This notebook will utilize gffread (Pertea and Pertea 2020) to create an A.pulchras GTF file from the A.pulchra genome GFF, which is needed for downstream analysis with HISAT2; specifically for identification of exons and splice sites.
This allows usage of Bash variables across R Markdown chunks.
echo "#### Assign Variables ####"
echo ""
echo "# Data directories"
echo 'export timeseries_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/sam/gitrepos/urol-e5/timeseries_molecular'
echo 'export genome_dir="${timeseries_dir}/D-Apul/data"'
echo 'export output_dir_top=${timeseries_dir}/D-Apul/output/02.00-D-Apul-RNAseq-gff-to-gtf'
echo ""
echo "# Input/output files"
echo 'export genome_gff="${genome_dir}/Apulchra-genome.gff"'
echo 'export transcripts_gtf="Apulchra-genome.gtf"'
echo "# Paths to programs"
echo 'export programs_dir="/home/shared"'
echo 'export gffread="${programs_dir}/gffread-0.12.7.Linux_x86_64/gffread"'
echo "# Set number of CPUs to use"
echo 'export threads=40'
echo ""
echo "# Programs associative array"
echo "declare -A programs_array"
echo "programs_array=("
echo '[gffread]="${gffread}" \'
echo ")"
echo ""
echo "# Print formatting"
echo 'export line="--------------------------------------------------------"'
echo ""
} > .bashvars
cat .bashvars
#### Assign Variables ####
# Data directories
export timeseries_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/sam/gitrepos/urol-e5/timeseries_molecular
export genome_dir="${timeseries_dir}/D-Apul/data"
export output_dir_top=${timeseries_dir}/D-Apul/output/02.00-D-Apul-RNAseq-gff-to-gtf
# Input/output files
export genome_gff="${genome_dir}/Apulchra-genome.gff"
export transcripts_gtf="Apulchra-genome.gtf"
# Paths to programs
export programs_dir="/home/shared"
export gffread="${programs_dir}/gffread-0.12.7.Linux_x86_64/gffread"
# Set number of CPUs to use
export threads=40
# Programs associative array
declare -A programs_array
[gffread]="${gffread}" \
# Print formatting
export line="--------------------------------------------------------"
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Make directories, if they don't exist
mkdir --parents "${output_dir_top}"
head -n 20 "${genome_gff}"
##gff-version 3
ntLink_0 funannotate gene 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001;
ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1;Parent=FUN_000001;product=hypothetical protein;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1105 1188 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon1;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1861 1941 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon2;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 2762 2839 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon3;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 5044 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon4;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1105 1188 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1861 1941 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 2762 2839 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 5044 7056 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate gene 10215 15286 . + . ID=FUN_000002;
ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 10215 15286 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1;Parent=FUN_000002;product=hypothetical protein;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 10215 10413 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon1;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 10614 10676 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon2;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 11272 11316 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon3;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 11518 11591 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon4;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 12241 12501 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon5;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 13074 14383 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon6;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 14722 14900 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1.exon7;Parent=FUN_000002-T1;
This identifies if there are rows with >9 fields (which there shouldn’t be in a GFF3).
Additionally, it provides a preview of all rows lengths identified.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Capture number of fields (NF) in each row in array.
field_count_array=($(awk -F "\t" '{print NF}' "${genome_gff}" | sort --unique))
# Check array contents
echo "List of number of fields in ${genome_gff}:"
echo ""
for field_count in "${field_count_array[@]}"
echo "${field_count}"
echo ""
echo "${line}"
echo ""
# Preview of each line "type" with a given number of fields
# Check array contents
echo ""
for field_count in "${field_count_array[@]}"
echo "Preview of lines with ${field_count} field(s):"
echo ""
awk \
-v field_count="${field_count}" \
-F "\t" \
'NF == field_count' \
"${genome_gff}" \
| head
echo ""
echo "${line}"
echo ""
List of number of fields in /home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/sam/gitrepos/urol-e5/timeseries_molecular/D-Apul/data/Apulchra-genome.gff:
Preview of lines with 1 field(s):
##gff-version 3
Preview of lines with 9 field(s):
ntLink_0 funannotate gene 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001;
ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1;Parent=FUN_000001;product=hypothetical protein;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1105 1188 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon1;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1861 1941 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon2;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 2762 2839 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon3;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 5044 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon4;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1105 1188 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1861 1941 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 2762 2839 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 5044 7056 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
Great! This looks like a valid GFF. Can proceed with GTF generation.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
${programs_array[gffread]} -E \
"${genome_gff}" -T \
1> ${output_dir_top}/"${transcripts_gtf}" \
2> ${output_dir_top}/gffread-gff_to_gtf.stderr
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
head ${output_dir_top}/"${transcripts_gtf}"
ntLink_0 funannotate transcript 1105 7056 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001"
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1105 1188 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1861 1941 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 2762 2839 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate exon 5044 7056 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1105 1188 . + 0 transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1861 1941 . + 0 transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 2762 2839 . + 0 transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 5044 7056 . + 0 transcript_id "FUN_000001-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000001";
ntLink_0 funannotate transcript 10215 15286 . + . transcript_id "FUN_000002-T1"; gene_id "FUN_000002"
To help make this easier to locate, will copy to the D-Apul/data
directory, which also contains
the genome FastA, genome FastA index, and the genome GFF files.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
cp ${output_dir_top}/"${transcripts_gtf}" "${genome_dir}"