WARNING: cut_by_quality5 is deprecated, please use cut_front instead. Detecting adapter sequence for read1... AAGAACGTCAGTGTTTCCTGCGCGTACACGCAAGGTAAACGCGAACAATTCAGCGGCTTT Read1 before filtering: total reads: 3599537 total bases: 518333328 Q20 bases: 502741459(96.9919%) Q30 bases: 482524791(93.0916%) Read1 after filtering: total reads: 3556674 total bases: 510249068 Q20 bases: 495883741(97.1846%) Q30 bases: 476162145(93.3196%) Filtering result: reads passed filter: 3556674 reads failed due to low quality: 10251 reads failed due to too many N: 4754 reads failed due to too short: 27858 reads with adapter trimmed: 53612 bases trimmed due to adapters: 5074456 Duplication rate (may be overestimated since this is SE data): 69.8473% JSON report: CypressIslandWA_FG109.json HTML report: CypressIslandWA_FG109.html fastp -i CypressIslandWA_FG109.F.fq.gz -o CypressIslandWA_FG109.R1.fq.gz --cut_by_quality5 20 --cut_by_quality3 20 --cut_window_size 5 --cut_mean_quality 15 -q 15 -u 50 -j CypressIslandWA_FG109.json -h CypressIslandWA_FG109.html fastp v0.20.0, time used: 33 seconds