**Assembly** De novo assembly resulted in a total of 154,407 transcripts (100,157 components) with an average contig length of 659bp and an N50 value of 1014 bp (Fig ) and a GC content of 36.97% *(needed?)*. The corresponding proteome was predicted to contain 35,951 proteins. However, only 19,652 *(check with annotation results later, see issue Data difference)* Fig. Frequency distribution of assembled contigs from *Panopea generosa* 17,288 proteins annot SP ``` /Users/gilesg/compile/trinityrnaseq_r20131110/util/TrinityStats.pl /Volumes/web-1/cnidarian/Geo-Trinity2/trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta ################################ ## Counts of transcripts, etc. ################################ Total trinity transcripts: 154407 Total trinity components: 100157 Percent GC: 36.97 ######################################## Stats based on ALL transcript contigs: ######################################## Contig N10: 3473 Contig N20: 2393 Contig N30: 1771 Contig N40: 1344 Contig N50: 1014 Median contig length: 371 Average contig: 659.53 Total assembled bases: 101836734 ##################################################### ## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per COMPONENT: ##################################################### Contig N10: 3002 Contig N20: 2031 Contig N30: 1461 Contig N40: 1067 Contig N50: 768 Median contig length: 320 Average contig: 553.99 Total assembled bases: 55486238 ```