--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: Data Management - Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Data from Genewiz Received date: '2019-04-08 12:37' tags: - Panopea generosa - geoduck - Pacific oyster - Crassostrea gigas - WGBS - BSseq - bisulfite categories: - 2019 - Miscellaneous --- Received the WGBS data from Genewiz that were [sent to Genewiz for whole genome bisulfite sequencing on 20190207](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2019/2019-02-07-Samples-Submitted---Robertos-C.gigas-DNA-for-Whole-Genome-Bisulfite-Sequencing-Genewiz/). These were from: - Roberto's _C.gigas_ samples | Sample_ID | Family | DNA_tube_label | |-----------|--------|----------------| | 0501 | 5 | 501 | | 3501 | 35 | 3501 | | 5201 | 52 | 5201 | | 5901 | 59 | 5901 | | 0502 | 5 | 5 3 A | | 3502 | 35 | 6 susc. 5 D3 | | 5202 | 52 | 52 4 A | | 5902 | 59 | 59 11B | | 0503 | 5 | 05 30 | | 3503 | 35 | 35 30 | | 5203 | 52 | 52 30 | | 5903 | 59 | 59 30 | - [Yaamini's _C.gigas_](https://yaaminiv.github.io/WGBS-Samples/) samples - [Shelly's _P.generosa_ samples](https://shellytrigg.github.io/38th-post/) Transferred data to [nightingales/C_gigas](http://owl.fish.washington.edu/nightingales/C_gigas/) or [nightingales/P_generosa](http://owl.fish.washington.edu/nightingales/P_generosa/) and verified MD5 checksums. Have added list of files to [nightingales spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_XqIOPVHSBVGscnjzDSWUeRL7HUHXfaHxVzec-I-8Xk/edit#gid=0)(Google Sheet). Also, of importance, are trimming guidelines for these sequences. [Hollie contacted Genewiz about their library prep](https://genefish.slack.com/archives/CD9M5LSFK/p1552084666004400) and learned they use the [Accel-NGS Methyl-Seq DNA Library Kit (Swift)](https://swiftbiosci.com/products/accel-ngs-methyl-seq-dna-library-kit/accel-ngs-methyl-seq-dna-library-kit/). Swift provides a [technical bulletin on trimming](https://swiftbiosci.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/16-0853-Tail-Trim-TN.pdf) and indicates the following: > Trimming 10 bases from the beginning of both R1 and R2 _following_ adapter trimming eliminates the majority of Adaptase tails. Here is Genewiz report: | Table 2.1 Sample Sequencing Statistics | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------|---------------|------------------|----------|----------------|--------------------|---------------| | | | | | | | | | GENEWIZ NGS Data Report | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Project | Sample ID | Barcode Sequence | # Reads | Yield (Mbases) | Mean Quality Score | % Bases >= 30 | | 30_183897003 | 0501 | CGATGT | 58488059 | 17547 | 35.42 | 81.73 | | 30_183897003 | 0502 | CAGATC | 54841476 | 16453 | 35.43 | 81.79 | | 30_183897003 | 0503 | ATGTCA | 52619991 | 15786 | 35.28 | 81.2 | | 30_183897003 | 3501 | TGACCA | 51618348 | 15486 | 35.58 | 82.35 | | 30_183897003 | 3502 | CTTGTA | 55001770 | 16500 | 35.54 | 82.17 | | 30_183897003 | 3503 | CCGTCC | 52440884 | 15732 | 34.94 | 80.05 | | 30_183897003 | 5201 | ACAGTG | 52914909 | 15874 | 35.69 | 82.72 | | 30_183897003 | 5202 | AGTCAA | 47529403 | 14259 | 35.48 | 81.98 | | 30_183897003 | 5203 | GTCCGC | 54386432 | 16316 | 35.08 | 80.52 | | 30_183897003 | 5901 | GCCAAT | 63659740 | 19098 | 35.42 | 81.74 | | 30_183897003 | 5902 | AGTTCC | 55420544 | 16626 | 35.43 | 81.8 | | 30_183897003 | 5903 | GTGAAA | 54173403 | 16252 | 37.06 | 88.07 | | 30_183897003 | Tank2-025-026 | GCCAAT | 66223383 | 19867 | 37.04 | 87.98 | | 30_183897003 | Tank3-15-16 | ACAGTG | 49500297 | 14850 | 36.96 | 87.73 | | 30_183897003 | YRVA | CGATGT | 67542867 | 20263 | 37.1 | 88.14 | | 30_183897003 | YRVL | TGACCA | 66590575 | 19977 | 37.05 | 87.99 |