--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2010-07-01 04:54:55+00:00 layout: post slug: medip-sbwb-fragmented-gdna-from-20100625 title: MeDIP - SB/WB Fragmented gDNA (from 20100625) categories: - 2010 - Miscellaneous tags: - 5-mC monoclonal antibody cl. b - Crassostrea gigas - MeDIP - Pacific oyster - R37 - R51 --- After confirming proper fragmentation (~460bp average fragment size) via Bioanalyzer earlier today, began the MeDIP process. Brought fragmented DNA samples up to 350uL with TE. Heated samples @ 95C for 10mins, then incubated on ice 5mins. Added 100uL of 5x MeDIP Buffer (50mM Na2HPO4, 700mM NaCl, 0.25% Triton-X 100), 45uL of TE and 5uL (5ug) of anti-methyl cytidine antibody (Diagenode; 5-mC monoclonal antibody cl. b). Incubated O/N, 4C rotating.