--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2016-06-15 16:57:36+00:00 layout: post slug: samples-received-coral-dna-from-jose-m-eirin-lopez-florida-international-university title: Samples Received - Coral DNA from Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (Florida International University) categories: - 2016 - Samples Received tags: - coral - DNA --- Steven received these coral DNA samples today. Here's his post on Google Plus (stored @ 4C in FTR 213): ![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-89eeYS4d_qs/V2HnaJnHCFI/AAAAAAABjmE/l3mqY5UR1AYTVyHTd5tZSq3Wny3VMihFgCL0B/w671-h894-no/ef7e3a62-b96a-43e5-875e-cc08e766927b)(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-89eeYS4d_qs/V2HnaJnHCFI/AAAAAAABjmE/l3mqY5UR1AYTVyHTd5tZSq3Wny3VMihFgCL0B/w671-h894-no/ef7e3a62-b96a-43e5-875e-cc08e766927b) Here's the email from Jose describing the samples: "Dear Steven, the coral DNA samples were sent today by my student Javier (cc'ed here) to your lab. Here's an excel attached with info for the samples including concentration and treatment of the coral from which they were extracted (N, nitrogen; NP, nitrogen+phosphorous; C, control). Please let us know when you get these in the lab so we know all is fine! thanks! Chema" Here's the spreadsheet he sent (renamed for easier identification later on - original file sent was title DNA Qbit readings), uploaded to Google Drive: [20160615_coral_DNA_Qbit_readings.xls](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZhwmJzR8TijgOp4GqLes80YiXgEIYyoRzLmt8GP0Ddk/edit?usp=sharing)