--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2015-09-30 23:49:44+00:00 layout: post slug: restriction-digest-oly-gdna-for-rad-seq-walfi title: Restriction Digest - Oly gDNA for RAD-seq w/AlfI categories: - 2015 - 2bRAD Library Tests for Sequencing at Genewiz - Olympia oyster reciprocal transplant - Reagent Prep tags: - AlfI - gDNA - olympia oyster - Ostrea lurida - RAD-seq - restriction digestion --- Used a subset (10 samples) from [the _Ostrea lurida_ gDNA isolated 20150916](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/posts/2015/2015-09-16-dna-isolation-olympia-oyster-whole-body/) to prepare RAD libraries. This will be done to assess whether or not these samples, [which appear to be heavily degraded](https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2015/09/17/agarose-gel-olympia-oyster-whole-body-gdna-integrity-check/), are viable for RAD-seq. Followed the [2bRAD protocol (PDF) developed by Eli Meyer's lab](https://github.com/sr320/LabDocs/blob/master/protocols/External_Protocols/2bRAD_11Aug2015.pdf). Prepared 1.2μg of each of the following samples in a volume of 10μL: Google Sheet: [20150930_RADseq_DNA_calcs](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k8VtHUbHCHtXkKFj6296UqQK9wj3J5Q7lafTa7nRIv0/edit?usp=sharing) Prepared a 150μM working stock of the SAM buffer needed for the restriction digestion by diluting 30μL of the supplied stock (500μM) in 70μL NanoPure H2O (total volume = 100μL). This working stock was stored @ -20C in FTR 209 in the "RAD-seq Reagents" box. Prepared master mix for restriction enzyme reaction:
**REAGENT** | **SINGLE REACTION (μL)** | **x11** |
DNA | 8 | NA |
10x Buffer R | 1.2μL | 13.2μL |
150μM SAM | 0.8μL | 8.8μL |
AlfI | 0.5μL | 5.5μL |
H2O | 1.5μL | 16.5μL |