SUFFIX = 'HCSS_Afilt32m70_01'
head ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/dist.manhat.csv
"SeqNum.row","SeqNum.col","dist.manh","SampNum.row","SampNum.col" 1,1,0,"hc1_2","hc1_2" 1,15,273985.441785306,"ss3_15","hc1_2" 1,3,290189.490642819,"hc2_15","hc1_2" 1,17,285476.927245925,"ss3_20","hc1_2" 1,4,281520.711361473,"hc2_17","hc1_2" 1,2,298303.029739484,"hc1_4","hc1_2" 1,7,298537.38668563,"hc3_7","hc1_2" 1,16,284208.486947856,"ss3_16","hc1_2" 1,14,281305.331808996,"ss3_14","hc1_2"
#read in epigenetic Manhattan distance, 10 coverage
ep10 <-read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/dist.manhat.csv",header = T)
ep10 <- ep10[,c("SampNum.row","SampNum.col","dist.manh")]
ep10 <- as.matrix(list2dist(ep10))
mbdorder = c("hc1_2","hc1_4","hc2_15","hc2_17","hc3_1","hc3_5","hc3_7","hc3_10","hc3_11",
ep10 <- ep10[mbdorder, mbdorder]
Dep10 <- as.dist(ep10)
hc1_2 | hc1_4 | hc2_15 | hc2_17 | hc3_1 | hc3_5 | hc3_7 | hc3_10 | hc3_11 | ss2_9 | ss2_14 | ss2_18 | ss3_3 | ss3_14 | ss3_15 | ss3_16 | ss3_20 | ss5_18 | |
hc1_2 | 0.0 | 298303.0 | 290189.5 | 281520.7 | 323694.5 | 288274.1 | 298537.4 | 276634.8 | 311367.0 | 297793.0 | 280529.9 | 334528.1 | 284554.6 | 281305.3 | 273985.4 | 284208.5 | 285476.9 | 297048.1 |
hc1_4 | 298303.0 | 0.0 | 288401.4 | 272689.0 | 314054.6 | 308425.8 | 290930.3 | 292157.4 | 313295.9 | 306377.3 | 291403.7 | 334752.1 | 291934.5 | 287946.6 | 285750.2 | 292011.5 | 290794.1 | 299482.5 |
hc2_15 | 290189.5 | 288401.4 | 0.0 | 267996.3 | 312934.8 | 306314.1 | 276217.9 | 283512.3 | 309629.3 | 296792.4 | 273417.4 | 339043.0 | 280972.0 | 277302.7 | 270960.4 | 281246.4 | 283754.6 | 297864.8 |
hc2_17 | 281520.7 | 272689.0 | 267996.3 | 0.0 | 314787.3 | 299622.6 | 275369.7 | 267637.3 | 306306.9 | 287060.1 | 263776.1 | 339119.1 | 274036.3 | 268751.4 | 256317.1 | 272144.4 | 273361.0 | 290238.7 |
hc3_1 | 323694.5 | 314054.6 | 312934.8 | 314787.3 | 0.0 | 334641.8 | 299112.8 | 325937.0 | 324463.8 | 321179.5 | 320997.4 | 335280.4 | 315988.8 | 313767.2 | 321554.2 | 317127.8 | 317475.6 | 315139.7 |
hc3_5 | 288274.1 | 308425.8 | 306314.1 | 299622.6 | 334641.8 | 0.0 | 315610.7 | 288781.8 | 325942.9 | 316722.4 | 306762.5 | 346143.9 | 305665.1 | 303050.4 | 296746.5 | 308046.6 | 304834.4 | 313945.2 |
hc3_7 | 298537.4 | 290930.3 | 276217.9 | 275369.7 | 299112.8 | 315610.7 | 0.0 | 292111.6 | 315363.0 | 297745.1 | 282259.6 | 341069.9 | 284236.7 | 279628.7 | 277165.4 | 285466.0 | 287941.8 | 299663.9 |
hc3_10 | 276634.8 | 292157.4 | 283512.3 | 267637.3 | 325937.0 | 288781.8 | 292111.6 | 0.0 | 317230.3 | 297372.5 | 267563.6 | 345360.9 | 279921.4 | 274370.7 | 257816.0 | 277769.7 | 274299.4 | 294286.7 |
hc3_11 | 311367.0 | 313295.9 | 309629.3 | 306306.9 | 324463.8 | 325942.9 | 315363.0 | 317230.3 | 0.0 | 306749.7 | 303226.0 | 330648.3 | 295962.1 | 294657.6 | 302097.9 | 297720.5 | 300676.0 | 304098.3 |
ss2_9 | 297793.0 | 306377.3 | 296792.4 | 287060.1 | 321179.5 | 316722.4 | 297745.1 | 297372.5 | 306749.7 | 0.0 | 253556.8 | 313685.4 | 255231.0 | 253726.0 | 268911.5 | 256477.3 | 273957.8 | 278320.1 |
ss2_14 | 280529.9 | 291403.7 | 273417.4 | 263776.1 | 320997.4 | 306762.5 | 282259.6 | 267563.6 | 303226.0 | 253556.8 | 0.0 | 326677.5 | 241072.4 | 240035.5 | 237976.3 | 237509.6 | 258380.9 | 271803.4 |
ss2_18 | 334528.1 | 334752.1 | 339043.0 | 339119.1 | 335280.4 | 346143.9 | 341069.9 | 345360.9 | 330648.3 | 313685.4 | 326677.5 | 0.0 | 300672.3 | 306406.7 | 328384.0 | 317824.0 | 324077.2 | 300108.0 |
ss3_3 | 284554.6 | 291934.5 | 280972.0 | 274036.3 | 315988.8 | 305665.1 | 284236.7 | 279921.4 | 295962.1 | 255231.0 | 241072.4 | 300672.3 | 0.0 | 238988.6 | 251167.6 | 238332.2 | 262145.0 | 253721.5 |
ss3_14 | 281305.3 | 287946.6 | 277302.7 | 268751.4 | 313767.2 | 303050.4 | 279628.7 | 274370.7 | 294657.6 | 253726.0 | 240035.5 | 306406.7 | 238988.6 | 0.0 | 244038.7 | 235816.2 | 258085.7 | 257354.3 |
ss3_15 | 273985.4 | 285750.2 | 270960.4 | 256317.1 | 321554.2 | 296746.5 | 277165.4 | 257816.0 | 302097.9 | 268911.5 | 237976.3 | 328384.0 | 251167.6 | 244038.7 | 0.0 | 246521.3 | 253941.4 | 276798.6 |
ss3_16 | 284208.5 | 292011.5 | 281246.4 | 272144.4 | 317127.8 | 308046.6 | 285466.0 | 277769.7 | 297720.5 | 256477.3 | 237509.6 | 317824.0 | 238332.2 | 235816.2 | 246521.3 | 0.0 | 258804.6 | 267488.5 |
ss3_20 | 285476.9 | 290794.1 | 283754.6 | 273361.0 | 317475.6 | 304834.4 | 287941.8 | 274299.4 | 300676.0 | 273957.8 | 258380.9 | 324077.2 | 262145.0 | 258085.7 | 253941.4 | 258804.6 | 0.0 | 280486.1 |
ss5_18 | 297048.1 | 299482.5 | 297864.8 | 290238.7 | 315139.7 | 313945.2 | 299663.9 | 294286.7 | 304098.3 | 278320.1 | 271803.4 | 300108.0 | 253721.5 | 257354.3 | 276798.6 | 267488.5 | 280486.1 | 0.0 |
# read in genetic distances
gen <- read.table("Results/{SUFFIX}_mbd.dist", row.names = 1, header=T)
Dgen <- as.dist(gen)
hc1_2 | hc1_4 | hc2_15 | hc2_17 | hc3_1 | hc3_5 | hc3_7 | hc3_10 | hc3_11 | ss2_9 | ss2_14 | ss2_18 | ss3_3 | ss3_14 | ss3_15 | ss3_16 | ss3_20 | ss5_18 | |
hc1_2 | 0.0000000 | 0.2155436 | 0.2054988 | 0.2245761 | 0.2140475 | 0.1251035 | 0.2137833 | 0.1941731 | 0.2196581 | 0.2191748 | 0.2201363 | 0.2251679 | 0.2293540 | 0.2303018 | 0.2273960 | 0.2267536 | 0.2241723 | 0.2393679 |
hc1_4 | 0.2155436 | 0.0000000 | 0.1844240 | 0.1693271 | 0.1811331 | 0.2071129 | 0.1608409 | 0.2090009 | 0.2157563 | 0.2186305 | 0.2188330 | 0.2146309 | 0.2291905 | 0.2247412 | 0.2257357 | 0.2190871 | 0.2157204 | 0.2274161 |
hc2_15 | 0.2054988 | 0.1844240 | 0.0000000 | 0.2041950 | 0.1854690 | 0.2021604 | 0.1823913 | 0.1592689 | 0.2168135 | 0.2041132 | 0.2085476 | 0.1910094 | 0.2042863 | 0.2045106 | 0.2061360 | 0.2040459 | 0.2013346 | 0.2098602 |
hc2_17 | 0.2245761 | 0.1693271 | 0.2041950 | 0.0000000 | 0.1884048 | 0.2163634 | 0.1724402 | 0.2179260 | 0.2265039 | 0.2268210 | 0.2268209 | 0.2283067 | 0.2379735 | 0.2322090 | 0.2385235 | 0.2269364 | 0.2294361 | 0.2372695 |
hc3_1 | 0.2140475 | 0.1811331 | 0.1854690 | 0.1884048 | 0.0000000 | 0.2084380 | 0.1141350 | 0.2070880 | 0.2092909 | 0.2195993 | 0.2160866 | 0.2155464 | 0.2254828 | 0.2196778 | 0.2258590 | 0.2205749 | 0.2200920 | 0.2156870 |
hc3_5 | 0.1251035 | 0.2071129 | 0.2021604 | 0.2163634 | 0.2084380 | 0.0000000 | 0.2104185 | 0.1869989 | 0.2143060 | 0.2202222 | 0.2148287 | 0.2214425 | 0.2216537 | 0.2194587 | 0.2223524 | 0.2192765 | 0.2221298 | 0.2263948 |
hc3_7 | 0.2137833 | 0.1608409 | 0.1823913 | 0.1724402 | 0.1141350 | 0.2104185 | 0.0000000 | 0.2098760 | 0.2154145 | 0.2211945 | 0.2233552 | 0.2236631 | 0.2265407 | 0.2248371 | 0.2269251 | 0.2224353 | 0.2260581 | 0.2286600 |
hc3_10 | 0.1941731 | 0.2090009 | 0.1592689 | 0.2179260 | 0.2070880 | 0.1869989 | 0.2098760 | 0.0000000 | 0.2158190 | 0.2072541 | 0.2123815 | 0.2048036 | 0.2057382 | 0.2078799 | 0.1916720 | 0.2139469 | 0.2081097 | 0.2118349 |
hc3_11 | 0.2196581 | 0.2157563 | 0.2168135 | 0.2265039 | 0.2092909 | 0.2143060 | 0.2154145 | 0.2158190 | 0.0000000 | 0.2204729 | 0.2206785 | 0.2201360 | 0.2362094 | 0.2252514 | 0.2307265 | 0.2282604 | 0.2200907 | 0.2270442 |
ss2_9 | 0.2191748 | 0.2186305 | 0.2041132 | 0.2268210 | 0.2195993 | 0.2202222 | 0.2211945 | 0.2072541 | 0.2204729 | 0.0000000 | 0.1482022 | 0.1643140 | 0.1565610 | 0.1642693 | 0.2091080 | 0.1664055 | 0.2066793 | 0.1738464 |
ss2_14 | 0.2201363 | 0.2188330 | 0.2085476 | 0.2268209 | 0.2160866 | 0.2148287 | 0.2233552 | 0.2123815 | 0.2206785 | 0.1482022 | 0.0000000 | 0.1741098 | 0.1484094 | 0.1731242 | 0.2053117 | 0.1555210 | 0.2028654 | 0.1736163 |
ss2_18 | 0.2251679 | 0.2146309 | 0.1910094 | 0.2283067 | 0.2155464 | 0.2214425 | 0.2236631 | 0.2048036 | 0.2201360 | 0.1643140 | 0.1741098 | 0.0000000 | 0.1311476 | 0.1613894 | 0.2121693 | 0.1856383 | 0.1988239 | 0.1271048 |
ss3_3 | 0.2293540 | 0.2291905 | 0.2042863 | 0.2379735 | 0.2254828 | 0.2216537 | 0.2265407 | 0.2057382 | 0.2362094 | 0.1565610 | 0.1484094 | 0.1311476 | 0.0000000 | 0.1692117 | 0.2093890 | 0.1462554 | 0.2056096 | 0.1244475 |
ss3_14 | 0.2303018 | 0.2247412 | 0.2045106 | 0.2322090 | 0.2196778 | 0.2194587 | 0.2248371 | 0.2078799 | 0.2252514 | 0.1642693 | 0.1731242 | 0.1613894 | 0.1692117 | 0.0000000 | 0.2101518 | 0.1645175 | 0.2069574 | 0.1486115 |
ss3_15 | 0.2273960 | 0.2257357 | 0.2061360 | 0.2385235 | 0.2258590 | 0.2223524 | 0.2269251 | 0.1916720 | 0.2307265 | 0.2091080 | 0.2053117 | 0.2121693 | 0.2093890 | 0.2101518 | 0.0000000 | 0.2127640 | 0.2091865 | 0.2141706 |
ss3_16 | 0.2267536 | 0.2190871 | 0.2040459 | 0.2269364 | 0.2205749 | 0.2192765 | 0.2224353 | 0.2139469 | 0.2282604 | 0.1664055 | 0.1555210 | 0.1856383 | 0.1462554 | 0.1645175 | 0.2127640 | 0.0000000 | 0.2047189 | 0.1671745 |
ss3_20 | 0.2241723 | 0.2157204 | 0.2013346 | 0.2294361 | 0.2200920 | 0.2221298 | 0.2260581 | 0.2081097 | 0.2200907 | 0.2066793 | 0.2028654 | 0.1988239 | 0.2056096 | 0.2069574 | 0.2091865 | 0.2047189 | 0.0000000 | 0.2039022 |
ss5_18 | 0.2393679 | 0.2274161 | 0.2098602 | 0.2372695 | 0.2156870 | 0.2263948 | 0.2286600 | 0.2118349 | 0.2270442 | 0.1738464 | 0.1736163 | 0.1271048 | 0.1244475 | 0.1486115 | 0.2141706 | 0.1671745 | 0.2039022 | 0.0000000 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(Dgen, Dep10, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Genetic distance", ylab = "MBD Manhattan distance")
R2 = round(summary(lm(Dep10~Dgen))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
Call: lm(formula = Dep10 ~ Dgen) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -53094 -17259 -937 18870 54443 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 229505 15591 14.720 < 2e-16 *** Dgen 299862 75420 3.976 0.000108 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 24320 on 151 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.09477, Adjusted R-squared: 0.08877 F-statistic: 15.81 on 1 and 151 DF, p-value: 0.0001084
cor.test( ~ Dep10 + Dgen,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ Dep10 + Dgen,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: Dep10 and Dgen t = 3.9759, df = 151, p-value = 0.0001084 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.1568240 0.4447926 sample estimates: cor 0.3078416
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: Dep10 and Dgen S = 444614, p-value = 0.001505 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho 0.2551332
#read in epigenetic Manhattan distance, 10 coverage
ep10 <-read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/dist.manhat.DMLs.csv",header = T)
