--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: Daily Bits - May 2023 date: '2023-05-02 08:31' tags: - daily bits categories: - 2023 - Daily Bits --- 20230517 - Spent the day reorganizing, renaming, and documenting the E5 coral RNA/sRNA-seq data. 20230516 - Spent _all day_ (seriously!) getting E5 coral RNA-seq data downloaded from Azenta via sFTP. SUPER ANNOYING! 20230515 - Read Ch.6 of "Invisible Women" - Lab meeting - Discussed Ch.6 of "Invisible Women" - Helped out Olivia [with her RStudio Server issue](https://github.com/RobertsLab/resources/issues/1651) - Downloaded Hollie Putnam coral sRNA-seq data from Azenta project 30-852430235. - Download option is over sFTP, which constantly hangs. Requires constant monitoring and reconnecting/downloading. Very annoying. - CEABIGR meeting - Not too much, as Steven and I discussed bisulfite SNP stuff on Friday at Science Hour. No Yaamini this week, so not much to talk about. Plus, Steven was at the hatchery. 20230512 - Continued tweaking containerization testing. - Science Hour - Steven at the hatchery. 20230511 - Pub-a-thon - Discussed bisulfite SNP analysis in more detail. `EpiDiverse/snp` pipeline might not be identifying `C > T` SNPs like we want... Or, _is_ that what we want?? Turns out `EpiDiverse/snp` masks bisulfite conversions to allow for "normal" SNP analysis without the confounding factor of bisulfite conversions... - Worked on containerization. 20230510 - Spent most of the day thinking/messing around with bisulfite SNP calls. Even [started a GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/RobertsLab/resources/discussions/1649). 20230509 - Ordered a bunch of stuff for Ariana. - Messed around with understanding bisulfite SNP calls using `bcftools`. 20230508 - [Installed `ngsTools` on Raven.](https://github.com/RobertsLab/resources/issues/1645) (GitHub Issue) - Lab Meeting - Chris discussed eDNA project for the summer course she's running. - CEABIGR meeting: - Discussed/examined how to convert VCF to GLF (genome likelihood file). - Submitted E5 _P.verrucosa_ Hisat2/StringTie/lncRNA script using older version of StringTie to avoid segmentation fault. 20230502 - Helped reset a hanging [Rstudio Server session which Celeste was having an issue with](https://github.com/course-fish546-2023/assistance-public/issues/6). - Wrote up a few notebook entries. - Finished [Pacific geoduck (_Panopea generosa_)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoduck) lncRNA identification.