--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: RNA Isolation and Quantification - C.bairdi RNA from Hemolymph Pellets in RNAlater date: '2020-03-06 13:24' tags: - RNA isolation - RNA quantification - Qubit - 1x hsRNA assay - Tanner crab - Chionoecetes bairdi categories: - 2020 - Tanner Crab RNAseq --- Based on [qPCR results testing for residual gDNA from 20200225](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2020/2020-02-25-qPCR---C.bairdi-Primer-Tests-on-gDNA/), a set of 24 samples were identified that required DNase treatment and/or additional RNA. I opted to just isolate more RNA from all samples, since the kit includes a DNase step and avoids diluting the existing RNA using the Turbo DNA-free Kit that we usully use. Isolated RNA using the [Quick DNA/RNA Microprep Kit](https://github.com/RobertsLab/resources/blob/master/protocols/Commercial_Protocols/ZymoResearch_quick-dna-rna_microprep_plus_kit_20190411.pdf) (ZymoResearch; PDF) according to the manufacturer's protocol for liquids/cells in RNAlater. - Used 35uL from each RNAlater/hemocyte slurry. - Mixed with equal volume of H2O (35uL). - Retained DNA on the Zymo-Spin IC-XM columns for isolation after RNA isolation. - Performed on-column DNase step. - RNA was eluted in 15uL H2O RNA was quantified on the Roberts Lab Qubit 3.0 using the RNA High Sensitivity Assay (Invitrogen), using 2uL of each sample. --- # RESULTS Qubit results (Google Sheet): - [20200306_qubit_crab_RNA](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ODXr7Yp67XcuAZjZSgbF45fUC-EFrH6FYeEs_RNwPiI/edit?usp=sharing) Most samples have good yields. Only a few are a bit low. Will check all samples for residual gDNA.