Where are differentially methylated loci located?
DML <- read_delim(here::here("analyses","20191120-DML-annotated.txt"), delim = '\t',
col_names = c("contig.dml", "start.dml", "end.dml", "score.dml", "unknown", "contig.feat", "source", "feature", "start.feat", "end.feat", "score.feat", "strand", "frame", "attribute")) %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(ID=str_extract(attribute, "ID=(.*?);"),
Parent=str_extract(attribute, "Parent=(.*?);"),
Name=str_extract(attribute, "Name=(.*?);"),
Alias=str_extract(attribute, "Alias=(.*?);"),
AED=str_extract(attribute, "AED=(.*?);"),
eAED=str_extract(attribute, "eAED=(.*?);"),
Note=str_extract(attribute, "Note=(.*?);"),
Ontology_term=str_extract(attribute, "Ontology_term=(.*?);"),
Dbxref=str_extract(attribute, "Dbxref=(.*?);"),
) %>%
mutate_at("feature", as.factor)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## contig.dml = col_character(),
## start.dml = col_double(),
## end.dml = col_double(),
## score.dml = col_double(),
## unknown = col_double(),
## contig.feat = col_character(),
## source = col_character(),
## feature = col_character(),
## start.feat = col_double(),
## end.feat = col_double(),
## score.feat = col_character(),
## strand = col_character(),
## frame = col_character(),
## attribute = col_character()
## )
## Warning: 3 parsing failures.
## row col expected actual file
## 9 -- 14 columns 8 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/20191120-DML-annotated.txt'
## 10 -- 14 columns 8 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/20191120-DML-annotated.txt'
## 13 -- 14 columns 8 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/20191120-DML-annotated.txt'
barplot(table(DML$feature)[c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "mRNA", "3'UTR")],
main="Locations of DMLs between Hood Canal and South Sound Olys\n(10x cov. in any smpl)",
ylab="No. of loci", cex.main=1, cex.axis = .8)
Where are loci located where methylation is associated with oyster shell length?
Loci with 10x coverage across all samples
macau.all <- read_delim(here::here("analyses","macau","20191120-MACAU-10xall-features.txt"), delim = '\t',
col_names = c("contig.locus", "start.locus", "end.locus", "unknown.column", "contig.feat", "source", "feature", "start.feat", "end.feat", "score", "strand", "frame", "attribute")) %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(ID=str_extract(attribute, "ID=(.*?);"),
Parent=str_extract(attribute, "Parent=(.*?);"),
Name=str_extract(attribute, "Name=(.*?);"),
Alias=str_extract(attribute, "Alias=(.*?);"),
AED=str_extract(attribute, "AED=(.*?);"),
eAED=str_extract(attribute, "eAED=(.*?);"),
Note=str_extract(attribute, "Note=(.*?);"),
Ontology_term=str_extract(attribute, "Ontology_term=(.*?);"),
Dbxref=str_extract(attribute, "Dbxref=(.*?);")) %>%
mutate_at("feature", as.factor)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## contig.locus = col_character(),
## start.locus = col_double(),
## end.locus = col_double(),
## unknown.column = col_double(),
## contig.feat = col_character(),
## source = col_character(),
## feature = col_character(),
## start.feat = col_double(),
## end.feat = col_double(),
## score = col_character(),
## strand = col_character(),
## frame = col_character(),
## attribute = col_character()
## )
## Warning: 1 parsing failure.
## row col expected actual file
## 36 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xall-features.txt'
barplot(table(macau.all$feature)[c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "mRNA", "3'UTR")],
main="Locations of MACAU-identified loci (10x cov. in all smpl)",
ylab="No. of loci", cex.main=1, cex.axis = 1)
Where are loci located where methylation is associated with oyster shell length?
Loci with 10x coverage across any sample
macau.any <- read_delim(here::here("analyses","macau","20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt"), delim = '\t',
col_names = c("contig.locus", "start.locus", "end.locus", "unknown.column", "contig.feat", "source", "feature", "start.feat", "end.feat", "score", "strand", "frame", "attribute")) %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(ID=str_extract(attribute, "ID=(.*?);"),
Parent=str_extract(attribute, "Parent=(.*?);"),
Name=str_extract(attribute, "Name=(.*?);"),
Alias=str_extract(attribute, "Alias=(.*?);"),
AED=str_extract(attribute, "AED=(.*?);"),
eAED=str_extract(attribute, "eAED=(.*?);"),
Note=str_extract(attribute, "Note=(.*?);"),
Ontology_term=str_extract(attribute, "Ontology_term=(.*?);"),
Dbxref=str_extract(attribute, "Dbxref=(.*?);"),
) %>%
mutate_at("feature", as.factor)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## contig.locus = col_character(),
## start.locus = col_double(),
## end.locus = col_double(),
## unknown.column = col_double(),
## contig.feat = col_character(),
## source = col_character(),
## feature = col_character(),
## start.feat = col_double(),
## end.feat = col_double(),
## score = col_character(),
## strand = col_character(),
## frame = col_character(),
## attribute = col_character()
## )
## Warning: 15 parsing failures.
## row col expected actual file
## 5 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt'
## 32 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt'
## 58 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt'
## 69 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt'
## 105 -- 13 columns 7 columns '/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/macau/20191120-MACAU-10xany-features.txt'
## ... ... .......... ......... ..........................................................................................................
## See problems(...) for more details.
barplot(table(macau.any$feature)[c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "mRNA", "3'UTR")],
main="Locations of MACAU-identified loci (10x cov. in any smpl)",
ylab="No. of loci", cex.main=1, cex.axis = 1)