author: Sam White
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date: 2017-10-30 20:46:39+00:00
layout: post
slug: software-installation-pb-jelly-suite-and-blasr-on-emu
title: Software Installation - PB Jelly Suite and Blasr on Emu
- 2017
- Miscellaneous
- blasr
- emu
- PacBio
- pbjelly
I followed along with what [Sean previously did when installing on Emu](https://genefish.wordpress.com/2017/04/06/pbjelly-pt-2/), but it appears he didn't install it in the shared location to make it accessible to all users. So, I'm installing it in the `/home/shared/` directory.
### First, I need to install legacy blasr from PacBio:
Installed in
cd /home/shared
git clone https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pitchfork.git
cd pitchfork
git checkout legacy_blasr
make init PREFIX=/home/shared
make blasr PREFIX=/home/shared
Ran into this error:
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/shared/pitchfork/ports/thirdparty/zlib'
make -C ports/thirdparty/hdf5 do-install
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/shared/pitchfork/ports/thirdparty/hdf5'
/home/shared/pitchfork/bin/pitchfork fetch --url https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8.16/src/hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz
fetching https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8.16/src/hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz
tar zxf hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz -C /home/shared/pitchfork/workspace
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Makefile:23: recipe for target '/home/shared/pitchfork/workspace/hdf5-1.8.16' failed
make[1]: *** [/home/shared/pitchfork/workspace/hdf5-1.8.16] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/shared/pitchfork/ports/thirdparty/hdf5'
Makefile:211: recipe for target 'hdf5' failed
make: *** [hdf5] Error 2
Luckily, I came across [this GitHub Issue that addresses this exact problem.](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pitchfork/issues/289)
I found the functional URL and downloaded the [hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz file](https://hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.16/src/hdf5-1.8.16.tar.gz) to `pitchfork/ports/thirdparty/hdf5`. Re-ran `make blasr PREFIX=/home/shared` and things proceeded without issue. As [Sean noted, this part takes a long time.](https://genefish.wordpress.com/2017/04/06/pbjelly-pt-2/)
Load the setup-env.sh (this is located here: `/home/shared/pitchfork/setup-env.sh`
source setup-env.sh
Blasr install is complete!
### Then, install networkx v1.1, [per the PB Jelly documentation](https://sourceforge.net/p/pb-jelly/wiki/Home/):
`python pip -m install networkx==1.1`
### On to PB Jelly!
Edited the `setup.sh` file and entered in the path to the PB Jelly install on Emu (`/home/shared/PBSuite_15.8.24/`):
[code lang=text]
#If you use a virtual env - source it here
#source /hgsc_software/PBSuite/pbsuiteVirtualEnv/bin/activate
#This is the path where you've install the suite.
export SWEETPATH=/home/shared/PBSuite_15.8.24
#for python modules
#for executables
Test it out with the test data:
1. Edit the following file to reflect the paths on Emu to find this test data: `/home/shared/PBSuite_15.8.24/docs/jellyExample/Protocol.xml`
/home/shared/PBSuite_15.8.24/docs/jellyExample/data/reference/lambda.fasta/home/shared/PBSuite_15.8.24/docs/jellyExample/-minMatch 8 -minPctIdentity 70 -bestn 1 -nCandidates 20 -maxScore -500 -nproc 4 -noSplitSubreadsfiltered_subreads.fastq
I went through all the stages of the test data and got through it successfully. Seems ready to roll!