ep10 <- ep10[,c("SampNum.row","SampNum.col","dist.manh")]
ep10 <- as.matrix(list2dist(ep10))
mbdorder = c("hc1_2","hc1_4","hc2_15","hc2_17","hc3_1","hc3_5","hc3_7","hc3_10","hc3_11",
ep10 <- ep10[mbdorder, mbdorder]
Dep10 <- as.dist(ep10)
hc1_2 | hc1_4 | hc2_15 | hc2_17 | hc3_1 | hc3_5 | hc3_7 | hc3_10 | hc3_11 | ss2_9 | ss2_14 | ss2_18 | ss3_3 | ss3_14 | ss3_15 | ss3_16 | ss3_20 | ss5_18 | |
hc1_2 | 0.000 | 10545.532 | 10351.204 | 9385.573 | 10610.214 | 6363.300 | 10611.443 | 8551.481 | 9068.337 | 14788.300 | 14887.002 | 13635.256 | 14606.952 | 14484.494 | 11693.997 | 14072.044 | 11702.18 | 13190.286 |
hc1_4 | 10545.532 | 0.000 | 9064.440 | 7984.184 | 8727.395 | 8905.577 | 8699.207 | 10736.499 | 10026.701 | 17346.810 | 16626.609 | 15169.867 | 16480.535 | 16347.990 | 14253.680 | 15345.568 | 13291.64 | 15195.551 |
hc2_15 | 10351.204 | 9064.440 | 0.000 | 8032.958 | 9008.169 | 9760.334 | 7750.867 | 10319.292 | 11194.320 | 16995.519 | 16120.010 | 15450.882 | 16418.206 | 16417.512 | 13740.327 | 15822.143 | 13357.00 | 15649.929 |
hc2_17 | 9385.573 | 7984.184 | 8032.958 | 0.000 | 9827.633 | 8017.600 | 8785.571 | 9408.603 | 10454.902 | 16400.962 | 16108.636 | 15381.091 | 15743.180 | 15586.173 | 13138.397 | 14668.390 | 12158.79 | 14422.239 |
hc3_1 | 10610.214 | 8727.395 | 9008.169 | 9827.633 | 0.000 | 8808.350 | 6567.108 | 10436.642 | 10554.475 | 16222.809 | 16014.164 | 13934.951 | 15248.147 | 14915.306 | 12793.947 | 14521.674 | 12503.21 | 13721.460 |
hc3_5 | 6363.300 | 8905.577 | 9760.334 | 8017.600 | 8808.350 | 0.000 | 9189.478 | 7834.229 | 9119.644 | 15202.564 | 15975.183 | 13292.572 | 15959.683 | 15121.119 | 11756.756 | 15334.174 | 12440.56 | 14534.806 |
hc3_7 | 10611.443 | 8699.207 | 7750.867 | 8785.571 | 6567.108 | 9189.478 | 0.000 | 10443.443 | 10804.160 | 17348.604 | 16705.442 | 14868.123 | 16044.562 | 16375.903 | 13350.965 | 16117.654 | 13837.97 | 15293.315 |
hc3_10 | 8551.481 | 10736.499 | 10319.292 | 9408.603 | 10436.642 | 7834.229 | 10443.443 | 0.000 | 10148.679 | 15486.501 | 14988.730 | 13497.210 | 15209.257 | 14489.565 | 12354.985 | 14441.498 | 11705.99 | 14281.504 |
hc3_11 | 9068.337 | 10026.701 | 11194.320 | 10454.902 | 10554.475 | 9119.644 | 10804.160 | 10148.679 | 0.000 | 15102.614 | 14709.279 | 13012.517 | 14188.195 | 14113.226 | 11779.373 | 13574.423 | 12187.15 | 13623.710 |
ss2_9 | 14788.300 | 17346.810 | 16995.519 | 16400.962 | 16222.809 | 15202.564 | 17348.604 | 15486.501 | 15102.614 | 0.000 | 9317.558 | 8747.628 | 8413.878 | 9119.600 | 10149.293 | 8682.160 | 11387.52 | 8899.327 |
ss2_14 | 14887.002 | 16626.609 | 16120.010 | 16108.636 | 16014.164 | 15975.183 | 16705.442 | 14988.730 | 14709.279 | 9317.558 | 0.000 | 10653.366 | 9278.006 | 9505.802 | 10936.765 | 8530.524 | 11322.26 | 10281.724 |
ss2_18 | 13635.256 | 15169.867 | 15450.882 | 15381.091 | 13934.951 | 13292.572 | 14868.123 | 13497.210 | 13012.517 | 8747.628 | 10653.366 | 0.000 | 7351.714 | 8692.706 | 10026.944 | 10471.814 | 11078.75 | 7483.073 |
ss3_3 | 14606.952 | 16480.535 | 16418.206 | 15743.180 | 15248.147 | 15959.683 | 16044.562 | 15209.257 | 14188.195 | 8413.878 | 9278.006 | 7351.714 | 0.000 | 8503.102 | 9899.829 | 8283.191 | 11215.38 | 6997.712 |
ss3_14 | 14484.494 | 16347.990 | 16417.512 | 15586.173 | 14915.306 | 15121.119 | 16375.903 | 14489.565 | 14113.226 | 9119.600 | 9505.802 | 8692.706 | 8503.102 | 0.000 | 10568.719 | 9230.876 | 11030.21 | 8055.097 |
ss3_15 | 11693.997 | 14253.680 | 13740.327 | 13138.397 | 12793.947 | 11756.756 | 13350.965 | 12354.985 | 11779.373 | 10149.293 | 10936.765 | 10026.944 | 9899.829 | 10568.719 | 0.000 | 10193.024 | 10433.14 | 9796.022 |
ss3_16 | 14072.044 | 15345.568 | 15822.143 | 14668.390 | 14521.674 | 15334.174 | 16117.654 | 14441.498 | 13574.423 | 8682.160 | 8530.524 | 10471.814 | 8283.191 | 9230.876 | 10193.024 | 0.000 | 10436.72 | 8725.894 |
ss3_20 | 11702.183 | 13291.645 | 13357.002 | 12158.790 | 12503.211 | 12440.562 | 13837.969 | 11705.987 | 12187.148 | 11387.520 | 11322.262 | 11078.749 | 11215.385 | 11030.208 | 10433.139 | 10436.720 | 0.00 | 10959.480 |
ss5_18 | 13190.286 | 15195.551 | 15649.929 | 14422.239 | 13721.460 | 14534.806 | 15293.315 | 14281.504 | 13623.710 | 8899.327 | 10281.724 | 7483.073 | 6997.712 | 8055.097 | 9796.022 | 8725.894 | 10959.48 | 0.000 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(Dgen, Dep10, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Genetic distance", ylab = "MBD Manhattan distance, DMLs")
R2 = round(summary(lm(Dep10~Dgen))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
Call: lm(formula = Dep10 ~ Dgen) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -5032 -1730 -81 1508 4874 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -3343 1374 -2.433 0.0161 * Dgen 75762 6646 11.400 <2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 2143 on 151 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.4625, Adjusted R-squared: 0.459 F-statistic: 130 on 1 and 151 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
cor.test( ~ Dep10 + Dgen,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ Dep10 + Dgen,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: Dep10 and Dgen t = 11.529, df = 151, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.5895371 0.7603386 sample estimates: cor 0.6842097
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: Dep10 and Dgen S = 209532, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho 0.6489687
head ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
wc -l ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
"Quant_Varia" "contig_gene" "start_gene_2kb" "end_gene_2kb" "Pst_Values" "Contig0_10497_95068" "Contig0" "10497" "95068" 0.019332886629221 "Contig100_48322_58076" "Contig100" "48322" "58076" 0.067008101478262 "Contig100188_1_4123" "Contig100188" "1" "4123" 0.734962005060689 "Contig100199_5411_27437" "Contig100199" "5411" "27437" 0.0682501114385254 "Contig100396_1_4908" "Contig100396" "1" "4908" 0.185205868587485 "Contig100499_508_4044" "Contig100499" "508" "4044" 0.150423262664518 "Contig1006_1_13779" "Contig1006" "1" "13779" 0.0880097439836617 "Contig100691_1_8538" "Contig100691" "1" "8538" 0.0188795032121047 "Contig10074_2260_6621" "Contig10074" "2260" "6621" 0.251312849756899 3755 ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
# read in Pst data
pst <- read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/", sep="\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pst) <- c("id","contig","start","end","pst")
id | contig | start | end | pst |
Contig0_10497_95068 | Contig0 | 10497 | 95068 | 0.01933289 |
Contig100_48322_58076 | Contig100 | 48322 | 58076 | 0.06700810 |
Contig100188_1_4123 | Contig100188 | 1 | 4123 | 0.73496201 |
Contig100199_5411_27437 | Contig100199 | 5411 | 27437 | 0.06825011 |
Contig100396_1_4908 | Contig100396 | 1 | 4908 | 0.18520587 |
Contig100499_508_4044 | Contig100499 | 508 | 4044 | 0.15042326 |
wc -l SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
1387 SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
list.of.packages <- c("reshape2","dplyr", "tidyr", "readr", "stringr", "plotly","tidyverse","lfmm") #add new libraries here
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
# Load all libraries
lapply(list.of.packages, FUN = function(X) {"require", list(X))
Loading required package: reshape2 Error: package or namespace load failed for 'reshape2' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/home/t.cri.ksilliman/miniconda3/lib/R/library/stringi/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Loading required package: dplyr Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Loading required package: tidyr Loading required package: readr Loading required package: stringr Error: package or namespace load failed for 'stringr' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/home/t.cri.ksilliman/miniconda3/lib/R/library/stringi/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Loading required package: plotly Loading required package: ggplot2 Attaching package: 'plotly' The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2': last_plot The following object is masked from 'package:stats': filter The following object is masked from 'package:graphics': layout Loading required package: tidyverse Error: package or namespace load failed for 'tidyverse' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/home/t.cri.ksilliman/miniconda3/lib/R/library/stringi/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Loading required package: lfmm Error: package or namespace load failed for 'lfmm' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/home/t.cri.ksilliman/miniconda3/lib/R/library/Matrix/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
genes <-
read_delim(file = "SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv", delim = "\t", col_names = TRUE)
Parsed with column specification: cols( id = col_character(), contig = col_character(), start = col_double(), end = col_double(), notes_gene = col_character(), fst01 = col_double() )
id | contig | start | end | notes_gene | fst01 |
Contig103346_4131_18776 | Contig103346 | 4131 | 18776 | ID=OLUR_00011851;Name=OLUR_00011851;Alias=maker-Contig103346-snap-gene-0.4;Note=Similar to HSPA12B: Heat shock 70 kDa protein 12B (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=CDD:cd10229,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.420.40,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.90.640.10,InterPro:IPR013126,PRINTS:PR00301,Pfam:PF00012,SUPERFAMILY:SSF53067; | 0.069637883 |
Contig60108_1_13731 | Contig60108 | 1 | 13731 | ID=OLUR_00014779;Name=OLUR_00014779;Alias=maker-Contig60108-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to MLH3: DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh3 (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.565.10,InterPro:IPR013507,InterPro:IPR014721,InterPro:IPR020568,InterPro:IPR036890,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF01119,SMART:SM01340,SUPERFAMILY:SSF54211,SUPERFAMILY:SSF55874;Ontology_term=GO:0005524,GO:0006298,GO:0030983; | 0.121951220 |
Contig27784_1_12761 | Contig27784 | 1 | 12761 | ID=OLUR_00013246;Name=OLUR_00013246;Alias=maker-Contig27784-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to Fbxl6: F-box/LRR-repeat protein 6 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR032675,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52047; | 0.041095890 |
