import sys import pysam from collections import Counter if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit("usage: in.bam") fname = sys.argv[1] mode = "rb" if fname.endswith(".bam") else "r" bamfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(fname, mode) stats = Counter() for read in bamfile: stats["total"] += 1 stats['qcfail'] += int(read.is_qcfail) # record paired end info stats['paired'] += int(read.is_paired) stats['read1'] += int(read.is_read1) stats['read2'] += int(read.is_read2) if read.is_unmapped: stats['unmapped'] += 1 continue # other flags don't apply # record if mapping quality <= 30 stats["mapping quality <= 30"] += int(read.mapping_quality <= 30) stats['mapped'] += 1 stats['proper pair'] += int(read.is_proper_pair) # specify the output order, since dicts don't have order output_order = ("total", "mapped", "unmapped", "paired", "read1", "read2", "proper pair", "qcfail", "mapping quality <= 30") # format output for key in output_order: format_args = (key, stats[key], 100*stats[key]/float(stats["total"])) sys.stdout.write("%s: %d (%0.2f%%)\n" % format_args)