From version 0.917 i updated to binary theta files. This files describe and compare the two formats. [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make clean HTSSRC not defined, assuming systemwide installation -lhts rm -rf test/sfstest/output test/tajima/output test/*.log version.h test/temp.txt rm -f *.o *.d angsd angsd.static version.h *~ ^[[Amake -C misc/ clean HTSSRC not defined, assuming systemwide installation -lhts make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fvr124/angsd/misc' rm -f *.o supersim emOptim emOptim2 msToGlf thetaStat smartCount realSFS printIcounts contamination spitgl NGSadmix splitgl *~ make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fvr124/angsd/misc' [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make HTSSRC=../hts &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make test &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ rm test/tajima/outputOld/ rm: cannot remove ‘test/tajima/outputOld/’: Is a directory [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ rm -rf test/tajima/outputOld/ [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ mv test/tajima/output test/tajima/outputOld [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ git checkout safglAsLog Switched to branch 'safglAsLog' [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make clean &>/dev/null;make HTSSRC=../hts &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make test &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ rm -rf test/tajima/outputNew/ [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ mv test/tajima/output test/tajima/outputNew [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ git diff [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ grep tts abcSaf.cpp int tts=0; tts += prior[i]; prior[i] = log(prior[i]/tts); [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ emacs -nw abcSaf.cpp [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ git commit -a -m "changed int to double to avoid int overfload" [safglAsLog c2fe5d9] changed int to double to avoid int overfload 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make HTSSRC=../hts &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ make test &>/dev/null [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ rm -rf test/tajima/outputNew/ [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ mv test/tajima/output test/tajima/outputNew [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cd test [fvr124@zl08368 test]$ ../misc/thetaStat print tajima/outputNew/norm.thetas.idx >/tmp/;../misc/thetaStat print tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx >/tmp/ Assuming binfile:tajima/outputNew/norm.thetas.gz and indexfile:tajima/outputNew/norm.thetas.idx Information from index file: 0 1 264256 8 40 pc.chr=1 pc.nSites=264256 pc.nChr=40 firstpos=1 lastpos=264256 Assuming binfile:tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.gz and indexfile:tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx Information from index file: 0 1 264256 8 20 pc.chr=1 pc.nSites=264256 pc.nChr=20 firstpos=1 lastpos=264256 b<-read.table("/tmp/") a<-read.table("tajima/outputOld/norm.thetas.gz") table(a[,1:2]!=b[,1:2]) FALSE 528512 a<-exp(a[,-c(1:2)]) b<-exp(b[,-c(1:2)]) range(abs(a-b)) [1] 0.000000e+00 1.949447e-06 colSums(a);colSums(b) V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 62119.94 55291.98 69243.38 98842.39 77067.18 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 62119.94 55291.98 69243.38 98842.39 77067.18 b<-read.table("/tmp/") a<-read.table("tajima/outputOld/fold.thetas.gz") table(a[,1:2]!=b[,1:2]) FALSE 528512 a<-exp(a[,-c(1:2)]) b<-exp(b[,-c(1:2)]) range(abs(a-b)) > range(abs(a-b)) [1] 0.000000e+00 5.127061e-07 colSums(b);colSums(a) # full comparison: git checkout safglAsLog; make clean;make HTSSRC=../hts seq 22 >rf;ls ../smallBam/*.bam >list ./angsd -b list -rf rf -anc ../hg19ancNoChr.fa.gz -gl 1 -dosaf 1 -out new.forprior ./misc/realSFS new.forprior.saf.idx -seed 8 > ./angsd -b list -rf rf -anc ../hg19ancNoChr.fa.gz -gl 1 -dosaf 1 -out new -dothetas 1 -pest ./misc/thetaStat print new.thetas.idx >new.thetas.txt git checkout master; make clean;make HTSSRC=../hts ./angsd -b list -rf rf -anc ../hg19ancNoChr.fa.gz -gl 1 -dosaf 1 -out old.forprior ./misc/realSFS old.forprior.saf.idx -seed 8 > ./angsd -b list -rf rf -anc ../hg19ancNoChr.fa.gz -gl 1 -dosaf 1 -out old -dothetas 1 -pest cmp > a<-read.table("old.) old.arg old.forprior.saf.idx old.thetas.gz old.forprior.arg old.forprior.saf.gz old.forprior.saf.pos.gz > a<-read.table("old.thetas.gz") > b<-read.table("new.thetas.txt") table(a[,1:2]!=b[,1:2]) FALSE 3334150 a<-exp(a[,-c(1:2)]) b<-exp(b[,-c(1:2)]) range(abs(a-b)) [1] 0.000000e+00 1.837356e-06 colSums(b);colSums(a) V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 1154.2414 1478.2943 657.5712 1852.3295 1665.3119 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 1154.2414 1478.2943 657.5712 1852.3295 1665.3119 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cat test/tajima/outputOld/norm.thetas.gz.pestPG #(indexStart,indexStop)(firstPos_withData,lastPos_withData)(WinStart,WinStop) Chr WinCenter tW tP tF tH tL Tajima fuf fud fayh zeng nSites (0,264255)(1,264256)(0,264256) 1 132128 62119.700924 55291.469137 69243.382862 98841.971147 77066.720164 -0.414251 -0.423020 -0.296850 -0.562553 0.195683 264255 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cat test/tajima/outputNew/norm.thetas.idx.pestPG #(indexStart,indexStop)(firstPos_withData,lastPos_withData)(WinStart,WinStop) Chr WinCenter tW tP tF tH tL Tajima fuf fud fayh zeng nSites (0,264255)(1,264256)(0,264256) 1 132128 62119.686074 55291.469147 69243.382919 98841.971148 77066.720148 -0.414250 -0.423020 -0.296850 -0.562553 0.195683 264255 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cat test/tajima/outputOld/fold.thetas.gz.pestPG #(indexStart,indexStop)(firstPos_withData,lastPos_withData)(WinStart,WinStop) Chr WinCenter tW tP tF tH tL Tajima fuf fud fayh zeng nSites (0,264255)(1,264256)(0,264256) 1 132128 62121.313815 55291.849810 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.414315 1.676397 2.588579 0.714201 -0.813258 264255 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cat test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx.pestPG #(indexStart,indexStop)(firstPos_withData,lastPos_withData)(WinStart,WinStop) Chr WinCenter tW tP tF tH tL Tajima fuf fud fayh zeng nSites (0,264255)(1,264256)(0,264256) 1 132128 62121.299219 55291.849749 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.461508 1.632640 2.294013 0.888461 -1.098844 264255 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ Difference in pestPG is explained by the -nChr set to 40 instead of 20 in the old fold: [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ ./misc/thetaStat do_stat test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx -nChr 40 Assuming binfile:test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.gz and indexfile:test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx Information from index file: 0 1 264256 8 20 -r=(null) outnames=(null) step: 0 win: 0 Winsize equals zero or step size equals zero. Will use entire chromosome as window pc.chr=1 pc.nSites=264256 firstpos=1 lastpos=264256 nChr:40 Dumping file: "test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx.pestPG" [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$ cat test/tajima/outputNew/fold.thetas.idx.pestPG #(indexStart,indexStop)(firstPos_withData,lastPos_withData)(WinStart,WinStop) Chr WinCenter tW tP tF tH tL Tajima fuf fud fayh zeng nSites (0,264255)(1,264256)(0,264256) 1 132128 62121.299219 55291.849749 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.414314 1.676398 2.588579 0.714201 -0.813258 264255 [fvr124@zl08368 angsd]$