Contig38648_3515_20578 | Contig38648 | 3515 | 20578 | ID=OLUR_00010999;Name=OLUR_00010999;Alias=maker-Contig38648-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to Rnf8: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF8 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=CDD:cd16535,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001841,InterPro:IPR013083,InterPro:IPR017907,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF13923,ProSitePatterns:PS00518,ProSiteProfiles:PS50089,SMART:SM00184,SUPERFAMILY:SSF57850; | 0.047858942 |
Contig282_38634_44741 | Contig282 | 38634 | 44741 | ID=OLUR_00002451;Name=OLUR_00002451;Alias=snap_masked-Contig282-processed-gene-0.4;Note=Similar to Cry2: Cryptochrome-2 (Rattus norvegicus OX%3D10116);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR006050,InterPro:IPR014729,InterPro:IPR036155,Pfam:PF00875,ProSiteProfiles:PS51645,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52425; | 0.001798561 |
Contig282_26273_42182 | Contig282 | 26273 | 42182 | ID=OLUR_00002450;Name=OLUR_00002450;Alias=maker-Contig282-snap-gene-0.10;Note=Similar to API5: Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (Pongo abelii OX%3D9601);Dbxref=Coils:Coil,InterPro:IPR008383,InterPro:IPR016024,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF05918,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48371; | 0.001644737 |
both = merge(pst,genes, by ="id")
id | contig.x | start.x | end.x | pst | contig.y | start.y | end.y | notes_gene | fst01 |
Contig0_10497_95068 | Contig0 | 10497 | 95068 | 0.01933289 | Contig0 | 10497 | 95068 | ID=OLUR_00000039;Name=OLUR_00000039;Alias=maker-Contig0-snap-gene-0.8;Note=Similar to WDR87: WD repeat-containing protein 87 (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001680,InterPro:IPR011989,InterPro:IPR015943,InterPro:IPR016024,InterPro:IPR017986,InterPro:IPR036322,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00400,ProSiteProfiles:PS50082,ProSiteProfiles:PS50294,SMART:SM00320,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48371,SUPERFAMILY:SSF50978;Ontology_term=GO:0005515; | 0.000000000 |
Contig10074_2260_6621 | Contig10074 | 2260 | 6621 | 0.25131285 | Contig10074 | 2260 | 6621 | ID=OLUR_00025622;Name=OLUR_00025622;Alias=maker-Contig10074-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to V-RMIL: Serine/threonine-protein kinase-transforming protein Rmil (Avian rous-associated virus type 1 OX%3D11950);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:1.10.510.10; | 0.192019950 |
Contig107541_1926_7324 | Contig107541 | 1926 | 7324 | 0.66627497 | Contig107541 | 1926 | 7324 | ID=OLUR_00024691;Name=OLUR_00024691;Alias=maker-Contig107541-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.710.10,InterPro:IPR000210,InterPro:IPR011333,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00651,ProSiteProfiles:PS50097,SUPERFAMILY:SSF54695;Ontology_term=GO:0005515; | 0.045112782 |
Contig109827_1765_6591 | Contig109827 | 1765 | 6591 | 0.66755413 | Contig109827 | 1765 | 6591 | ID=OLUR_00025663;Name=OLUR_00025663;Alias=maker-Contig109827-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to Unc80: Protein unc-80 homolog (Mus musculus OX%3D10090); | 0.150627615 |
Contig112833_1_6669 | Contig112833 | 1 | 6669 | 0.68067953 | Contig112833 | 1 | 6669 | ID=OLUR_00025551;Name=OLUR_00025551;Alias=maker-Contig112833-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to Gls2: Glutaminase liver isoform%2C mitochondrial (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=CDD:cd00204,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.40.710.10,InterPro:IPR002110,InterPro:IPR012338,InterPro:IPR015868,InterPro:IPR020683,InterPro:IPR036770,Pfam:PF04960,Pfam:PF12796,ProSiteProfiles:PS50088,ProSiteProfiles:PS50297,SMART:SM00248,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48403,SUPERFAMILY:SSF56601;Ontology_term=GO:0004359,GO:0005515,GO:0006541; | 0.005154639 |
Contig129_9110_46084 | Contig129 | 9110 | 46084 | 0.06717008 | Contig129 | 9110 | 46084 | ID=OLUR_00001506;Name=OLUR_00001506;Alias=maker-Contig129-snap-gene-0.10;Note=Similar to Ints3: Integrator complex subunit 3 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=InterPro:IPR019333,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF10189; | 0.100917431 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(both$fst01, both$pst, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Fst", ylab = "Pst")
title("Pst vs Fst, 2kbslop all genes w/meth data, 237 genes")
R2 = round(summary(lm(both$pst~both$fst01))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(0.4,0.75,label="r= 0.018")
Call: lm(formula = both$pst ~ both$fst01) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.27839 -0.19593 -0.06751 0.14782 0.66175 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.26639 0.01780 14.965 <2e-16 *** both$fst01 0.04315 0.14978 0.288 0.774 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.2282 on 235 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.0003531, Adjusted R-squared: -0.003901 F-statistic: 0.08301 on 1 and 235 DF, p-value: 0.7735
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: both$pst and both$fst01 t = 0.28812, df = 235, p-value = 0.7735 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.1088997 0.1458724 sample estimates: cor 0.01879138
Warning message in cor.test.default(x = c(0.019332886629221, 0.251312849756899, : "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: both$pst and both$fst01 S = 2264910, p-value = 0.7494 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho -0.02085675
Hih Pst, low Fst
both[which(both$fst01 <0.01 & both$pst >0.5),c(1,5,10,9)]
id | pst | fst01 | notes_gene | |
5 | Contig112833_1_6669 | 0.6806795 | 0.005154639 | ID=OLUR_00025551;Name=OLUR_00025551;Alias=maker-Contig112833-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Similar to Gls2: Glutaminase liver isoform%2C mitochondrial (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=CDD:cd00204,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.40.710.10,InterPro:IPR002110,InterPro:IPR012338,InterPro:IPR015868,InterPro:IPR020683,InterPro:IPR036770,Pfam:PF04960,Pfam:PF12796,ProSiteProfiles:PS50088,ProSiteProfiles:PS50297,SMART:SM00248,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48403,SUPERFAMILY:SSF56601;Ontology_term=GO:0004359,GO:0005515,GO:0006541; |
35 | Contig18485_27692_52779 | 0.7325620 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00001082;Name=OLUR_00001082;Alias=maker-Contig18485-snap-gene-0.8;Note=Similar to RREB1: Ras-responsive element-binding protein 1 (Gallus gallus OX%3D9031);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR013087,InterPro:IPR036236,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00096,Pfam:PF13894,Pfam:PF13909,Pfam:PF13912,ProSitePatterns:PS00028,ProSiteProfiles:PS50157,SMART:SM00355,SUPERFAMILY:SSF57667;Ontology_term=GO:0003676; |
52 | Contig206988_1_7220 | 0.5694211 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00024466;Name=OLUR_00024466;Alias=snap_masked-Contig206988-processed-gene-0.0;Note=Similar to Wdr54: WD repeat-containing protein 54 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=InterPro:IPR036322,SUPERFAMILY:SSF50978;Ontology_term=GO:0005515; |
66 | Contig2254_1_11569 | 0.5354929 | -0.004008016 | ID=OLUR_00019191;Name=OLUR_00019191;Alias=maker-Contig2254-snap-gene-0.1;Note=Similar to VVA0006: Riboflavin biosynthesis protein VVA0006 (Vibrio vulnificus (strain YJ016) OX%3D196600);Dbxref=CDD:cd15457,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:1.10.357.40,InterPro:IPR012816,InterPro:IPR037238,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF08719,SUPERFAMILY:SSF143990,TIGRFAM:TIGR02464; |
86 | Contig24745_17400_35588 | 0.6093125 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00002446;Name=OLUR_00002446;Alias=maker-Contig24745-snap-gene-0.7;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Coils:Coil; |
95 | Contig26170_5945_21684 | 0.6814634 | -0.004629630 | ID=OLUR_00010285;Name=OLUR_00010285;Alias=maker-Contig26170-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to Stk31: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 31 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=CDD:cd00180,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:1.10.510.10,InterPro:IPR011009,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,SUPERFAMILY:SSF56112; |
130 | Contig32566_4290_23883 | 0.8429597 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00002794;Name=OLUR_00002794;Alias=snap_masked-Contig32566-processed-gene-0.0;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite; |
131 | Contig32566_9055_42575 | 0.7889923 | -0.004415011 | ID=OLUR_00002795;Name=OLUR_00002795;Alias=maker-Contig32566-snap-gene-0.7;Note=Similar to HECTD1: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HECTD1 (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=CDD:cd00204,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR002110,InterPro:IPR008979,InterPro:IPR010606,InterPro:IPR012919,InterPro:IPR020683,InterPro:IPR036770,InterPro:IPR037252,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF06701,Pfam:PF07738,Pfam:PF13857,ProSiteProfiles:PS50088,ProSiteProfiles:PS50297,ProSiteProfiles:PS51416,SMART:SM00248,SUPERFAMILY:SSF159034,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48403,SUPERFAMILY:SSF49785;Ontology_term=GO:0004842,GO:0005515,GO:0016567,GO:0046872; |
134 | Contig32910_2664_19377 | 0.7010187 | 0.003144654 | ID=OLUR_00011811;Name=OLUR_00011811;Alias=maker-Contig32910-snap-gene-0.4;Note=Similar to Spata6: Spermatogenesis-associated protein 6 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=Coils:Coil,InterPro:IPR032732,Pfam:PF14909; |
155 | Contig37588_11392_33472 | 0.7551651 | -0.003696858 | ID=OLUR_00003309;Name=OLUR_00003309;Alias=maker-Contig37588-snap-gene-0.5;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Coils:Coil,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite; |
