--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: Sample Submission - M.magister MBD BSseq Libraries for MiSeq at NOAA date: '2020-12-02 09:13' tags: - Metacarcinus magister - MiSeq - NOAA - MBD - BSseq - Dungeness crab categories: - 2020 - Samples Submitted --- [Earlier today I quantified the libraries with the Qubit](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2020/2020-12-02-Library-Quantification---M.magister-MBD-BSseq-Libraries-with-Qubit/) in preparation for sample pooling and sequencing. Before performing a full sequencing run, Mac wanted to select a subset of the libraries based on the experimental treatments to have an equal representation of samples. She also wanted to do a quick run on the MiSeq at NOAA to evaluate how well libraries map and to make sure libraries appear to be sequencing at relatively equal levels. I created 4nM aliquots of all samples, using the average fragment length calculated by the Bioanalyzer region setting I created. The formula for determining molarity from concentration is: Sample_Nameconcentration(ng/uL) * (660(g/mole/bp) * frag_len(bp))-1 * 1000000(uL/L) = molarity(nM) After creating 4nM aliquots, I combined 1uL from each aliquot (per Mac's typical procedure) and gave the pooled libraries to Mac to sequence at NOAA. The following samples are those that were _not_ used in the library pool: - `CH05-26` - `CH09-11` - `CH09-29` - `CH10-19` All these library calculations are in the principal spreadsheet for this project: - [OA Crab Sample Collection 071119](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ym0XnYVts98tIUCn0kIaU6VuvqxzV7LoSx9RHwLdiIs/edit#gid=1430155532) (Google Sheet) - Specific columns: - `qubit_concentration(ng/uL)` - `qubit_molarity(nM)` - `library_4nM_Vi(uL)`: Library volume needed for 4nM in 25uL aliquot. - `library_4nM_Vf(uL)`: Final volume of library aliquot (25uL). - `library_4nM_Cf(nM)`: Final concentration of library aliquot (4nM). - `library_4nM_H2O(uL)`: Water needed to bring aliquot to 25uL. Additional details are available in this GitHub repo: - [project-dungeness-crab](https://github.com/RobertsLab/project-dungeness-crab)