-03 ## 4 4 TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1 17.218092 10.671009 64.03393 4.600000e-09 ## 5 5 TRINITY_DN227396_c0_g1 -9.766477 7.100089 10.95723 2.480880e-03 ## 6 6 TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1 19.064131 14.002500 108.54501 3.660000e-12 ## FDR Accession Isoform E.value ## 1 7.090000e-10 Q54IP4 TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1_i1 1.9e-06 ## 2 2.127183e-02 Q54HM6 TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1_i1 1.0e-08 ## 3 3.647340e-02 Q979Z2 TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1_i1 1.1e-07 ## 4 1.590000e-07 Q29RV1 TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1_i1 2.0e-10 ## 5 3.380859e-02 Q7LHG5 TRINITY_DN227396_c0_g1_i1 1.8e-07 ## 6 6.020000e-10 Q55E58 TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1_i1 3.2e-21 ## ProteinN ## 1 Dual specificity protein kinase shkB (EC (SH2 domain-containing protein 2) (SH2 domain-containing protein B) ## 2 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX11, mitochondrial ## 3 Calcium-gated potassium channel TvoK ## 4 Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 (EC ## 5 Transposon Ty3-I Gag-Pol polyprotein (Gag3-Pol3) (Transposon Ty3-2 TYA-TYB polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (CA) (p24); Spacer peptide p3; Nucleocapsid protein p11 (NC); Ty3 protease (PR) (EC 3.4.23.-) (p16); Spacer peptide J; Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (RT) (RT-RH) (EC (EC (EC (p55); Integrase p52 (IN); Integrase p49 (IN)] ## 6 Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase pats1 (EC (Protein associated with the transduction of signal 1) ## GO_BP ## 1 ## 2 aerobic respiration [GO:0009060]; protein-containing complex assembly [GO:0065003] ## 3 ## 4 cell redox homeostasis [GO:0045454]; protein folding [GO:0006457]; response to endoplasmic reticulum stress [GO:0034976] ## 5 DNA integration [GO:0015074]; DNA recombination [GO:0006310]; transposition, RNA-mediated [GO:0032197] ## 6 cheating during chimeric sorocarp development [GO:0099139]; mitotic cytokinesis [GO:0000281]; protein dephosphorylation [GO:0006470] ## GO_CC ## 1 membrane [GO:0016020] ## 2 integral component of membrane [GO:0016021]; mitochondrial inner membrane [GO:0005743]; mitochondrion [GO:0005739] ## 3 integral component of membrane [GO:0016021]; plasma membrane [GO:0005886] ## 4 cell surface [GO:0009986]; endoplasmic reticulum [GO:0005783]; endoplasmic reticulum lumen [GO:0005788]; melanosome [GO:0042470] ## 5 cytoplasm [GO:0005737]; nucleus [GO:0005634]; retrotransposon nucleocapsid [GO:0000943] ## 6 actomyosin [GO:0042641] ## GO_MF ## 1 ATP binding [GO:0005524]; protein serine/threonine kinase activity [GO:0004674]; protein tyrosine kinase activity [GO:0004713] ## 2 copper ion binding [GO:0005507] ## 3 metal ion binding [GO:0046872]; potassium channel activity [GO:0005267] ## 4 protein disulfide isomerase activity [GO:0003756] ## 5 aspartic-type endopeptidase activity [GO:0004190]; ATP binding [GO:0005524]; DNA binding [GO:0003677]; DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity [GO:0003887]; peptidase activity [GO:0008233]; ribonuclease activity [GO:0004540]; RNA binding [GO:0003723]; RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity [GO:0003964]; RNA-DNA hybrid ribonuclease activity [GO:0004523]; zinc ion binding [GO:0008270] ## 6 ATP binding [GO:0005524]; GTP binding [GO:0005525]; phosphoprotein phosphatase activity [GO:0004721]; protein serine/threonine kinase activity [GO:0004674] ## GO ## 1 GO:0004674; GO:0004713; GO:0005524; GO:0016020 ## 2 GO:0005507; GO:0005739; GO:0005743; GO:0009060; GO:0016021; GO:0065003 ## 3 GO:0005267; GO:0005886; GO:0016021; GO:0046872 ## 4 GO:0003756; GO:0005783; GO:0005788; GO:0006457; GO:0009986; GO:0034976; GO:0042470; GO:0045454 ## 5 