title: "14-blast"
output: html_document
date: "2024-06-25"
Rmd to run BLAST on the _Pycnopodia helianthoides_ genome to annotate it and the DEG lists.
Will use the example code provided at [Roberts Lab - resources - bio-Annotation](https://robertslab.github.io/resources/bio-Annotation/)
Specifically: [https://robertslab.github.io/tusk/modules/04-blast.html](https://robertslab.github.io/tusk/modules/04-blast.html)
The genome fasta lives:
# Create Database
current_time <- format(Sys.time(), "%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S")
cat("current date and time is ", current_time)
cd ../data
curl -O https://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz
mv uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz uniprot_sprot_r2023_04.fasta.gz
gunzip -k uniprot_sprot_r2023_04.fasta.gz
make the database
mkdir ../blastdb
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/makeblastdb \
-in ../data/uniprot_sprot_r2023_04.fasta \
-dbtype prot \
-out ../blastdb/uniprot_sprot_r2023_01
# Query Fasta File
as noted above, it lives: `../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna`
head -3 ../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna
echo "How many sequences are there?"
grep -c ">" ../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna
1603 sequences
Read in the fasta file:
# Read FASTA file
fasta_file <- "../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna" # Replace with the name of your FASTA file
sequences <- readDNAStringSet(fasta_file)
# Calculate sequence lengths
sequence_lengths <- width(sequences)
# Create a data frame
sequence_lengths_df <- data.frame(Length = sequence_lengths)
# Plot histogram using ggplot2
ggplot(sequence_lengths_df, aes(x = Length)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, color = "grey", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.75) +
labs(title = "Histogram of Sequence Lengths",
x = "Sequence Length",
y = "Frequency") +
# Read FASTA file
fasta_file <- "../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna"
sequences <- readDNAStringSet(fasta_file)
# Calculate base composition
base_composition <- alphabetFrequency(sequences, baseOnly = TRUE)
# Convert to data frame and reshape for ggplot2
base_composition_df <- as.data.frame(base_composition)
base_composition_df$ID <- rownames(base_composition_df)
base_composition_melted <- reshape2::melt(base_composition_df, id.vars = "ID", variable.name = "Base", value.name = "Count")
# Plot base composition bar chart using ggplot2
ggplot(base_composition_melted, aes(x = Base, y = Count, fill = Base)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", color = "black") +
labs(title = "Base Composition",
x = "Base",
y = "Count") +
theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("A" = "green", "C" = "blue", "G" = "yellow", "T" = "red"))
# Read FASTA file
fasta_file <- "../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna"
sequences <- readDNAStringSet(fasta_file)
# Count CG motifs in each sequence
count_cg_motifs <- function(sequence) {
cg_motif <- "CG"
return(length(gregexpr(cg_motif, sequence, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]))
cg_motifs_counts <- sapply(sequences, count_cg_motifs)
# Create a data frame
cg_motifs_counts_df <- data.frame(CG_Count = cg_motifs_counts)
# Plot CG motifs distribution using ggplot2
ggplot(cg_motifs_counts_df, aes(x = CG_Count)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, color = "black", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.75) +
labs(title = "Distribution of CG Motifs",
x = "Number of CG Motifs",
y = "Frequency") +
# Run BLASTx
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/blastx \
-query ../data/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_032158295.1/GCA_032158295.1_ASM3215829v1_genomic.fna \
-db ../blastdb/uniprot_sprot_r2023_01 \
-out ../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout.tab \
-evalue 1E-20 \
-num_threads 20 \
-max_target_seqs 1 \
-outfmt 6
blast <- read.table("../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout.tab")
Convert pipes to tabs
### Convert pipes (`|`) to tabs.
Makes downstream manipulation easier
```{bash convert-pipes-to-tabs}
tr '|' '\t' < ../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout.tab \
> ../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout_sep.tab
head ../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout_sep.tab
# SP GO annotation
following: https://rpubs.com/sr320/1026094
blastsep <- read.table("../analyses/14-blast/Phel_genome_blastout_sep.tab", sep = '\t')
spgo <- read.csv("https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/snaps/uniprot_table_r2023_01.tab", sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
annot_tab <-
left_join(blast, spgo, by = c("V3" = "Entry")) %>%
select(V1, V3, V13, Protein.names, Organism, Gene.Ontology..biological.process., Gene.Ontology.IDs)