--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: Data Received - C.gigas Diploid-Triploid pH Treatments Ctenidia WGBS from ZymoResearch date: '2020-12-05 14:06' tags: - wgbs - BSseq - bisuflite - Crassostrea gigas - Pacific oyster - triploid - diploid - pH - Hawes categories: - 2020 - Data Received --- Today we received the whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) from the [24 _C.gigas_ diploid-triploid samples subjected to different pH that were submitted 20200824](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2020/2020-08-24-Sample-Submitted---C.gigas-Diploid-Triploid-pH-Treatments-Ctenidia-to-ZymoResearch-for-WGBS/). The lengthy turnaround time was due to a bad lot of reagents, which forced them Zymo to find a different manufacturer in order to generate libraries. Sequencing consisted of WGBS 150bp paired end (PE) reads for each library. All files were downloaded to the [`C_gigas` folder on Owl](https://owl.fish.washington.edu/nightingales/C_gigas/)(Synology server). MD5 checksums were confirmed: ![screencap of md5 checksum verification](https://github.com/RobertsLab/sams-notebook/blob/master/images/screencaps/20201205_cgig_md5-verification_zr3644-fastqs.png?raw=true) Principal spreadsheet for this project was updated (Google Sheet): - [20200816_hawaii_ploidy_samples](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wd0iHe78s_1u7NYa9HUlRIOX59QpAtXA/view?usp=sharing) Have added files to our high-throughput sequencing database (Google Sheet): - [nightingales](http://b.link/nightingales) Next up: - [`FastQC`](https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/) - Submit to NCBI sequence read archive (SRA). | Zymo_ID | Sample_ID | Ploidy | pH_treatment | |-----------|-----------|----------|--------------| | zr3644_1 | 2N_HI_5 | diploid | high | | zr3644_2 | 2N_HI_8 | diploid | high | | zr3644_3 | 2N_HI_9 | diploid | high | | zr3644_4 | 2N_HI_10 | diploid | high | | zr3644_5 | 2N_HI_11 | diploid | high | | zr3644_6 | 2N_HI_12 | diploid | high | | zr3644_7 | 2N_LOW_1 | diploid | low | | zr3644_8 | 2N_LOW_2 | diploid | low | | zr3644_9 | 2N_LOW_3 | diploid | low | | zr3644_10 | 2N_LOW_4 | diploid | low | | zr3644_11 | 2N_LOW_5 | diploid | low | | zr3644_12 | 2N_LOW_6 | diploid | low | | zr3644_13 | 3N_HI_2 | triploid | high | | zr3644_14 | 3N_HI_3 | triploid | high | | zr3644_15 | 3N_HI_5 | triploid | high | | zr3644_16 | 3N_HI_8 | triploid | high | | zr3644_17 | 3N_HI_10 | triploid | high | | zr3644_18 | 3N_HI_11 | triploid | high | | zr3644_19 | 3N_LOW_6 | triploid | low | | zr3644_20 | 3N_LOW_7 | triploid | low | | zr3644_21 | 3N_LOW_8 | triploid | low | | zr3644_22 | 3N_LOW_10 | triploid | low | | zr3644_23 | 3N_LOW_11 | triploid | low | | zr3644_24 | 3N_LOW_12 | triploid | low |