--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2015-11-14 00:27:24+00:00 layout: post slug: pcr-oly-rad-seq-prep-scale-pcr-2 title: PCR – Oly RAD-seq Prep Scale PCR categories: - 2015 - 2bRAD Library Tests for Sequencing at Genewiz - Olympia oyster reciprocal transplant tags: - barcodes - gel - ILL-BC1 - ILL-BC10 - ILL-BC2 - ILL-BC3 - ILL-BC4 - ILL-BC5 - ILL-BC6 - ILL-BC7 - ILL-BC8 - ILL-BC9 - ILL-HT1 - olympia oyster - Ostrea lurida - PCR - PTC-200 - Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase - RAD - RAD-seq --- Continuing with the RAD-seq library prep. [Following the Meyer Lab 2bRAD protocol](https://github.com/sr320/LabDocs/blob/master/protocols/External_Protocols/2bRAD_11Aug2015.pdf). [After determining the minimum number of PCR cycles to run to generate a visible, 166bp band on a gel yesterday](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2015/2015-11-13-pcr-oly-rad-seq-test-scale-pcr-4/), ran a full library “prep scale” PCR.
**REAGENT** **SINGLE REACTION (μL)** **x11**
Template 40 NA
ILL-HT1 (1μM) 5 55
ILL-BC# (1μM) 5 NA
NanoPure H2O 5 55
dNTPs (1mM) 20 220
ILL-LIB1 (10μM) 2 22
ILL-LIB2 (10μM) 2 22
5x Q5 Reaction Buffer 20 220
Q5 DNA Polymerase 1 11
**TOTAL** **100** **550**
Combined the following for PCR reactions: * 55μL PCR master mix * 40μL ligation mix * 5μL of ILL-BC# (1μM) – The barcode number and the respective sample are listed below.
Oly RAD 02  1  CGTGAT
Oly RAD 03  2  ACATCG
Oly RAD 04  3  GCCTAA
Oly RAD 06  4  TGGTCA
Oly RAD 07  5  CACTGT
Oly RAD 08  6  ATTGGC
Oly RAD 14  7  GATCTG
Oly RAD 17  8  TCAAGT
Oly RAD 23  9  CTGATC
Oly RAD 30 10 AAGCTA
Cycling was performed on a PTC-200 (MJ Research) with a heated lid:
**STEP** **TEMP (C)** **TIME (s)**
Initial Denaturation * 98 * 30
17 cycles * 98 * 60 * 72 * 5 * 20 * 10
After cycling, added 16μL of 6x loading dye to each sample. Loaded 10μL of ladder on each of the two gels. Results: ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sr320/LabDocs/master/protocols/Commercial_Protocols/ThermoFisher_OgeneRuler_DNA_Ladder_Mix_F100439.jpg)(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sr320/LabDocs/master/protocols/Commercial_Protocols/ThermoFisher_OgeneRuler_DNA_Ladder_Mix_F100439.jpg) ![](https://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_01.png)(http://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_01.png) ![](https://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_02.png)(http://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_02.png) ![](https://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_03.png)(http://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_03.png) ![](https://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_04.png)(http://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/20151113_gel_oly_RAD_prep_PCR_04.png) Things looked fine. Excised the bands from each sample indicated by the green arrow. Before and after gel images show regions excised. Will purify the bands and quantify library yields.