list.of.packages <- c("tidyverse", "reshape2", "here", "Pstat") #add new libraries here
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
# Load all libraries
lapply(list.of.packages, FUN = function(X) {"require", list(X))
load(here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "R-objects", "meth_filter_reshaped"))
head(meth_filter_reshaped) #note, this object was used to create the "" file, so same content
## chr start end strand sample coverage numCs numTs percMeth population
## 1 Contig0 39226 39226 + 1 21 11 10 52.38095 HC
## 2 Contig0 39234 39234 + 1 24 10 14 41.66667 HC
## 3 Contig0 64179 64179 + 1 10 9 1 90.00000 HC
## 4 Contig0 71523 71523 + 1 13 13 0 100.00000 HC
## 5 Contig0 71533 71533 + 1 17 17 0 100.00000 HC
## 6 Contig0 71542 71542 + 1 16 15 1 93.75000 HC
Note: the file Katherine sent didn’t have columns separated by tabs, but by single-spaces. I tried without succes to convert spaces to tabs - the closest I got was the below script, but sed
wouldn’t recognize \t
as a tab. So, I just opened the file in the program Text Edit, did find/replace, and saved as a new file to the genome-features folder in the repo.
sed -e 's/ /\t/g' "../analyses/2bRAD/HCSS_sfsm70_10kb.bed" > "../genome-features/Olurida_v081_bins-10kb.bed"
wb: Print all lines in the second file a: input data file, which was created in previous code chunk b: save annotated gene list
intersectBed \
-wb \
-a "../analyses/methylation-filtered/" \
-b "../genome-features/Olurida_v081_bins-1kb.bed" \
> "../analyses/methylation-filtered/"
wc -l "../analyses/methylation-filtered/"
wc -l "../analyses/methylation-filtered/"
wc -l "../genome-features/Olurida_v081_bins-1kb.bed"
## 607284 ../analyses/methylation-filtered/
## 4104 ../analyses/methylation-filtered/
## 3883 ../genome-features/Olurida_v081_bins-1kb.bed
head -n 5 "../analyses/methylation-filtered/"
## Contig10074 5759 5759 + 1 14 14 0 100 HC Contig10074 5000 6000
## Contig10074 5773 5773 + 1 12 12 0 100 HC Contig10074 5000 6000
## Contig100771 1673 1673 + 1 14 13 1 92.85714285714286 HC Contig100771 1000 1852
## Contig126977 2743 2743 + 1 11 11 0 100 HC Contig126977 2000 3000
## Contig126977 2842 2842 + 1 NA NA NA NA HC Contig126977 2000 3000
meth_filter_bins_1kb <- read_delim(file = "../analyses/methylation-filtered/", delim = "\t", col_names = c(colnames(meth_filter_reshaped), "contig", "bin.start", "bin.end")) %>%
mutate(bin=paste(contig, bin.start, bin.end, sep="_"))
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## chr = col_character(),
## start = col_double(),
## end = col_double(),
## strand = col_character(),
## sample = col_double(),
## coverage = col_double(),
## numCs = col_double(),
## numTs = col_double(),
## percMeth = col_double(),
## population = col_character(),
## contig = col_character(),
## bin.start = col_double(),
## bin.end = col_double()
## )
meth_filter_bins_1kb %>%
distinct(bin) %>%
## [1] 71
perc_meth_bins_1kb <- meth_filter_bins_1kb %>%
group_by(population, sample, bin, contig, bin.start, bin.end) %>%
mean_percMeth = mean(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
sd_percMeth=sd(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
# check a couple loci to make sure % methylation is calculated separately for each sample and gene region
perc_meth_bins_1kb %>% filter(bin=="Contig10074_5000_6000") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=mean_percMeth)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
perc_meth_bins_1kb %>% filter(bin=="Contig45217_3000_4000") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=mean_percMeth)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
# Reshape data. Need to have one row per sample, one column with the population, and separate columns with each gene region with % methylation.
