Primers A quick tutorial to check out primers on NCBI to see what the product size should be and how specific they are. ``` Resource: Patil et al. 2005 Primer Name- CCGS4F Primer Sequence- TATTCGTTGGAGACTTTATAACCCT Resource: Patil et al. 2005 Primer Name- CCGS4R Primer Sequence- AAGGCTTAGAATTGCAAGGTCTATA Resource: Patil et al. 2005 Primer Name- TPHI16S-1F Primer Sequence- CTGAGTTTTTAATTGAAGTT TAGTTGGG Resource: Quinteiro et al. 2011 Primer Name- TPHI16S-2R Primer Sequence- CCCTGCGGTAGC TTTTGCT Resource: Quinteiro et al. 2011 ``` Old school way is just take the primer with NNNs in the middle and blast. `TATTCGTTGGAGACTTTATAACCCTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAGGCTTAGAATTGCAAGGTCTATA` ![submit]( You will get an output as such.... ![bl1]( Scroll down to the alignments.... ![bl2]( And look at the coordinates.... ![align]( So the primers lay down between bp 400 and 61 on the given sequence, thus `400-61=339` and the band size should be about 339 bp. --- You could also just use the Primer-Blast feature. ![pb]( ![pb2]( **Bonus!** It does the math for you!