160 | Contig38_57109_82031 | 0.7901919 | -0.006535948 | ID=OLUR_00000267;Name=OLUR_00000267;Alias=maker-Contig38-snap-gene-0.14;Note=Similar to KIF16B: Kinesin-like protein KIF16B (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=CDD:cd00060,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.1520.10,Gene3D:G3DSA:3.40.850.10,InterPro:IPR000253,InterPro:IPR001683,InterPro:IPR001752,InterPro:IPR008984,InterPro:IPR019821,InterPro:IPR027417,InterPro:IPR036871,InterPro:IPR036961,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,PRINTS:PR00380,Pfam:PF00225,Pfam:PF00498,Pfam:PF00787,ProSitePatterns:PS00411,ProSiteProfiles:PS50067,ProSiteProfiles:PS50195,SMART:SM00129,SMART:SM00312,SUPERFAMILY:SSF49879,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52540,SUPERFAMILY:SSF64268;Ontology_term=GO:0003777,GO:0005515,GO:0005524,GO:0007018,GO:0008017,GO:0035091; |
169 | Contig408_19615_27287 | 0.5061239 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00006735;Name=OLUR_00006735;Alias=maker-Contig408-snap-gene-0.4;Note=Protein of unknown function; |
175 | Contig42610_7960_46080 | 0.5826824 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00000735;Name=OLUR_00000735;Alias=maker-Contig42610-snap-gene-0.9;Note=Similar to Togaram1: TOG array regulator of axonemal microtubules protein 1 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR011989,InterPro:IPR016024,InterPro:IPR034085,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,SMART:SM01349,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48371; |
210 | Contig58479_956_12381 | 0.5113152 | 0.000000000 | ID=OLUR_00016278;Name=OLUR_00016278;Alias=maker-Contig58479-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite; |
Low Pst, high Fst
both[which(both$fst01 >0.3 & both$pst <0.1),c(1,5,10,9)]
id | pst | fst01 | notes_gene | |
49 | Contig20413_1_17467 | 0.020724598 | 0.4720812 | ID=OLUR_00010706;Name=OLUR_00010706;Alias=maker-Contig20413-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to sll1388: Universal stress protein Sll1388 (Synechocystis sp. (strain PCC 6803 / Kazusa) OX%3D1111708);Dbxref=CDD:cd00293,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR006015,InterPro:IPR006016,InterPro:IPR014729,PRINTS:PR01438,Pfam:PF00582,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52402; |
143 | Contig34298_13092_51114 | 0.004027313 | 0.3714286 | ID=OLUR_00001738;Name=OLUR_00001738;Alias=maker-Contig34298-snap-gene-0.4;Note=Similar to BIRC6: Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 6 (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=CDD:cd00022,Gene3D:G3DSA:1.10.1170.10,InterPro:IPR001370,InterPro:IPR019775,InterPro:IPR036322,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00653,ProSitePatterns:PS00678,ProSiteProfiles:PS50143,SMART:SM00238,SUPERFAMILY:SSF50978,SUPERFAMILY:SSF57924;Ontology_term=GO:0005515; |
197 | Contig50657_1_11990 | 0.033930990 | 0.4868217 | ID=OLUR_00017738;Name=OLUR_00017738;Alias=maker-Contig50657-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to KDM3B: Lysine-specific demethylase 3B (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR003347,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF02373,ProSiteProfiles:PS51184,SMART:SM00558,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51197; |
High Fst, high Pst
both[which(both$fst01 >0.3 & both$pst >0.3),c(1,5,10,9)]
id | pst | fst01 | notes_gene | |
19 | Contig16916_3259_40767 | 0.5218304 | 0.3822314 | ID=OLUR_00001636;Name=OLUR_00001636;Alias=maker-Contig16916-snap-gene-0.8;Note=Similar to Med13: Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 13 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=InterPro:IPR009401,InterPro:IPR021643,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF06333,Pfam:PF11597;Ontology_term=GO:0003712,GO:0006357,GO:0016592; |
85 | Contig24693_2452_15381 | 0.3410517 | 0.5007496 | ID=OLUR_00007682;Name=OLUR_00007682;Alias=maker-Contig24693-snap-gene-0.4;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:1.10.533.10,InterPro:IPR000488,InterPro:IPR011029,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,ProSiteProfiles:PS50017,SUPERFAMILY:SSF47986;Ontology_term=GO:0005515,GO:0007165; |
108 | Contig28902_528_13774 | 0.3112797 | 0.4283427 | ID=OLUR_00000830;Name=OLUR_00000830;Alias=maker-Contig28902-snap-gene-0.12;Note=Similar to SPON1: Spondin-1 (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR000884,InterPro:IPR009465,InterPro:IPR036383,InterPro:IPR038678,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00090,Pfam:PF06468,ProSiteProfiles:PS50092,ProSiteProfiles:PS51020,SMART:SM00209,SUPERFAMILY:SSF82895; |
227 | Contig77382_1559_12918 | 0.4155037 | 0.6633523 | ID=OLUR_00016056;Name=OLUR_00016056;Alias=snap_masked-Contig77382-processed-gene-0.0;Note=Similar to Socs5: Suppressor of cytokine signaling 5 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.505.10,InterPro:IPR000980,InterPro:IPR036860,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF00017,SUPERFAMILY:SSF55550; |
sfsSuf = "SFS/HCSS_sfsm70"
module load gcc/6.2.0
module load xz/5.2.2
module load bzip2/1.0.6
module load bedtools/2.29.0
# extracting gene regions out of genome annotations file (gff3)
cat ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/genome-features/Olurida_v081-20190709.gene.gff | cut -f 1,4,5,9 >
# reading gene regions
genes$pct15 <- as.integer((genes$end - genes$start)*0.15)
genes$start15 <- genes$start +genes$pct15
genes$end15 <- genes$end - genes$pct15
contig | start | end | notes | pct15 | start15 | end15 |
Contig61093 | 7493 | 7946 | ID=OLUR_00020575;Name=OLUR_00020575;Alias=maker-Contig61093-snap-gene-0.2;Note=Protein of unknown function; | 67 | 7560 | 7879 |
Contig1111 | 24968 | 28696 | ID=OLUR_00006628;Name=OLUR_00006628;Alias=maker-Contig1111-snap-gene-0.1;Note=Similar to Spag6: Sperm-associated antigen 6 (Mus musculus OX%3D10090);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR000225,InterPro:IPR000357,InterPro:IPR011989,InterPro:IPR016024,Pfam:PF02985,SMART:SM00185,SUPERFAMILY:SSF48371;Ontology_term=GO:0005515; | 559 | 25527 | 28137 |
Contig214118 | 201 | 926 | ID=OLUR_00032161;Name=OLUR_00032161;Alias=maker-Contig214118-snap-gene-0.0;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:3.10.450.10; | 108 | 309 | 818 |
Contig58217 | 9736 | 11541 | ID=OLUR_00019127;Name=OLUR_00019127;Alias=snap_masked-Contig58217-processed-gene-0.2;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite; | 270 | 10006 | 11271 |
Contig2046 | 2295 | 18394 | ID=OLUR_00011450;Name=OLUR_00011450;Alias=maker-Contig2046-snap-gene-0.5;Note=Protein of unknown function; | 2414 | 4709 | 15980 |
Contig9540 | 4303 | 10179 | ID=OLUR_00018391;Name=OLUR_00018391;Alias=maker-Contig9540-snap-gene-0.1;Note=Protein of unknown function;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:2.170.300.10; | 881 | 5184 | 9298 |
pct15genes <- genes[,c("contig","start","start15","end15", "end")]
contig | start | start15 | end15 | end |
Contig61093 | 7493 | 7560 | 7879 | 7946 |
Contig1111 | 24968 | 25527 | 28137 | 28696 |
Contig214118 | 201 | 309 | 818 | 926 |
Contig58217 | 9736 | 10006 | 11271 | 11541 |
Contig2046 | 2295 | 4709 | 15980 | 18394 |
Contig9540 | 4303 | 5184 | 9298 | 10179 |
write.table(pct15genes,"",sep="\t",quote = F,row.names = F)
# removing zero-only (invariant) bases
chh FALSE TRUE 328905 5252
contig | pos | a | b | |
64 | Contig0 | 74432 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
82 | Contig0 | 109103 | 0.033 | 0.457 |
98 | Contig0 | 109119 | 0.003 | 0.052 |
102 | Contig0 | 109123 | 0.002 | 0.067 |
114 | Contig1 | 40362 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
169 | Contig1 | 42880 | 0.003 | 0.078 |
# computing weighted Fst per gene segment (1)
for (i in 1:nrow(pct15genes)) {
sub=subset(fst01,contig==pct15genes$contig[i] & ((pos>=pct15genes$start[i] & pos<=pct15genes$start15[i]) | (pos>=pct15genes$end15[i] & pos<=pct15genes$end[i])))
if (is.null(sub[1,1]) | sum(sub$b)==0) {
} else {
# density plots of per-gene Fst
# adding results to genes table, saving
id <- paste(pct15genes$contig,pct15genes$start,pct15genes$end,sep="_")
pct15genes <- cbind(id,pct15genes)
id | contig | start | start15 | end15 | end | fst01 | |
12 | Contig103346_6131_16776 | Contig103346 | 6131 | 7727 | 15180 | 16776 | 0.114973262 |
35 | Contig27784_397_10761 | Contig27784 | 397 | 1951 | 9207 | 10761 | 0.041095890 |
121 | Contig282_28273_40182 | Contig282 | 28273 | 30059 | 38396 | 40182 | 0.001795332 |
227 | Contig28993_906_8396 | Contig28993 | 906 | 2029 | 7273 | 8396 | 0.081395349 |
272 | Contig92_19276_42960 | Contig92 | 19276 | 22828 | 39408 | 42960 | 0.125000000 |
370 | Contig42157_2034_10762 | Contig42157 | 2034 | 3343 | 9453 | 10762 | 0.028571429 |
# saving table of per-gene Fst for GO_MWU analysis
grep "Contig20413" Results/fstpst_2kbslop.genes
Contig20413 maker gene 486 15467 . - . ID=OLUR_00010706;Name=OLUR_00010706;Alias=maker-Contig20413-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to sll1388: Universal stress protein Sll1388 (Synechocystis sp. (strain PCC 6803 / Kazusa) OX%3D1111708);Dbxref=CDD:cd00293,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR006015,InterPro:IPR006016,InterPro:IPR014729,PRINTS:PR01438,Pfam:PF00582,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52402; Contig20413 485 15467 0.472081218274112_0.0207245979022085
head ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
wc -l ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
"Quant_Varia" "contig_gene" "start_gene_2kb" "end_gene_2kb" "Pst_Values" "Contig0_10497_95068" "Contig0" "10497" "95068" 0.019332886629221 "Contig100188_1_4123" "Contig100188" "1" "4123" 0.734962005060689 "Contig100396_1_4908" "Contig100396" "1" "4908" 0.185205868587485 "Contig100994_1_8602" "Contig100994" "1" "8602" 0.701143568206082 "Contig1013_14071_19514" "Contig1013" "14071" "19514" 0.0172219569940594 "Contig1013_16204_21663" "Contig1013" "16204" "21663" 0.0395933279259626 "Contig101333_3371_8675" "Contig101333" "3371" "8675" 0.712270890827424 "Contig10144_1_8748" "Contig10144" "1" "8748" 0.229975030080655 "Contig101661_1_5354" "Contig101661" "1" "5354" 0.345600927439141 1394 ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
# read in Pst data
pst <- read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/", sep="\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pst) <- c("id","contig","start","end","pst")
id | contig | start | end | pst |
Contig0_10497_95068 | Contig0 | 10497 | 95068 | 0.01933289 |
Contig100188_1_4123 | Contig100188 | 1 | 4123 | 0.73496201 |
