--- author: Sam White toc-title: Contents toc-depth: 5 toc-location: left date: 2009-05-12 17:43:31+00:00 layout: post slug: dnase-treatment-rigorous-macs-gigas-rnare-dnased-rna-from-20090507-20090508-respectively title: DNase Treatment (Rigorous!) - Mac's gigas RNA/Re-DNased RNA from 20090507 & 20090508, respectively categories: - 2009 - PROPS tags: - BB - Crassostrea gigas - DH - DNase - Pacific oyster - RNA - Turbo DNA-free --- Followed the rigorous protocol for Ambion's Turbo DNA-free protocol for the following RNAs: BB#11-20 DH#11-20 Used 10ug of RNA (200ng/uL) in 50uL as directed. Here are the calcs for FF and DH. Followed standard protocol on DNased samples from [20090508](/Sam%27s+Working+Notebook+Jan-May+2009#sjw20090508): BB#1-10 DH#1-10 The standard protocol should be fine for these samples, since the procedure worked on Friday for some of them.