Sampled 13 oysters for pre-stress epigenetic analyses. In two plastic tanks filled with 6L, dissolved 300g of MgCl2 in each tank and left oysters in the solution overnight (3/11). In the morning (3/12) sampled 13 oysters for DNA and RNA. These tissues were put on dry ice and placed in the -80 freezer until further processing. Tomorrow will sample the additional 10 oysters left. I decided to break the sampling up into two days since 23 oysters were too many to process at once. After anesthetization the oysters only stay open for a minute or two so it would be too difficult to sample all oysters at once. Will hopefully do heat shock experiment later this week or early next week. 3/13/13 Sampled remaining 10 oysters for DNA and RNA tissues. Placed oysters in net bags in Kristian's tanks until early next week when I will complete the heat shock experiment. Total number of oysters=23 Oyster samples that didn't open: oyster #1, 3, 19, 20 Total number of oysters sampled=19 --- 3/18/13 Sampled oysters that didn't open (#1, 3, 19, 20) in case we decide to do additional analyses on these samples. Took DNA and RNA samples from oyster mantle and gill tissue and froze in -80 degree freezer Measurements for oysters that didn't open: 1) 159.75g, 99cm L, 70.4cm W 3) 197.94g, 120.3cm L, 64.6cm W 19) 251.73g, 122.4cm L, 70.9cm W 20) 105.11g, 79.1cm L, 56.8cm W 3/19/13 Performed heat shock experiment. Added about 8L of seawater to the water bath in the lab. Put the remaining 19 oysters in the water bath at 40 degrees C for 1 hour. Put 9 oysters back into aquarium room and will sample these in 1 week (3/26) and sampled 10 oysters immediately after the heat shock. Took DNA and RNA samples from oyster mantle and gill tissue and froze in -80 degree freezer. Measurements for first batch of oysters sampled: 2) 265.18g, 128.7cm L, 86.5cm W 4) 182.80g, 129.3 cm L, 73.5cm W 5) 127.82g, 99.3cm L, 64.3cm W 6) 186.19g, 115.5cm L, 92.9cm W 7) 209.47g, 134.8cm L, 68.6cm W 8) 49.73g, 71.4cm L, 45cm W 9) 233.55g, 126.1cm L, 69.3cm W 10) 120.05g, 99.7cm L, 57.1cm W 11) 185.84g, 116.3cm L, 72.2cm W 12) 190.16g, 116.9cm L, 69.8 cm W 3/26/13 sampled remaining heat shock oysters 1 week later 13) 123.19g, 98.5cm L, 56.1cm W 14) 371.16g, 133.2cm L, 92.5cm W 15) 184.46g, 107.5cm L, 61.8cm W 16) 191.0g, 112.7cm L, 67.3cm W 17) 80.19g, 76.6cm L, 56.2cm W 18) 147.27g, 109.5cm L, 71.6cm W 21) 236.64g, 120.5cm L, 70.5cm W 22) 144.13g, 112.5cm L, 67.1cm W 23)117.73g, 89.3cm L, 63.0cm W **NOTE: 22+23- not sure which is which since labels came off!