GO:0000943; GO:0003677; GO:0003723; GO:0003887; GO:0003964; GO:0004190; GO:0004523; GO:0004540; GO:0005524; GO:0005634; GO:0005737; GO:0006310; GO:0008233; GO:0008270; GO:0015074; GO:0032197 ## 6 GO:0000281; GO:0004674; GO:0004721; GO:0005524; GO:0005525; GO:0006470; GO:0042641; GO:0099139 ## Status ## 1 reviewed ## 2 reviewed ## 3 reviewed ## 4 reviewed ## 5 reviewed ## 6 reviewed ## Organism ## 1 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) ## 2 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) ## 3 Thermoplasma volcanium (strain ATCC 51530 / DSM 4299 / JCM 9571 / NBRC 15438 / GSS1) ## 4 Bos taurus (Bovine) ## 5 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast) ## 6 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) I will not look at genes downregulated in the exposed treatments, so those rows should be removed. ``` r nonZosteraDEG <- subset(x = nonZosteraDEG, subset = nonZosteraDEG$logFC > 0) #Retain upregulated genes nonZosteraDEG.heatmap <- merge(x = nZostera.GE, y = nonZosteraDEG, by = "GeneID") #Merge files by GeneID head(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap) #Confirm merge ``` ## GeneID S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## 1 TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1 15.139983 15.979684 15.285549 14.736471 14.928570 ## 2 TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1 7.615969 7.178481 8.155175 6.747021 8.315796 ## 3 TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1 6.673587 7.178481 7.289647 7.764827 6.668313 ## 4 TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1 11.418155 11.084327 12.075103 12.091389 11.644196 ## 5 TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1 14.893211 16.782572 15.502256 13.822896 13.861489 ## 6 TRINITY_DN251134_c0_g1 14.918270 14.489588 15.207602 14.973766 14.952739 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B S_8B S_33A S_36B ## 1 14.81843 14.559036 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 7.250857 7.154239 6.144030 ## 2 6.14403 7.403922 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 3 6.14403 6.907347 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 4 11.83356 11.720705 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 5 13.61206 13.745257 6.144030 7.12876 7.530946 7.593233 6.144030 6.764563 ## 6 15.11006 14.694009 6.587514 6.14403 6.144030 7.593233 6.144030 6.144030 ## S_38A S_40A X logFC logCPM F PValue ## 1 7.799234 6.894222 1 19.770927 14.042753 103.12321 7.150000e-12 ## 2 6.144030 6.144030 2 9.513759 6.962783 12.52156 1.411480e-03 ## 3 6.144030 6.144030 3 7.733247 6.630983 10.80687 2.704897e-03 ## 4 6.144030 6.894222 4 17.218092 10.671009 64.03393 4.600000e-09 ## 5 6.144030 6.144030 6 19.064131 14.002500 108.54501 3.660000e-12 ## 6 8.222816 6.144030 7 18.856567 13.830683 86.20600 6.950000e-11 ## FDR Accession Isoform E.value ## 1 7.090000e-10 Q54IP4 TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1_i1 1.9e-06 ## 2 2.127183e-02 Q54HM6 TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1_i1 1.0e-08 ## 3 3.647340e-02 Q979Z2 TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1_i1 1.1e-07 ## 4 1.590000e-07 Q29RV1 TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1_i1 2.0e-10 ## 5 6.020000e-10 Q55E58 TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1_i1 3.2e-21 ## 6 3.560000e-09 Q99LT0 TRINITY_DN251134_c0_g1_i1 4.5e-07 ## ProteinN ## 1 Dual specificity protein kinase shkB (EC (SH2 domain-containing protein 2) (SH2 domain-containing protein B) ## 2 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX11, mitochondrial ## 3 Calcium-gated potassium channel TvoK ## 4 Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 (EC ## 5 Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase pats1 (EC (Protein associated with the transduction of signal 1) ## 6 Protein dpy-30 homolog (Dpy-30-like protein) (Dpy-30L) ## GO_BP ## 1 ## 2 aerobic respiration [GO:0009060]; protein-containing complex assembly [GO:0065003] ## 3 ## 4 cell redox homeostasis [GO:0045454]; protein folding [GO:0006457]; response to endoplasmic reticulum stress [GO:0034976] ## 5 cheating during chimeric sorocarp development [GO:0099139]; mitotic cytokinesis [GO:0000281]; protein dephosphorylation [GO:0006470] ## 6 endosomal transport [GO:0016197]; histone H3-K4 methylation [GO:0051568] ## GO_CC ## 1 membrane [GO:0016020] ## 2 integral component of membrane [GO:0016021]; mitochondrial inner membrane [GO:0005743]; mitochondrion [GO:0005739] ## 3 integral component of membrane [GO:0016021]; plasma membrane [GO:0005886] ## 4 cell surface [GO:0009986]; endoplasmic reticulum [GO:0005783]; endoplasmic reticulum lumen [GO:0005788]; melanosome [GO:0042470] ## 5 actomyosin [GO:0042641] ## 6 Golgi apparatus [GO:0005794]; histone methyltransferase complex [GO:0035097]; MLL3/4 complex [GO:0044666]; nucleoplasm [GO:0005654]; nucleus [GO:0005634]; Set1C/COMPASS complex [GO:0048188]; trans-Golgi network [GO:0005802] ## GO_MF ## 1 ATP binding [GO:0005524]; protein serine/threonine kinase activity [GO:0004674]; protein tyrosine kinase activity [GO:0004713] ## 2 copper ion binding [GO:0005507] ## 3 metal ion binding [GO:0046872]; potassium channel activity [GO:0005267] ## 4 protein disulfide isomerase activity [GO:0003756] ## 5 ATP binding [GO:0005524]; GTP binding [GO:0005525]; phosphoprotein phosphatase activity [GO:0004721]; protein serine/threonine kinase activity [GO:0004674] ## 6 identical protein binding [GO:0042802]; protein homodimerization activity [GO:0042803] ## GO ## 1 GO:0004674; GO:0004713; GO:0005524; GO:0016020 ## 2 GO:0005507; GO:0005739; GO:0005743; GO:0009060; GO:0016021; GO:0065003 ## 3 GO:0005267; GO:0005886; GO:0016021; GO:0046872 ## 4 GO:0003756; GO:0005783; GO:0005788; GO:0006457; GO:0009986; GO:0034976; GO:0042470; GO:0045454 ## 5 GO:0000281; GO:0004674; GO:0004721; GO:0005524; GO:0005525; GO:0006470; GO:0042641; GO:0099139 ## 6 GO:0005634; GO:0005654; GO:0005794; GO:0005802; GO:0016197; GO:0035097; GO:0042802; GO:0042803; GO:0044666; GO:0048188; GO:0051568 ## Status ## 1 reviewed ## 2 reviewed ## 3 reviewed ## 4 reviewed ## 5 reviewed ## 6 reviewed ## Organism ## 1 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) ## 2 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) ## 3 Thermoplasma volcanium (strain ATCC 51530 / DSM 4299 / JCM 9571 / NBRC 15438 / GSS1) ## 4 Bos taurus (Bovine) ## 5 Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) ## 6 Mus musculus (Mouse) ``` r rownames(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap) <- nonZosteraDEG.heatmap$GeneID #Set gene IDs as rownames nonZosteraDEG.heatmap <- nonZosteraDEG.heatmap[,c(2:16)] #Only keep columns with logCPM for each sample head(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B ## TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1 15.139983 15.979684 15.285549 14.736471 14.928570 ## TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1 7.615969 7.178481 8.155175 6.747021 8.315796 ## TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1 6.673587 7.178481 7.289647 7.764827 6.668313 ## TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1 11.418155 11.084327 12.075103 12.091389 11.644196 ## TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1 14.893211 16.782572 15.502256 13.822896 13.861489 ## TRINITY_DN251134_c0_g1 14.918270 14.489588 15.207602 14.973766 14.952739 ## S_47B S_48B S_2A S_2B S_7B ## TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1 14.81843 14.559036 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1 6.14403 7.403922 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1 6.14403 6.907347 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1 11.83356 11.720705 