--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2010-04-15 17:06:07+00:00 layout: post slug: epcr-solid-libraries-lake-trout-sisco-and-herring-go-hpws09-libraries-from-20100408 title: ePCR SOLiD Libraries - Lake Trout Sisco and Herring G/O HPWS09 libraries (from 20100408) categories: - 2010 - Miscellaneous tags: - 1 G/O HPWS09 - ePCR - lake trout - library prep - Pacific herring - Sisco - siscowet - SOLiD - SOLiD libraries --- ePCR was performed for the above three mentioned SOLiD libraries using 1.5pM (180 pg/uL) of cDNA, according to the ABI "full scale" ePCR protocol. ePCRs were stored @ 4C until ready for the emulsion breaking step. Amounts of cDNA used to make dilutions (in 1x Low TE Buffer) of 180pg/uL: Sisco (42.29 ng/uL): 2.13uL in 500uL HPWS09 (9.29 ng/uL): 1.94uL in 100uL