--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2017-07-03 20:51:10+00:00 layout: post slug: manuscript-re-submission-oly-stress-response-to-peerj-for-review title: Manuscript Re-submission - Oly Stress Response to PeerJ for Review categories: - 2017 - Miscellaneous tags: - manuscript - olympia oyster - Ostrea lurida - PeerJ --- [Last August, we made our initial submission of this paper](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2016/2016-08-18-manuscript-submission-oly-stress-response-to-peerj-for-review/) to [PeeJ](https://peerj.com/). Today, we re-submitted the revised manuscript. The [repo for this paper is here.](https://github.com/RobertsLab/paper-Olurida-gene) I've also submitted an updated pre-print. I will update this post when it is publicly accessible (it has to be approved by PeerJ staff before it becomes public). UPDATE 20170703 - Updated pre-print is now available: [https://peerj.com/preprints/1595/](https://peerj.com/preprints/1595/)