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1 13.61206 13.745257 6.144030 7.12876 7.530946 ## TRINITY_DN251134_c0_g1 15.11006 14.694009 6.587514 6.14403 6.144030 ## S_8B S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## TRINITY_DN173970_c0_g1 7.250857 7.154239 6.144030 7.799234 6.894222 ## TRINITY_DN2119_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN22073_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN226644_c0_g1 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.894222 ## TRINITY_DN233011_c0_g1 7.593233 6.144030 6.764563 6.144030 6.144030 ## TRINITY_DN251134_c0_g1 7.593233 6.144030 6.144030 8.222816 6.144030 ### Without row numbers ``` r #pdf("2019-07-15-nonZostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-Heatmap.pdf", width = 11, height = 8.5) #Uncomment and run if you want to save the plot pheatmap(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapBrown, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 12) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Do not show rownames but show column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-22-1.png) ``` r #Uncomment and run after running plotting code above ``` ### With row numbers ``` r nonZosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber <- seq(from = 1, to = length(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap$S_10B), by = 1) #Add a new column numbering rows nZgeneRowNumbers <- data.frame("GeneID" = rownames(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap), "Number" = nonZosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber) #Create new dataframe with gene IDs and row numbers write.csv(nZgeneRowNumbers, "2019-07-15-nonZostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-RowNumbers.csv") #Save file ``` ``` r rownames(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap) <- nonZosteraDEG.heatmap$rownumber #Use numbers as row names nonZosteraDEG.heatmap <- nonZosteraDEG.heatmap[,-16] #Remove rownumber column head(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap) #Confirm changes ``` ## S_10B S_9A S_13A S_42A S_46B S_47B S_48B ## 1 15.139983 15.979684 15.285549 14.736471 14.928570 14.81843 14.559036 ## 2 7.615969 7.178481 8.155175 6.747021 8.315796 6.14403 7.403922 ## 3 6.673587 7.178481 7.289647 7.764827 6.668313 6.14403 6.907347 ## 4 11.418155 11.084327 12.075103 12.091389 11.644196 11.83356 11.720705 ## 5 14.893211 16.782572 15.502256 13.822896 13.861489 13.61206 13.745257 ## 6 14.918270 14.489588 15.207602 14.973766 14.952739 15.11006 14.694009 ## S_2A S_2B S_7B S_8B S_33A S_36B S_38A S_40A ## 1 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 7.250857 7.154239 6.144030 7.799234 6.894222 ## 2 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 3 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 ## 4 6.144030 6.14403 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.144030 6.894222 ## 5 6.144030 7.12876 7.530946 7.593233 6.144030 6.764563 6.144030 6.144030 ## 6 6.587514 6.14403 6.144030 7.593233 6.144030 6.144030 8.222816 6.144030 ``` r #pdf("2019-07-15-nonZostera-Differentially-Expressed-Genes-Rownames-Heatmap.pdf", width = 11, height = 8.5) #Uncomment and run if you want to save the plot pheatmap(nonZosteraDEG.heatmap, cluster_row = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", clustering_method = "average", show_rownames = TRUE, show_colnames = TRUE, treeheight_col = 80, legend = TRUE, color = heatmapBrown, fontsize_col = 20, fontsize_row = 5) #Create heatmap. Cluster rows, but not columns, Use euclidean distances and average method for clustering. Show row and column names. Adjust tree height, add a legend, and specify colors and font sizes. ``` ![](2019-07-15-Gene-Expression-Heatmaps_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-25-1.png) ``` r #Uncomment and run after running plotting code above ```