This wiki has been developed as a resource for lab personnel and students to access information and publish research activities using an [[|open notebook science]] based system. The Roberts Lab is in the [[|School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences]] within the [[|College of Environment]] at the [[|University of Washington]]. More information can be found concerning [[|research]], [[|personnel]], and [[|outreach]] on the **[[@|Roberts Lab Official Webpage]]**. ---- =Lab Notebooks= [[image: width="117" height="115" align="left"]]**Steven Roberts** //into IPython// [[@|notebook]] [[|rss]] bb **[[image: width="121" height="124" align="left"]]Sam White** //keeping it real// [[@|notebook]] [[|rss]] [[image: width="122" height="124" align="left"]]**Claire Olson** //larval methylation// [[@|notebook]] [[|rss]] bb [[image: width="127" height="120" align="left"]]**Jake Heare** //Oly oysters// [[@|notebook]] [[@|rss]] [[image: width="125" height="111" align="left"]]**Jay Dimond** //Corals// [[@|notebook]] [[|rss]] [[image: width="119" height="140" align="left"]]**Katie Jackson** //satellites and sleep// [[@genefish/Katie's Notebook|notebook]] rss bb [[image: width="123" height="113" align="left"]]**Grace Crandall** //clam reproduction// [[@genefish/Grace's Notebook|notebook]] [[|rss]] [[image: width="128" height="130" align="left"]]**Jonathan Allen** //Sees seapens// [[@genefish/Jonathan's Notebook|notebook]] [[@|rss]] bb **Mrunmayee Shete** [[|notebook]] [[|rss]] ---- ==Laboratory Reference Material[[image:web.jpg width="285" height="349" align="right" caption="Roberts Lab Website" link="@"]]== * **[[@|Data and Resource Sharing Plan]]** * [[protocols|Laboratory Protocols]] * [[ICE|Emergency Contact Information]] * [[UW_LabSafety|UW Lab Safety Manual]] * [[Code Repository]] * [[UW_Biosafety|UW Biosafety Manual]] * [[|Chemical Inventory]] > ==Lab Activity and Communication== * [[Lab Meetings]] * [[IPUS|IPUS: Information for Prospective Undergraduate Students]] * [[calendar|Lab Calendar]] ==Data Repositories== * **[[|The Eagle]]** * [[CLC_Server|CLC Genomics Server]] (password protected) * [[|Primer Database]] * [[|NGS Library Info]] * [[crassostreome]] * [[@|UW HTSEQ]] (gyccaiMS) * [[|Proposal Database]] ==Purchasing and Acquisitions== * [[GTD|Order Request Form]] (GTD) * [[|IDT]] (UW Interface) * [[|UW Biochem Stores]] ---- [[media type="googleplusone" key="" width="405" height="21" align="left"]] [[media type="custom" key="2020724"]][[media type="custom" key="9796700"]]