--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left layout: post title: MBD Enrichment - C.virginica Sheared Mantle DNA from 20190306 date: '2019-03-11 15:21' tags: - Crassostrea virginica - mantle - eastern oyster - MBD - MethylMiner categories: - 2019 - Miscellaneous --- [Last week I performed MBD enrichment on 12 of the 24 Lotterhos _C.viriginica_ mantle DNA](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2019/2019-03-07-MBD-Enrichment-C.virginica-Sheared-Mantle-DNA-from-20190306/) on samples I had [sheared on 20190306](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/03/06/DNA-Shearing-and-Bioanalyzer-Lotterhos-C.virginica-Mantle-gDNA-from-2018114/). I proceeded with MBD enrichment using the MethylMiner Kit (Invitrogen) on the 12 remaining samples of the 24. I followed the manufacturer's protocol for input DNA >1ug - 10ug with the following modifications: - 2500ng of input DNA used - discarded washes post-DNA-binding - performed high-salt elution The full sample list and calculations are here (Google Sheet): - [Roberts_2017AdultExposureSampleInfo](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cDLmp6jKf37gnPTwHDR07dNt-t3_jzGE2TC2afagouM/edit?usp=sharing) Will proceed with ethanol precipitations of all 24 samples.