--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: Data Wrangling - Subsetting cbai_genome_v1.0 Assembly with faidx date: '2020-09-23 11:17' tags: - faidx - Tanner crab - Chionoecetes bairdi categories: - 2020 - Miscellaneous --- [Previously assembled `cbai_genome_v1.0.fasta` with our NanoPore Q7 reads on 20200917](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2020/2020-09-17-Genome-Assembly---C.bairdi---cbai_v1.0---Using-All-NanoPore-Data-With-Flye-on-Mox/) and noticed that there were numerous sequences that were well shorter than the expected 500bp threshold that the assembler ([Flye](https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye)) was supposed to spit out. I [created an Issue on the Flye GitHub page](https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye/issues/304) to find out why. The developer responded and determined it was an issue with the assembly polisher and that sequences <500bp could be safely ignored. So, I've decided to subset the `cbai_genome_v1.0.fasta` to exclude all sequences <1000bp, as that seems like a more reasonable minimum length for potential genes. I did not run this in a Jupyter Notebook, due to the brevity of the commands. Here are the commands, using [```faidx```](https://github.com/mdshw5/pyfaidx): #### >1kbp subsetting ``` faidx --size-range 1000,1000000000 cbai_genome_v1.0.fasta > cbai_genome_v1.01.fasta ``` #### Index new FastA ``` faidx Pgenerosa_v071.fasta ``` ```shell samb@mephisto:~/data/C_bairdi/genomes$ sort -nk2,2 cbai_genome_v1.01.fasta.fai | head contig_4272 1000 15642836 60 61 contig_4503 1000 16422183 60 61 contig_4429 1001 16145927 60 61 contig_1038 1002 230201 60 61 contig_1691 1005 1716551 60 61 contig_2992 1005 7322005 60 61 contig_3284 1006 9674445 60 61 contig_1810 1008 2050977 60 61 contig_408 1008 15069716 60 61 contig_1616 1009 1549839 60 61 ``` Subsetting looks like it worked. Looking at sequence counts in FastAs: ```shell samb@mephisto:~/data/C_bairdi/genomes$ for file in *.fasta; do grep --with-filename -c ">" $file; done cbai_genome_v1.01.fasta:2431 cbai_genome_v1.0.fasta:3294 ``` --- #### MD5 checksums `5a08d8b0651484e3ff75fcf032804596 cbai_genome_v1.01.fasta` --- Any future work with _C.bairdi_ genome assemblies will be with `cbai_genome_v1.01.fasta` (until a better assembly comes along). All files were copied to our [genomic databank](http://owl.fish.washington.edu/halfshell/genomic-databank/) on Owl. See our [Genomic Resources wiki (GitHub)](https://github.com/RobertsLab/resources/wiki/Genomic-Resources) for a more concise overview.