perc_meth_bins_1kb_wide <- perc_meth_bins_1kb %>%
ungroup() %>%
#tidyr::unite("gene_region", c("contig_gene", "start_gene_2kb", "end_gene_2kb"), sep = "_", remove = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(population, sample, bin, mean_percMeth) %>%
spread(bin, mean_percMeth) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "sample")
head(perc_meth_bins_1kb_wide[1:4]) #confirm correct format
## population Contig10074_5000_6000 Contig100771_1000_1852
## 1 HC 100.00000 92.85714
## 2 HC 96.66667 100.00000
## 3 HC NaN 80.00000
## 4 HC 100.00000 83.33333
## 5 HC 100.00000 100.00000
## 6 HC 91.98718 NaN
## Contig126977_2000_3000
## 1 100.00000
## 2 96.15385
## 3 86.36364
## 4 87.50000
## 5 95.45455
## 6 90.00000
ncol(perc_meth_bins_1kb_wide)-1 # 71 bins
## [1] 71
perc_meth_bins_1kb$`n()` %>% hist()
perc_meth_bins_1kb$`n()` %>% summary()
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.000 1.000 2.000 3.211 4.000 14.000
#Now run the following line and it will provide Pst estimates for every gene.
perc_meth_bins_1kb_Pst <- Pst(perc_meth_bins_1kb_wide, ci=1) #ci=1 to include 95% confidence interval calc
## [1] "Populations sizes are:"
## HC SS
## 9 9
# Check out Pst distribution
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.001323 0.081716 0.249733 0.278556 0.428745 0.809516
## [1] 71
# format of dataframe that I will save
perc_meth_bins_1kb_Pst %>% separate(Quant_Varia, into=c("contig","start.bin", "end.bin"), sep = "_", remove = FALSE) %>% noquote() %>% View()
# Write out Pst results
write.table(perc_meth_bins_1kb_Pst %>%
separate(Quant_Varia, into=c("contig","start.bin", "end.bin"), sep = "_", remove = FALSE),
file = here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", ""),
sep = '\t', na = "NA", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote=FALSE)
intersectBed \
-wb \
-a "../analyses/methylation-filtered/" \
-b "../genome-features/Olurida_v081_bins-10kb.bed" \
> "../analyses/methylation-filtered/"
meth_filter_bins_10kb <- read_delim(file = "../analyses/methylation-filtered/", delim = "\t", col_names = c(colnames(meth_filter_reshaped), "contig", "bin.start", "bin.end")) %>%
mutate(bin=paste(contig, bin.start, bin.end, sep="_"))
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## chr = col_character(),
## start = col_double(),
## end = col_double(),
## strand = col_character(),
## sample = col_double(),
## coverage = col_double(),
## numCs = col_double(),
## numTs = col_double(),
## percMeth = col_double(),
## population = col_character(),
## contig = col_character(),
## bin.start = col_double(),
## bin.end = col_double()
## )
meth_filter_bins_10kb %>%
distinct(bin) %>%
nrow() #271 10kb bins
## [1] 271
perc_meth_bins_10kb <- meth_filter_bins_10kb %>%
group_by(population, sample, bin, contig, bin.start, bin.end) %>%
mean_percMeth = mean(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
sd_percMeth=sd(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
# check a couple loci to make sure % methylation is calculated separately for each sample and gene region
perc_meth_bins_10kb %>% filter(bin=="Contig10074_0_6621") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=mean_percMeth)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
perc_meth_bins_10kb %>% filter(bin=="Contig19869_0_10000") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=mean_percMeth)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
# Reshape data. Need to have one row per sample, one column with the population, and separate columns with each gene region with % methylation.
perc_meth_bins_10kb_wide <- perc_meth_bins_10kb %>%
ungroup() %>%
#tidyr::unite("gene_region", c("contig_gene", "start_gene_2kb", "end_gene_2kb"), sep = "_", remove = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(population, sample, bin, mean_percMeth) %>%
spread(bin, mean_percMeth) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "sample")
#Now run the following line and it will provide Pst estimates for every gene.
perc_meth_bins_10kb_Pst <- Pst(perc_meth_bins_10kb_wide, ci=1) #ci=1 to include 95% confidence interval calc
## [1] "Populations sizes are:"
## HC SS
## 9 9
#Pst(perc_meth_bins_10kb_wide, ci=1)
# Check out Pst distribution
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0000065 0.0757692 0.2489184 0.2721605 0.4132089 1.0000000
# Write out Pst results
perc_meth_bins_10kb_Pst %>%
separate(Quant_Varia, into=c("contig","start.bin", "end.bin"), sep = "_", remove = FALSE),
file = here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", ""),
sep = '\t', na = "NA", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote=FALSE)