Contig100396_1_4908 | Contig100396 | 1 | 4908 | 0.18520587 |
Contig100994_1_8602 | Contig100994 | 1 | 8602 | 0.70114357 |
Contig1013_14071_19514 | Contig1013 | 14071 | 19514 | 0.01722196 |
Contig1013_16204_21663 | Contig1013 | 16204 | 21663 | 0.03959333 |
wc -l SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
1387 SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
# read in Fst data
fst <- read.csv("SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv",stringsAsFactors = F)
id | contig | start | end | fst01 |
Contig103346_4131_18776 | Contig103346 | 4131 | 18776 | 0.069637883 |
Contig60108_1_13731 | Contig60108 | 1 | 13731 | 0.121951220 |
Contig27784_1_12761 | Contig27784 | 1 | 12761 | 0.041095890 |
Contig38648_3515_22246 | Contig38648 | 3515 | 22246 | 0.047858942 |
Contig282_38634_45331 | Contig282 | 38634 | 45331 | 0.001798561 |
Contig282_26273_42182 | Contig282 | 26273 | 42182 | 0.001644737 |
both = merge(pst,fst, by ="id")
both <- both[,c("id","pst","fst01")]
id | pst | fst01 |
Contig0_10497_95068 | 0.01933289 | 0.00000000 |
Contig1433_1_13800 | 0.20530881 | 0.02343096 |
Contig15905_1_15190 | 0.05149559 | 0.00000000 |
Contig15905_1_35236 | 0.05149559 | 0.00000000 |
Contig16063_563_35013 | 0.12577787 | 0.06563707 |
Contig16203_1_18094 | 0.11331736 | 0.04923077 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(both$fst, both$pst, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Fst", ylab = "Pst")
title("Pst vs Fst, 2kbslop_5loci, 64 genes")
R2 = round(summary(lm(both$pst~both$fst))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(0.4,0.75,label="r= 0.08")
Call: lm(formula = both$pst ~ both$fst) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.29403 -0.17988 -0.07144 0.12928 0.60292 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.24004 0.03382 7.098 1.45e-09 *** both$fst 0.18060 0.28676 0.630 0.531 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.2252 on 62 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.006357, Adjusted R-squared: -0.009669 F-statistic: 0.3967 on 1 and 62 DF, p-value: 0.5311
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: both$pst and both$fst t = 0.62981, df = 62, p-value = 0.5311 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.1693982 0.3192828 sample estimates: cor 0.07973106
Warning message in cor.test.default(x = c(0.019332886629221, 0.205308806060111, : "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: both$pst and both$fst S = 42830, p-value = 0.8787 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho 0.01946097
head ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
wc -l ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
"Quant_Varia" "contig_gene" "start_gene_2kb" "end_gene_2kb" "Pst_Values" "Contig0_10497_95068" "Contig0" "10497" "95068" 0.019332886629221 "Contig100188_1_4123" "Contig100188" "1" "4123" 0.734962005060689 "Contig100396_1_4908" "Contig100396" "1" "4908" 0.185205868587485 "Contig100743_7752_12849" "Contig100743" "7752" "12849" 0.513177756897547 "Contig100994_1_8602" "Contig100994" "1" "8602" 0.701143568206082 "Contig10117_48_10916" "Contig10117" "48" "10916" 0.0512787574778887 "Contig1013_14071_19514" "Contig1013" "14071" "19514" 0.0172219569940594 "Contig1013_16204_21663" "Contig1013" "16204" "21663" 0.0395933279259626 "Contig101333_3371_8675" "Contig101333" "3371" "8675" 0.712270890827424 2178 ../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/
# read in Pst data
pst <- read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMGs/", sep="\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pst) <- c("id","contig","start","end","pst")
id | contig | start | end | pst |
Contig0_10497_95068 | Contig0 | 10497 | 95068 | 0.01933289 |
Contig100188_1_4123 | Contig100188 | 1 | 4123 | 0.73496201 |
Contig100396_1_4908 | Contig100396 | 1 | 4908 | 0.18520587 |
Contig100743_7752_12849 | Contig100743 | 7752 | 12849 | 0.51317776 |
Contig100994_1_8602 | Contig100994 | 1 | 8602 | 0.70114357 |
Contig10117_48_10916 | Contig10117 | 48 | 10916 | 0.05127876 |
wc -l SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
1387 SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv
# read in Fst data
fst <- read.csv("SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_PerGeneFst.csv",stringsAsFactors = F)
id | contig | start | end | fst01 |
Contig103346_4131_18776 | Contig103346 | 4131 | 18776 | 0.069637883 |
Contig60108_1_13731 | Contig60108 | 1 | 13731 | 0.121951220 |
Contig27784_1_12761 | Contig27784 | 1 | 12761 | 0.041095890 |
Contig38648_3515_22246 | Contig38648 | 3515 | 22246 | 0.047858942 |
Contig282_38634_45331 | Contig282 | 38634 | 45331 | 0.001798561 |
Contig282_26273_42182 | Contig282 | 26273 | 42182 | 0.001644737 |
both = merge(pst,fst, by ="id")
both <- both[,c("id","pst","fst01")]
id | pst | fst01 |
Contig0_10497_95068 | 0.01933289 | 0.00000000 |
Contig1433_1_13800 | 0.20530881 | 0.02343096 |
Contig149134_128_4495 | 0.19887867 | 0.00000000 |
Contig15595_31612_64402 | 0.15324152 | 0.01369863 |
Contig15905_1_15190 | 0.05149559 | 0.00000000 |
Contig15905_1_35236 | 0.05149559 | 0.00000000 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(both$fst, both$pst, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Fst", ylab = "Pst")
title("Pst vs Fst, 2kbslop_3loci, 96 genes")
R2 = round(summary(lm(both$pst~both$fst))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(0.4,0.75,label="r= 0.076")
Call: lm(formula = both$pst ~ both$fst) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.27744 -0.17026 -0.05201 0.11454 0.60272 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.24024 0.02442 9.838 4.05e-16 *** both$fst 0.14612 0.19709 0.741 0.46 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.205 on 94 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.005813, Adjusted R-squared: -0.004763 F-statistic: 0.5496 on 1 and 94 DF, p-value: 0.4603
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: both$pst and both$fst t = 0.74136, df = 94, p-value = 0.4603 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.1261713 0.2725629 sample estimates: cor 0.07624322
Warning message in cor.test.default(x = c(0.019332886629221, 0.205308806060111, : "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: both$pst and both$fst S = 154628, p-value = 0.6371 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho -0.04875152
sfsSuf = "SFS/HCSS_sfsm70"
module load gcc/6.2.0
module load xz/5.2.2
module load bzip2/1.0.6
module load bedtools/2.29.0
bedtools makewindows -h
Tool: bedtools makewindows Version: v2.29.0 Summary: Makes adjacent or sliding windows across a genome or BED file. Usage: bedtools makewindows [OPTIONS] [-g <genome> OR -b <bed>] [ -w <window_size> OR -n <number of windows> ] Input Options: -g <genome> Genome file size (see notes below). Windows will be created for each chromosome in the file. -b <bed> BED file (with chrom,start,end fields). Windows will be created for each interval in the file. Windows Output Options: -w <window_size> Divide each input interval (either a chromosome or a BED interval) to fixed-sized windows (i.e. same number of nucleotide in each window). Can be combined with -s <step_size> -s <step_size> Step size: i.e., how many base pairs to step before creating a new window. Used to create "sliding" windows. - Defaults to window size (non-sliding windows). -n <number_of_windows> Divide each input interval (either a chromosome or a BED interval) to fixed number of windows (i.e. same number of windows, with varying window sizes). -reverse Reverse numbering of windows in the output, i.e. report windows in decreasing order ID Naming Options: -i src|winnum|srcwinnum The default output is 3 columns: chrom, start, end . With this option, a name column will be added. "-i src" - use the source interval's name. "-i winnum" - use the window number as the ID (e.g. 1,2,3,4...). "-i srcwinnum" - use the source interval's name with the window number. See below for usage examples. Notes: (1) The genome file should tab delimited and structured as follows: <chromName><TAB><chromSize> For example, Human (hg19): chr1 249250621 chr2 243199373 ... chr18_gl000207_random 4262 Tips: One can use the UCSC Genome Browser's MySQL database to extract chromosome sizes. For example, H. sapiens: mysql --user=genome -A -e \ "select chrom, size from hg19.chromInfo" > hg19.genome Examples: # Divide the human genome into windows of 1MB: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -w 1000000 chr1 0 1000000 chr1 1000000 2000000 chr1 2000000 3000000 chr1 3000000 4000000 chr1 4000000 5000000 ... # Divide the human genome into sliding (=overlapping) windows of 1MB, with 500KB overlap: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -w 1000000 -s 500000 chr1 0 1000000 chr1 500000 1500000 chr1 1000000 2000000 chr1 1500000 2500000 chr1 2000000 3000000 ... # Divide each chromosome in human genome to 1000 windows of equal size: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -n 1000 chr1 0 249251 chr1 249251 498502 chr1 498502 747753 chr1 747753 997004 chr1 997004 1246255 ... # Divide each interval in the given BED file into 10 equal-sized windows: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 chr5 73000 90000 chr5 100000 101000 $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 10 chr5 60000 61000 chr5 61000 62000 chr5 62000 63000 chr5 63000 64000 chr5 64000 65000 ... # Add a name column, based on the window number: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i winnum chr5 60000 63334 1 chr5 63334 66668 2 chr5 66668 70000 3 chr5 73000 78667 1 chr5 78667 84334 2 chr5 84334 90000 3 chr5 100000 100334 1 chr5 100334 100668 2 chr5 100668 101000 3 ... # Reverse window numbers: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i winnum -reverse chr5 60000 63334 3 chr5 63334 66668 2 chr5 66668 70000 1 chr5 73000 78667 3 chr5 78667 84334 2 chr5 84334 90000 1 chr5 100000 100334 3 chr5 100334 100668 2 chr5 100668 101000 1 ... # Add a name column, based on the source ID + window number: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i srcwinnum chr5 60000 63334 AAA_1 chr5 63334 66668 AAA_2 chr5 66668 70000 AAA_3 chr5 73000 78667 BBB_1 chr5 78667 84334 BBB_2 chr5 84334 90000 BBB_3 chr5 100000 100334 CCC_1 chr5 100334 100668 CCC_2 chr5 100668 101000 CCC_3 ...
