--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2009-07-11 16:49:11+00:00 layout: post slug: qpcr-abalone-gdnacdna title: qPCR - Abalone gDNA/cDNA categories: - 2009 - Miscellaneous tags: - black abalone - cDNA - gDNA - H.crach_h-1fg_intron - H.iris_actin_intron - Haliotis cracherodii - Immomix - Opticon2 - qPCR - SYTO13 --- Due to lack of amplification in gDNA samples from [20090710](/Sam%27s+Working+Notebook+Jun-Aug+2009#sjw20090710) and [20090708](/Sam%27s+Working+Notebook+Jun-Aug+2009#sjw20090708) with either set of intron primers, will repeat with additional gDNA samples to make sure the primers are the problem and not the gDNA. Used the H.iris_actin_intron_Fw/Rv and the H.crach_h-1fg_intron_Fw/Rv primers. [PCR setup/plate layout is here](https://eagle.fish.washington.edu/Arabidopsis/Notebook%20Workup%20Files/20090713-01.jpg). Anneal temp 50C. Results: Got a weak signal (C(t) ~ 37) in only the 06:50-9 rxns, but it did work with both primer sets.