--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2017-12-12 22:06:41+00:00 layout: post slug: samples-submitted-pulverized-geoduck-tissues-to-illumina-for-more-10x-genomics-sequencing title: Samples Submitted - Pulverized Geoduck Tissues to Illumina for More 10x Genomics Sequencing categories: - 2017 - Geoduck Genome Sequencing - Samples Submitted tags: - geoduck - Illumina - Panopea generosa --- Continuing Illumina's generous efforts to use our geoduck samples to test out the robustness of their emerging sequencing technologies, they have requested we send them some more geoduck tissue so that they can try to isolate higher molecular weight DNA to complete the genome sequencing efforts using the 10x genomics sequencing platform. The [previous set of tissues sent](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2017/2017-11-21-samples-submitted-geoduck-tissues-to-illumina-for-more-10x-genomics-sequencing/) did not yield DNA with high enough molecular weight. This time, I pulverized ctenidia and foot tissues under liquid nitrogen with mortar and pestle, in hopes of improving the efficiency of the extraction process they're using. I sent pulverized tissue on dry ice. [Tissue was collected by Brent & Steven on 20150811](https://onsnetwork.org/halfshell/2015/08/11/big-day-big-clam/). FedEx tracking: [770975522511](https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&tracknumbers=770975522511&clienttype=ivshpalrt)