# use previously created genome fai file as the bedfile input
awk 'FS=OFS="\t"{print $1, 0, $2}' ../../Olurida_v081.fa.fai \
| bedtools makewindows -b - -w 1000 > Olurida_v081_1kbIntervals.bed
head Olurida_v081_1kbIntervals.bed
Contig0 0 1000 Contig0 1000 2000 Contig0 2000 3000 Contig0 3000 4000 Contig0 4000 5000 Contig0 5000 6000 Contig0 6000 7000 Contig0 7000 8000 Contig0 8000 9000 Contig0 9000 10000
# reading regions
# read in fst data
# removing zero-only (invariant) bases
chh FALSE TRUE 363405 5882
contig | pos | a | b | |
64 | Contig0 | 74432 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
82 | Contig0 | 109103 | 0.034 | 0.457 |
98 | Contig0 | 109119 | 0.003 | 0.052 |
102 | Contig0 | 109123 | 0.002 | 0.067 |
114 | Contig1 | 40362 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
169 | Contig1 | 42880 | 0.003 | 0.078 |
# computing weighted Fst per region
for (i in 1:nrow(regions)) {
sub=subset(fst01,contig==regions$contig[i] & pos>=regions$start[i] & pos<=regions$end[i])
if (is.null(sub[1,1]) | sum(sub$b)==0) {
} else {
# density plots of per-region Fst
#adding results to regions table, saving
regionsNA <- regions[!$fst01),]
#save bed file of intervals only with fst data
contig | start | end | fst01 | |
75 | Contig0 | 74000 | 75000 | 0.00000000 |
110 | Contig0 | 109000 | 110000 | 0.06770833 |
158 | Contig1 | 40000 | 41000 | 0.00000000 |
160 | Contig1 | 42000 | 43000 | 0.03846154 |
216 | Contig2 | 10000 | 11000 | 0.02127660 |
342 | Contig2 | 136000 | 137000 | 0.00000000 |
filtbed <- regionsNA[,c("contig","start","end")]
write.table(filtbed, "{sfsSuf}_1kb.bed",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names = F)
head {sfsSuf}_1kb.bed
Contig0 74000 75000 Contig0 109000 110000 Contig1 40000 41000 Contig1 42000 43000 Contig2 10000 11000 Contig2 136000 137000 Contig3 14000 15000 Contig4 51000 52000 Contig8 75000 76000 Contig9 17000 18000
regionsNA <- read.csv("{sfsSuf}_Per1kbFst.csv")
id <- paste(regionsNA$contig,regionsNA$start,regionsNA$end, sep = "_")
regionsNA <- cbind(id,regionsNA)
id | contig | start | end | fst01 |
Contig0_74000_75000 | Contig0 | 74000 | 75000 | 0.00000000 |
Contig0_109000_110000 | Contig0 | 109000 | 110000 | 0.06770833 |
Contig1_40000_41000 | Contig1 | 40000 | 41000 | 0.00000000 |
Contig1_42000_43000 | Contig1 | 42000 | 43000 | 0.03846154 |
Contig2_10000_11000 | Contig2 | 10000 | 11000 | 0.02127660 |
Contig2_136000_137000 | Contig2 | 136000 | 137000 | 0.00000000 |
# read in Pst data
pst1kb <- read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/", sep="\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pst1kb) <- c("id","contig","start","end","pst","pst.lowCI","pst.highCI")
id | contig | start | end | pst | pst.lowCI | pst.highCI |
Contig10074_5000_6000 | Contig10074 | 5000 | 6000 | 0.25131285 | 0.0008842925 | 0.8672152 |
Contig100771_1000_1852 | Contig100771 | 1000 | 1852 | 0.34311448 | 0.0015001933 | 0.8588288 |
Contig126977_2000_3000 | Contig126977 | 2000 | 3000 | 0.62651934 | 0.0210034318 | 0.8771075 |
Contig128060_1000_1680 | Contig128060 | 1000 | 1680 | 0.01810252 | 0.0005849085 | 0.8363022 |
Contig129509_0_1000 | Contig129509 | 0 | 1000 | 0.24973351 | 0.0015760069 | 0.8427798 |
Contig132115_1000_1816 | Contig132115 | 1000 | 1816 | 0.21746108 | 0.0009032690 | 0.8652226 |
both = merge(pst1kb,regionsNA, by ="id")
#both <- both[,c("id","pst","fst01")]
id | contig.x | start.x | end.x | pst | pst.lowCI | pst.highCI | contig.y | start.y | end.y | fst01 |
Contig10074_5000_6000 | Contig10074 | 5000 | 6000 | 0.25131285 | 0.0008842925 | 0.8672152 | Contig10074 | 5000 | 6000 | 0.19201995 |
Contig100771_1000_1852 | Contig100771 | 1000 | 1852 | 0.34311448 | 0.0015001933 | 0.8588288 | Contig100771 | 1000 | 1852 | 0.14919355 |
Contig126977_2000_3000 | Contig126977 | 2000 | 3000 | 0.62651934 | 0.0210034318 | 0.8771075 | Contig126977 | 2000 | 3000 | 0.01584507 |
Contig128060_1000_1680 | Contig128060 | 1000 | 1680 | 0.01810252 | 0.0005849085 | 0.8363022 | Contig128060 | 1000 | 1680 | 0.04655870 |
Contig129509_0_1000 | Contig129509 | 0 | 1000 | 0.24973351 | 0.0015760069 | 0.8427798 | Contig129509 | 0 | 1000 | 0.04545455 |
Contig132115_1000_1816 | Contig132115 | 1000 | 1816 | 0.21746108 | 0.0009032690 | 0.8652226 | Contig132115 | 1000 | 1816 | 0.01709402 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(both$fst01, both$pst, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Fst", ylab = "Pst")
title("Pst vs Fst, 1kb bins, 71 bins")
R2 = round(summary(lm(both$pst~both$fst01))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(0.4,0.75,label="r= -0.035")
Call: lm(formula = both$pst ~ both$fst01) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.28231 -0.19942 -0.02921 0.14795 0.52908 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.28394 0.03259 8.712 9.98e-13 *** both$fst01 -0.10975 0.37560 -0.292 0.771 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.2266 on 69 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.001236, Adjusted R-squared: -0.01324 F-statistic: 0.08537 on 1 and 69 DF, p-value: 0.771
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: both$pst and both$fst01 t = -0.29219, df = 69, p-value = 0.771 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.2662733 0.1997889 sample estimates: cor -0.03515334
Warning message in cor.test.default(x = c(0.251312849756899, 0.343114484406881, : "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: both$pst and both$fst01 S = 58217, p-value = 0.8435 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho 0.02385219
module load gcc/6.2.0
module load bedtools/2.29.0
chr <- as.character(both$contig.x)
start <- both$startc +2000
end <- both$end.x-2000
fst <- paste(both$fst01, both$pst, sep="_")
bed <- cbind(chr,start,end,fst)
write.table(bed,"Results/",row.names = F, col.names = F,quote = F, sep = "\t")
intersectBed \
-wb \
-a "../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/genome-features/Olurida_v081-20190709.gene.gff" \
-b "Results/" \
> "Results/fstpst_2kbslop.genes"
both[which(both$fst01 >0.4),]
id | contig.x | start.x | end.x | pst | contig.y | start.y | end.y | fst01 | startc | |
35 | Contig20413_1_17467 | Contig20413 | 1 | 17467 | 0.02072460 | Contig20413 | 1 | 17467 | 0.4720812 | -1515 |
61 | Contig24693_2452_15381 | Contig24693 | 2452 | 15381 | 0.34105167 | Contig24693 | 2452 | 15381 | 0.5007496 | 2452 |
75 | Contig28902_528_13774 | Contig28902 | 528 | 13774 | 0.31127971 | Contig28902 | 528 | 13774 | 0.4283427 | 528 |
133 | Contig50657_1_11990 | Contig50657 | 1 | 11990 | 0.03393099 | Contig50657 | 1 | 11990 | 0.4868217 | -1888 |
149 | Contig77382_1559_12918 | Contig77382 | 1559 | 12918 | 0.41550369 | Contig77382 | 1559 | 12918 | 0.6633523 | 1559 |
Low Pst, high Fst
grep "Contig20413" Results/fstpst_2kbslop.genes
Contig20413 maker gene 486 15467 . - . ID=OLUR_00010706;Name=OLUR_00010706;Alias=maker-Contig20413-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to sll1388: Universal stress protein Sll1388 (Synechocystis sp. (strain PCC 6803 / Kazusa) OX%3D1111708);Dbxref=CDD:cd00293,Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR006015,InterPro:IPR006016,InterPro:IPR014729,PRINTS:PR01438,Pfam:PF00582,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52402; Contig20413 485 15467 0.472081218274112_0.0207245979022085
grep "Contig50657" Results/fstpst_2kbslop.genes
Contig50657 maker gene 113 9990 . + . ID=OLUR_00017738;Name=OLUR_00017738;Alias=maker-Contig50657-snap-gene-0.3;Note=Similar to KDM3B: Lysine-specific demethylase 3B (Homo sapiens OX%3D9606);Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR003347,MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,Pfam:PF02373,ProSiteProfiles:PS51184,SMART:SM00558,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51197; Contig50657 112 9990 0.486821705426357_0.0339309902311326
wc -l SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_slidingwindow
2773 SFS/HCSS_sfsm70_slidingwindow
# use previously created genome fai file as the bedfile input
awk 'FS=OFS="\t"{print $1, 0, $2}' ../../Olurida_v081.fa.fai \
| bedtools makewindows -b - -w 10000 > Olurida_v081_10kbIntervals.bed
head Olurida_v081_10kbIntervals.bed
Contig0 0 10000 Contig0 10000 20000 Contig0 20000 30000 Contig0 30000 40000 Contig0 40000 50000 Contig0 50000 60000 Contig0 60000 70000 Contig0 70000 80000 Contig0 80000 90000 Contig0 90000 100000
# reading regions
# read in fst data
# removing zero-only (invariant) bases
chh FALSE TRUE 363405 5882
contig | pos | a | b | |
64 | Contig0 | 74432 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
82 | Contig0 | 109103 | 0.034 | 0.457 |
98 | Contig0 | 109119 | 0.003 | 0.052 |
102 | Contig0 | 109123 | 0.002 | 0.067 |
114 | Contig1 | 40362 | 0.000 | 0.009 |
169 | Contig1 | 42880 | 0.003 | 0.078 |
# computing weighted Fst per region
for (i in 1:nrow(regions)) {
sub=subset(fst01,contig==regions$contig[i] & pos>=regions$start[i] & pos<=regions$end[i])
if (is.null(sub[1,1]) | sum(sub$b)==0) {
} else {
# density plots of per-region Fst
#adding results to regions table, saving
regionsNA <- regions[!$fst01),]
#save bed file of intervals only with fst data
contig | start | end | fst01 | |
8 | Contig0 | 70000 | 80000 | 0.00000000 |
11 | Contig0 | 100000 | 110000 | 0.06770833 |
17 | Contig1 | 40000 | 50000 | 0.03448276 |
23 | Contig2 | 10000 | 20000 | 0.02127660 |
35 | Contig2 | 130000 | 139250 | 0.00000000 |
37 | Contig3 | 10000 | 20000 | 0.25287356 |
filtbed <- regionsNA[,c("contig","start","end")]
write.table(filtbed, "{sfsSuf}_10kb.bed",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names = F)
regionsNA <- read.csv("{sfsSuf}_Per10kbFst.csv")
id <- paste(regionsNA$contig,regionsNA$start,regionsNA$end, sep = "_")
regionsNA <- cbind(id,regionsNA)
id | contig | start | end | fst01 |
Contig0_70000_80000 | Contig0 | 70000 | 80000 | 0.00000000 |
Contig0_100000_110000 | Contig0 | 100000 | 110000 | 0.06770833 |
Contig1_40000_50000 | Contig1 | 40000 | 50000 | 0.03448276 |
Contig2_10000_20000 | Contig2 | 10000 | 20000 | 0.02127660 |
Contig2_130000_139250 | Contig2 | 130000 | 139250 | 0.00000000 |
Contig3_10000_20000 | Contig3 | 10000 | 20000 | 0.25287356 |
# read in Pst data
pst10kb <- read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/", sep="\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pst10kb) <- c("id","contig","start","end","pst","pst.lowCI","pst.highCI")
id | contig | start | end | pst | pst.lowCI | pst.highCI |
Contig0_70000_80000 | Contig0 | 70000 | 80000 | 0.6136306 | 0.011347886 | 0.8948949 |
