--- title: "12-DEG-enrich" author: "Steven Roberts" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: github_document: toc: true toc_depth: 3 number_sections: true html_preview: true html_document: theme: readable highlight: zenburn toc: true toc_float: true number_sections: true code_folding: show code_download: true editor_options: markdown: wrap: sentence --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(knitr) library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) library(DT) library(Biostrings) library(tm) library(pheatmap) library(DESeq2) knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, # Display code chunks eval = FALSE, # Evaluate code chunks warning = FALSE, # Hide warnings message = FALSE, # Hide messages fig.width = 6, # Set plot width in inches fig.height = 4, # Set plot height in inches fig.align = "center", # Align plots to the center comment = "" # Prevents appending '##' to beginning of lines in code output ) ``` DEG list ```{r, eval=TRUE} deglist <- read.csv("../output/10-hisat-deseq2/DEGlist.tab", sep = '\t', header = TRUE) deglist$RowName <- rownames(deglist) deglist2 <- deglist[, c("RowName", "pvalue")] # Optionally, reorder the columns ``` ```{r, eval=TRUE} head(deglist) ``` ```{r, evalue=TRUE} deglistID <- deglist %>% mutate(geneID = sub(".*\\|", "", RowName)) ``` ```{r, evalue=TRUE} head(deglistID) ``` 5061 DEGs Annotation of Cod ```{r, eval=TRUE} blast <- read.csv("../output/11-annotation/PcodRNA_uniprot_blastx.tab", sep = '\t', header = FALSE) ``` ```{r, eval=TRUE} head(blast) ``` ```{r, eval=true} rnatabID <- read.csv("../output/11-annotation/rnatabID.tab", sep = '\t', header = TRUE) ``` ```{r, evalue=true} head(rnatabID) ``` Count matrix ```{r, eval=true} gcm <- read.csv("../output/10-hisat-deseq2/gene_count_matrix.csv", sep = ',', header = TRUE) ``` ```{r, eval=true} head(gcm) ``` Join DEGList with cod annotation ```{r, eval=TRUE} degannot <- left_join(deglistID, rnatabID, by = "geneID") %>% select(geneID, V1, V2, padj) %>% left_join(blast, by = "V1") ```