Alignment Stats
Sequence pairs analysed in total |
39675229 |
Paired-end alignments with a unique best hit |
15280432 |
Pairs without alignments under any condition |
20537283 |
Pairs that did not map uniquely |
3857514 |
Genomic sequence context not extractable (edges of chromosomes) |
685 |
Cytosine Methylation
Total C's analysed |
541472367 |
Methylated C's in CpG context |
8318708 |
Methylated C's in CHG context |
431809 |
Methylated C's in CHH context |
1705670 |
Methylated C's in Unknown context |
3697 |
Unmethylated C's in CpG context |
61834458 |
Unmethylated C's in CHG context |
96009612 |
Unmethylated C's in CHH context |
373172110 |
Unmethylated C's in Unknown context |
370042 |
Percentage methylation (CpG context) |
11.9% |
Percentage methylation (CHG context) |
0.4% |
Percentage methylation (CHH context) |
0.5% |
Methylated C's in Unknown context |
N/A% |
Alignment to Individual Bisulfite Strands
OT |
3852890 |
original top strand |
3784475 |
complementary to original top strand |
3787300 |
complementary to original bottom strand |
OB |
3855082 |
original bottom strand |
Alignments analysed |
15279747 |
Unique alignments |
13580699 |
Duplicates removed |
1699048 |
Duplicated alignments were found at 1517509 different positions |
Cytosine Methylation after Extraction
Total C's analysed |
319217422 |
Methylated C's in CpG context |
4796647 |
Methylated C's in CHG context |
251840 |
Methylated C's in CHH context |
1001795 |
Unmethylated C's in CpG context |
36244726 |
Unmethylated C's in CHG context |
56117649 |
Unmethylated C's in CHH context |
220804765 |
Percentage methylation (CpG context) |
11.7% |
Percentage methylation (CHG context) |
0.4% |
Percentage methylation (CHH context) |
0.5% |
M-Bias Plot