Contig10074_0_6621 | Contig10074 | 0 | 6621 | 0.2513128 | 0.001205032 | 0.8501561 |
Contig100771_0_1852 | Contig100771 | 0 | 1852 | 0.3431145 | 0.001595068 | 0.8617699 |
Contig10259_0_9151 | Contig10259 | 0 | 9151 | 0.2439721 | 0.000979882 | 0.8090206 |
Contig103223_10000_14834 | Contig103223 | 10000 | 14834 | 0.3743660 | 0.001878200 | 0.8601134 |
Contig104217_0_5491 | Contig104217 | 0 | 5491 | 0.4712576 | 0.011812632 | 0.8385497 |
both = merge(pst10kb,regionsNA, by ="id")
#both <- both[,c("id","pst","fst01")]
id | contig.x | start.x | end.x | pst | pst.lowCI | pst.highCI | contig.y | start.y | end.y | fst01 |
Contig0_70000_80000 | Contig0 | 70000 | 80000 | 0.6136306 | 0.011347886 | 0.8948949 | Contig0 | 70000 | 80000 | 0.0000000 |
Contig10074_0_6621 | Contig10074 | 0 | 6621 | 0.2513128 | 0.001205032 | 0.8501561 | Contig10074 | 0 | 6621 | 0.1920200 |
Contig100771_0_1852 | Contig100771 | 0 | 1852 | 0.3431145 | 0.001595068 | 0.8617699 | Contig100771 | 0 | 1852 | 0.1491935 |
Contig10259_0_9151 | Contig10259 | 0 | 9151 | 0.2439721 | 0.000979882 | 0.8090206 | Contig10259 | 0 | 9151 | 0.1026694 |
Contig103223_10000_14834 | Contig103223 | 10000 | 14834 | 0.3743660 | 0.001878200 | 0.8601134 | Contig103223 | 10000 | 14834 | 0.0000000 |
Contig104217_0_5491 | Contig104217 | 0 | 5491 | 0.4712576 | 0.011812632 | 0.8385497 | Contig104217 | 0 | 5491 | 0.0000000 |
#dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,DgenN, n=300)
#myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(both$fst01, both$pst, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "Fst", ylab = "Pst")
title("Pst vs Fst, 10kb bins, 271 bins")
R2 = round(summary(lm(both$pst~both$fst01))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(0.4,0.75,label="r= -0.004")
Call: lm(formula = both$pst ~ both$fst01) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.27271 -0.19651 -0.02384 0.14066 0.72989 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.272758 0.016211 16.826 <2e-16 *** both$fst01 -0.009332 0.143242 -0.065 0.948 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.22 on 269 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 1.578e-05, Adjusted R-squared: -0.003702 F-statistic: 0.004245 on 1 and 269 DF, p-value: 0.9481
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ both$pst + both$fst01,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: both$pst and both$fst01 t = -0.065151, df = 269, p-value = 0.9481 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.1230691 0.1152373 sample estimates: cor -0.003972307
Warning message in cor.test.default(x = c(0.613630567871362, 0.251312849756899, : "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: both$pst and both$fst01 S = 3376696, p-value = 0.7682 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho -0.0179847
# Read in PC scores from epigenetics
ep <- read.table("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/methylation-filtered/",
header=T, sep="\t",row.names = "sample")
Add sample names to PC score matrix
key = read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/data/sample-key.csv",colClasses = c("character","character"))
samples = rownames(ep)
mapdf <- data.frame(old=key$X...MBD.FILENAME,new=key$SAMPLE)
rownames(ep) <- mapdf$new[match(samples,mapdf$old)]
PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | PC6 | PC7 | PC8 | PC9 | PC10 | PC11 | PC12 | PC13 | PC14 | PC15 | PC16 | PC17 | PC18 | |
hc1_2 | -6.692850 | 4.371347 | 17.3591858 | -9.77823057 | 0.03392218 | -29.86492405 | 35.5278752 | 30.6193584 | -4.9343922 | 1.6809432 | -0.33319001 | 3.635139 | -7.4010422 | -1.7594517 | 3.1929463 | 0.78578319 | -4.4636713 | -2.304060e-14 |
hc1_4 | -1.070833 | 15.671612 | -0.3928227 | -1.70710015 | 41.23235880 | 35.77341278 | 2.2218207 | 22.6387392 | 9.6957465 | -0.1030809 | -0.86444586 | 7.793098 | 2.1127411 | -1.9011238 | 1.0629236 | 2.77676877 | 0.2719266 | -4.127601e-14 |
hc2_15 | -12.299954 | 10.306976 | -8.1557636 | -2.70502528 | 18.69976530 | -31.90777310 | -18.5266121 | -11.0064755 | 32.4791342 | -12.9709720 | -12.42688061 | 6.839118 | -5.7880514 | -0.1922841 | 2.8387897 | 0.27435155 | 2.0688240 | -2.724470e-14 |
hc2_17 | -20.447126 | 9.462505 | -2.1141525 | 4.20049318 | 11.22313158 | -0.77622031 | 0.7696665 | -5.0742263 | -2.9998595 | -1.6355382 | 15.84724957 | -44.577822 | -11.9680384 | 6.4587427 | -9.2348469 | -8.24820025 | -1.5929793 | 1.984524e-14 |
hc3_1 | 39.034523 | 48.607826 | -14.8380393 | 24.54435834 | -20.88827041 | 3.21539341 | 13.3872950 | -6.7302612 | 5.4916718 | -3.3313800 | 0.04068923 | 1.333991 | 0.3918315 | 1.5024459 | -0.5308704 | 2.08230580 | -0.6792729 | -1.282481e-14 |
hc3_5 | -4.158491 | 15.894780 | 56.6155610 | -2.33521782 | -19.01246614 | 7.46016914 | -25.9280178 | 3.7768436 | 0.2410256 | -3.1401753 | 1.99055907 | 2.008911 | -3.5426766 | -0.3045020 | 0.8488112 | -0.11514156 | 1.4576012 | 1.117509e-14 |
hc3_7 | -3.864274 | 15.873938 | -20.7614296 | 2.15581022 | 7.59235360 | -16.98380550 | -28.4280712 | 11.2734120 | -33.2551537 | 19.2619936 | 4.18859370 | 7.355386 | 7.3000877 | -5.3908788 | -0.3526813 | -0.96549984 | 1.6868523 | -3.011653e-14 |
hc3_10 | -26.775638 | 5.285006 | 16.3128676 | 3.29961637 | 11.01994934 | -0.50438638 | 19.8221442 | -30.5733695 | -9.8219832 | 4.1390918 | -10.16929815 | 3.537457 | 30.0290917 | -6.4407773 | -8.5153142 | 0.40346723 | 4.6974825 | -2.846074e-14 |
hc3_11 | 27.358771 | 4.769939 | -8.5306352 | -59.71357725 | -3.74778573 | 4.63932148 | 1.8642351 | -13.3416913 | -4.0485879 | -6.2794531 | 8.25416810 | -1.321221 | 1.6583165 | -1.7369624 | 3.7856504 | -0.97944952 | 0.8468419 | -1.080733e-14 |
ss2_9 | 6.465812 | -14.429699 | -9.6526527 | -1.47541437 | -13.23682631 | 4.77846200 | -6.5708353 | 18.3475636 | -5.9277610 | -17.3833320 | -36.74039835 | -16.780138 | 16.3704203 | 11.1439572 | -1.2996767 | -0.69204759 | -0.3559637 | 4.914472e-15 |
ss2_14 | -18.922299 | -13.051948 | -11.7284274 | 9.37222473 | -14.48802057 | 6.02618124 | -0.3432883 | 3.7470212 | 3.5191786 | -14.7538726 | 12.47806816 | -5.926382 | 5.2032870 | -34.8767482 | 21.5234972 | 8.01383124 | 0.9745638 | -3.814744e-14 |
ss2_18 | 57.203399 | -31.515497 | 16.0043428 | 19.96257323 | 23.19173716 | -9.36772786 | -1.5263979 | -8.2383146 | -9.8901491 | -9.6078438 | 7.31227535 | -1.022245 | -1.2873794 | -2.3582088 | 1.3820464 | -0.01808849 | -0.3010683 | -3.171205e-14 |
ss3_3 | -1.586950 | -13.016356 | -4.4951886 | 2.37429362 | -8.74625932 | 4.22362495 | -2.2857498 | -0.2209097 | 12.4528948 | 11.1203493 | 5.21846830 | 8.206049 | 7.9088060 | -1.0529871 | -4.8831301 | -25.60237746 | -34.1337760 | -1.407739e-14 |
ss3_14 | -6.869877 | -13.758143 | -5.7509940 | -0.03503271 | -7.97145122 | 0.09865517 | -2.9408401 | 0.7549669 | 6.9849426 | 4.4075935 | 13.18907492 | 3.068868 | 3.8584631 | 12.8126462 | -17.4943374 | 38.04138920 | -11.8529642 | -3.098823e-14 |
ss3_15 | -23.724292 | -6.297303 | -6.2630517 | 7.77628176 | -2.50136889 | 6.03173553 | 4.4649768 | -8.9514123 | -11.4648707 | -11.7542464 | 9.96107454 | 14.292394 | -5.7570909 | 31.8160870 | 26.2366619 | -4.61349919 | 2.7657943 | -1.370778e-14 |
ss3_16 | -6.222188 | -15.256037 | -9.9880900 | 2.74993534 | -12.89661904 | 3.47663653 | 2.1522917 | 8.3846073 | 5.2531997 | -8.6952416 | 12.08045896 | 14.386765 | -3.5246216 | -1.1906847 | -28.0187811 | -15.53426597 | 26.2991427 | 1.160877e-14 |
ss3_20 | -8.409625 | -7.667093 | -4.3401787 | 0.84692428 | -2.47756877 | 11.84000340 | 4.2955124 | -15.2525170 | -13.0036782 | 7.6647033 | -25.18073705 | 6.730737 | -37.6991146 | -11.2709100 | -5.8189887 | 4.19794007 | -5.2303088 | 9.542605e-16 |
ss5_18 | 10.981891 | -15.251853 | 0.7194687 | 0.46708707 | -7.02658154 | 1.84124156 | 2.0439948 | -0.1533349 | 19.2286419 | 41.3804613 | -4.84572988 | -9.560104 | 2.1349702 | 4.7416398 | 15.2773000 | 0.19273281 | 17.5409751 | -2.729078e-14 |
gen <- read.table("Results/{SUFFIX}pca_covMat.tsv",)
mbdorder = c("hc1_2","hc1_4","hc2_15","hc2_17","hc3_1","hc3_10","hc3_11","hc3_5","hc3_7",
rownames(gen) <- mbdorder
#make sure ep and gen in same order
ep <- ep[mbdorder,]
PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | PC6 | PC7 | PC8 | PC9 | PC10 | PC11 | PC12 | PC13 | PC14 | PC15 | PC16 | PC17 | PC18 | Pop | |
hc1_2 | -0.169157009 | 0.32979333 | -0.0925416296 | 0.50520867 | -0.294133348 | 0.26493543 | -0.06140564 | -0.006872229 | 0.04954539 | -0.03079583 | 0.16689447 | -0.019328195 | -0.35883554 | 0.29791521 | -0.122308974 | -0.111055481 | -0.375556625 | 0.144280831 | HC |
hc1_4 | -0.271757005 | -0.34897316 | -0.2228580558 | 0.07179135 | 0.140243789 | 0.05948359 | 0.23457074 | -0.431635637 | 0.58806689 | -0.31398495 | -0.05176609 | 0.072893855 | -0.08775922 | -0.04412887 | 0.022912601 | -0.146603418 | 0.022401047 | -0.020879124 | HC |
hc2_15 | -0.071626776 | -0.08966038 | -0.0397213904 | -0.09019719 | 0.008315516 | -0.08914973 | -0.13072719 | -0.577920092 | -0.10440079 | 0.71562241 | -0.01947412 | 0.022977518 | -0.18519793 | 0.22058976 | 0.071916895 | -0.041643594 | 0.064886645 | 0.004739740 | HC |
hc2_17 | -0.298667880 | -0.46065814 | 0.1709509477 | 0.50626010 | 0.477551173 | -0.14189869 | -0.12229645 | 0.248062189 | -0.22116443 | 0.09107086 | 0.10440924 | -0.118132992 | -0.02734497 | 0.03632917 | 0.021668054 | -0.059933906 | -0.003101467 | 0.013541656 | HC |
hc3_1 | -0.256597468 | -0.26360918 | -0.1601116901 | -0.25708967 | -0.429531489 | -0.01684808 | -0.01589535 | 0.228308475 | -0.20952811 | -0.03248925 | 0.06665936 | -0.095151431 | -0.09836574 | 0.02562810 | 0.010099832 | -0.650256453 | 0.209656174 | -0.009993740 | HC |
hc3_10 | -0.065071796 | 0.29433533 | -0.1021351748 | 0.05611128 | 0.049239062 | -0.72913326 | 0.52168553 | -0.007792869 | -0.08157511 | -0.05036670 | 0.21913731 | 0.012004485 | -0.11929153 | 0.11770265 | 0.002913704 | -0.032029642 | 0.047016400 | -0.024292181 | HC |
hc3_11 | -0.125488142 | 0.01373902 | 0.8988541987 | -0.11639476 | -0.143160319 | -0.01167964 | 0.05355827 | -0.120221710 | 0.11441735 | -0.16274347 | 0.03271447 | -0.005991747 | -0.19713438 | 0.15824428 | 0.058861658 | -0.028844206 | 0.117987901 | -0.042665776 | HC |
hc3_5 | -0.143120769 | 0.25833924 | -0.0773359071 | 0.39861545 | -0.166206946 | 0.13312088 | -0.01994485 | 0.001502115 | 0.08777540 | 0.06530467 | -0.01659665 | -0.105096992 | 0.07948560 | -0.09322778 | 0.197338624 | 0.138111410 | 0.761771924 | -0.159821780 | HC |
hc3_7 | -0.318831783 | -0.31672402 | -0.1685526135 | -0.20871865 | -0.302968493 | -0.06214955 | -0.05833547 | 0.105436774 | -0.07224308 | -0.10760250 | 0.15323289 | -0.041115290 | -0.18920247 | 0.18938030 | -0.009664227 | 0.707551090 | 0.006904790 | -0.038549729 | HC |
ss2_14 | 0.243532694 | -0.05325667 | -0.0112504003 | 0.02660362 | 0.010415915 | 0.05821443 | -0.07413337 | -0.389989744 | -0.30450396 | -0.25018469 | 0.43696327 | -0.402573092 | -0.25713079 | -0.44736762 | -0.003418302 | 0.017336869 | 0.024482783 | 0.021291751 | SS |
ss2_18 | 0.286774500 | -0.18692917 | 0.0607321050 | 0.07293295 | -0.096864786 | -0.06099770 | -0.01245880 | 0.204805726 | 0.33236915 | 0.26832962 | 0.32740659 | 0.276267253 | -0.19667989 | -0.18134206 | -0.581828420 | 0.009179303 | 0.205992957 | 0.002802899 | SS |
ss2_9 | 0.217164350 | -0.13668071 | -0.0359391218 | 0.12504185 | -0.034491284 | 0.03055297 | -0.09330715 | -0.158611623 | -0.28458837 | -0.26532185 | 0.23254672 | 0.712236517 | 0.07543774 | 0.19810597 | 0.262751244 | -0.030782937 | 0.152386118 | 0.174226060 | SS |
ss3_14 | 0.284005355 | -0.13343295 | -0.0453763001 | 0.14950017 | -0.064156555 | -0.06947412 | 0.06337588 | 0.096367552 | -0.11549845 | -0.04674180 | -0.50853613 | 0.140984955 | -0.58760720 | -0.12835534 | 0.161687478 | 0.015612647 | -0.044728107 | -0.413190543 | SS |
ss3_15 | 0.008320234 | 0.25839268 | -0.1403021067 | -0.25629503 | 0.376373342 | -0.17472840 | -0.59718904 | 0.111137946 | 0.22635953 | -0.19824638 | 0.09764560 | -0.041632615 | -0.32747893 | 0.23209975 | 0.054120731 | -0.092662237 | 0.176367549 | -0.032818887 | SS |
ss3_16 | 0.252509868 | -0.11857098 | -0.0431228268 | 0.08965063 | 0.019221920 | -0.02240088 | 0.04005040 | -0.180833165 | -0.20228145 | -0.25125342 | -0.34995704 | -0.255014779 | 0.06612093 | 0.46156279 | -0.516495088 | 0.009494130 | 0.266183507 | 0.174456979 | SS |
ss3_20 | 0.037809434 | 0.04616455 | -0.0589178291 | -0.24481162 | 0.392205366 | 0.53899828 | 0.49733542 | 0.176921496 | -0.11761826 | 0.10437955 | 0.19390864 | -0.015883140 | -0.25973585 | 0.22674915 | 0.052554708 | 0.009970900 | 0.158389076 | -0.025277071 | SS |
ss3_3 | 0.372932794 | -0.18422417 | -0.0197498927 | 0.09594917 | -0.116801908 | -0.01000246 | -0.01186712 | 0.018885450 | 0.18829491 | 0.01801898 | 0.31317672 | -0.239693297 | 0.26625812 | 0.40494020 | 0.193512101 | -0.069335517 | -0.127424254 | -0.564333793 | SS |
ss5_18 | 0.348617184 | -0.18623575 | -0.0002393696 | 0.05522893 | -0.120708591 | -0.10013944 | 0.07737120 | 0.187529089 | 0.27635145 | 0.11537599 | -0.04890382 | -0.260466163 | -0.13365163 | 0.06453839 | 0.438908477 | 0.035969106 | 0.047603910 | 0.629948894 | SS |
plot(ep$PC2,gen$PC1, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "PC2 methylation", ylab = "PC1 SNPs")
title("Filtered methylated sites (PC2) vs filtered SNPs (PC1)")
R2 = round(summary(lm(gen$PC1~ep$PC2))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(ep$PC2,gen$PC1, labels=rownames(ep), cex=0.9, font=2)
Call: lm(formula = gen$PC1 ~ ep$PC2) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.212094 -0.088553 -0.005015 0.076451 0.264273 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.018408 0.032040 0.575 0.574 ep$PC2 -0.011094 0.001805 -6.147 1.4e-05 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.1359 on 16 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.7025, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6839 F-statistic: 37.79 on 1 and 16 DF, p-value: 1.404e-05
cor.test( ~ ep$PC2 + gen$PC1,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ ep$PC2 + gen$PC1,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: ep$PC2 and gen$PC1 t = -6.1473, df = 16, p-value = 1.404e-05 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.9379921 -0.6100194 sample estimates: cor -0.8381768
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: ep$PC2 and gen$PC1 S = 1802, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho -0.8596491
# Read in PC scores from epigenetics
ep <- read.table("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/analyses/DMLs/",
header=T, sep="\t",row.names = "sample")
Add sample names to PC score matrix
key = read.csv("../../paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/data/sample-key.csv",colClasses = c("character","character"))
samples = rownames(ep)
mapdf <- data.frame(old=key$X...MBD.FILENAME,new=key$SAMPLE)
rownames(ep) <- mapdf$new[match(samples,mapdf$old)]
PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | PC6 | PC7 | PC8 | PC9 | PC10 | PC11 | PC12 | PC13 | PC14 | PC15 | PC16 | PC17 | PC18 | |
hc1_2 | 2.58520529 | 2.52082478 | -1.2085058 | 0.42322452 | 0.54325748 | 0.1039631 | -0.12694825 | 0.76376345 | -0.96942144 | 0.26802083 | 0.28865161 | -1.51780782 | 0.445506029 | -0.12625313 | 0.1374234782 | -0.405429804 | -0.004794839 | 3.330669e-16 |
hc1_4 | 3.37080780 | -2.03165236 | 0.8702686 | -1.29204441 | 1.91824968 | -0.4996976 | 0.47911154 | 0.31219593 | 0.35561796 | 0.80971097 | 0.02913808 | 0.74960408 | 0.446178287 | 0.07594788 | -0.0002381671 | -0.673094503 | -0.135790637 | -2.498002e-16 |
hc2_15 | 3.86829394 | -1.33681409 | 0.8650964 | 0.78709933 | -1.26146005 | 0.1721864 | 0.56342577 | -0.88795865 | -0.37425513 | -0.80642763 | 0.80413379 | 0.04505579 | 0.379095401 | -0.90594140 | 0.3619052557 | 0.223859298 | -0.273138785 | 1.026956e-15 |
hc2_17 | 3.38228858 | -0.79641793 | -1.4876656 | -1.25664040 | 1.33311484 | 0.6280170 | 0.11835032 | 0.50985459 | 0.59488917 | -1.38658333 | -0.59549147 | -0.19059968 | 0.066777983 | -0.30390921 | -0.9218117044 | 0.217071952 | 0.093162128 | 7.632783e-16 |
hc3_1 | 1.81393178 | -0.67259628 | 2.9870456 | -0.40833186 | -0.96025334 | -0.8174120 | -1.02180183 | 0.91534553 | -0.92598761 | 0.98324685 | -0.64844127 | -0.10305661 | -0.135350626 | -0.55412374 | -0.2333078766 | 0.277394323 | 0.218305193 | -4.163336e-17 |
hc3_5 | 3.15464787 | 1.72341264 | -1.1378371 | -0.05172669 | 1.01491175 | -0.8237016 | 0.87441578 | 0.89248770 | -0.20670025 | 0.26927195 | 0.92423115 | 0.80427163 | 0.124159134 | 0.40792642 | 0.3863396250 | 0.562323232 | 0.195555875 | -4.059253e-16 |
hc3_7 | 3.03723117 | -2.21797016 | 0.5758374 | 0.82823062 | -2.29779396 | -0.1390859 | 0.01737066 | 0.38127916 | 0.42014818 | -0.85970261 | 0.16518251 | -0.31089880 | -0.278629464 | 0.98636768 | 0.2374751890 | -0.291878869 | 0.210038774 | -4.128642e-16 |
hc3_10 | 3.12657476 | 2.05163630 | -1.4785213 | 2.64148283 | -0.56936840 | 0.1551002 | -0.50077137 | -0.37443424 | 0.85983088 | 0.36632514 | -0.67663699 | 0.71482050 | -0.818042865 | -0.47403996 | 0.0124800260 | -0.267051183 | 0.003900828 | 6.938894e-17 |
hc3_11 | 1.90514384 | -0.10053224 | -0.2313423 | -0.02410457 | 1.00028093 | -1.0818482 | -1.08862894 | -2.84220098 | -0.68173469 | 0.30161141 | -0.22254763 | -0.25552827 | -0.009977519 | 0.67586623 | -0.2296772481 | 0.210401103 | -0.042430308 | 5.412337e-16 |
ss2_9 | -3.29604933 | -0.36696617 | -1.1240478 | -1.64678552 | -0.03140524 | -1.1444626 | -2.12193257 | 0.06073731 | 1.59177805 | -0.14269409 | 0.03296847 | -0.21700577 | 0.298625486 | -0.34382530 | 0.7520590765 | 0.067221294 | 0.038251681 | -1.665335e-16 |
ss2_14 | -4.62761978 | 0.32016538 | 0.1023013 | 1.33200011 | -0.43756652 | 0.8884132 | -1.70058349 | 0.26035659 | -0.41445441 | -0.16073162 | 1.10376867 | 0.65106642 | 0.598388311 | 0.08450745 | -0.7660601303 | -0.167222788 | 0.034365840 | -1.290634e-15 |
ss2_18 | -3.15964800 | -2.94944995 | -2.4536016 | 1.41571219 | -0.45780374 | -0.4007593 | 0.56658560 | 1.03593882 | -0.16075042 | 0.95973890 | -0.35935370 | -0.32331375 | -0.066483322 | 0.22004619 | -0.1606234117 | 0.315810332 | -0.260083443 | -9.992007e-16 |
ss3_3 | -4.51647335 | -1.63423052 | -1.3518178 | -0.43540364 | 0.43983796 | 1.2242943 | 1.19036209 | -1.07786890 | -1.10902628 | 0.03895321 | -0.09456160 | 0.13664437 | -0.205271840 | -0.48921408 | 0.3702596694 | -0.207845136 | 0.352042417 | -1.415534e-15 |
ss3_14 | -3.49585065 | 1.44235134 | 1.8117922 | 1.39008328 | -0.13611863 | -0.6455329 | 1.87460770 | -0.59488368 | 1.39795831 | 0.09007089 | -0.53640239 | -0.27075052 | 0.968970471 | 0.05005773 | -0.1640301250 | 0.072471797 | 0.089704849 | -1.000935e-15 |
ss3_15 | -0.50826754 | -0.06622783 | 1.9832653 | 0.06545791 | 1.59826625 | 3.0244050 | -0.16521858 | 0.01091822 | 0.98652309 | 0.48815728 | 0.51502137 | -0.51785758 | -0.760809159 | 0.19425483 | 0.1575905249 | 0.221552299 | -0.070317115 | -7.077672e-16 |
ss3_16 | -2.89036430 | 1.04776489 | 1.2228544 | 0.50719492 | 1.16406626 | 0.1998446 | -0.39106282 | 0.80257770 | -1.21474302 | -1.23994657 | -1.09970478 | 0.45690810 | -0.004092271 | 0.36003195 | 0.5480006844 | 0.007993032 | -0.191693813 | 8.673617e-17 |
ss3_20 | 0.03871472 | 2.01719310 | -0.6907287 | -3.12339634 | -2.82958681 | 1.5596246 | 0.49255668 | -0.24716886 | -0.12242973 | 0.44366221 | -0.36019013 | 0.33441036 | 0.146179426 | 0.29177550 | -0.1081014256 | 0.009544983 | -0.148261334 | -4.996004e-16 |
ss5_18 | -3.78856679 | 1.04950912 | 0.7456069 | -1.15205229 | -0.03062846 | -2.4033483 | 0.94016172 | 0.07906030 | -0.02724268 | -0.42268378 | 0.73023433 | -0.18596246 | -1.195223461 | -0.14947506 | -0.3796834404 | -0.173121361 | -0.108817312 | -4.163336e-17 |
#make sure ep and gen in same order
ep <- ep[mbdorder,]
plot(ep$PC1,gen$PC1, pch=20,cex=1,xlab = "PC1 methylation", ylab = "PC1 SNPs")
title("DMLs (PC1) vs filtered SNPs (PC1)")
R2 = round(summary(lm(gen$PC1~ep$PC1))$r.squared, 4)
#image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
text(ep$PC1,gen$PC1, labels=rownames(ep), cex=0.9, font=2)
Call: lm(formula = gen$PC1 ~ ep$PC1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.148275 -0.052397 0.007205 0.045458 0.180223 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.018408 0.020769 0.886 0.389 ep$PC1 -0.069865 0.006601 -10.583 1.24e-08 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.08812 on 16 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.875, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8672 F-statistic: 112 on 1 and 16 DF, p-value: 1.241e-08
cor.test( ~ ep$PC1 + gen$PC1,
method = "pearson",
conf.level = 0.95)
cor.test( ~ ep$PC1 + gen$PC1,
method = "spearman",
continuity = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation data: ep$PC1 and gen$PC1 t = -10.583, df = 16, p-value = 1.241e-08 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.9760352 -0.8318183 sample estimates: cor -0.9354179
Spearman's rank correlation rho data: ep$PC1 and gen$PC1 S = 1768, p-value = 2.01e-05 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0 sample estimates: rho -0.8245614