Load libraries

list.of.packages <- c("tidyverse", "reshape2", "here", "methylKit", "ggforce", "matrixStats", "Pstat", "viridis", "plotly", "readr", "GenomicRanges", "vegan") #add new libraries here 

new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)

# Load all libraries 
lapply(list.of.packages, FUN = function(X) {
  do.call("require", list(X)) 

Obtain session information

## R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS  10.14
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] vegan_2.5-6          lattice_0.20-38      permute_0.9-5       
##  [4] plotly_4.9.1         viridis_0.5.1        viridisLite_0.3.0   
##  [7] Pstat_1.2            matrixStats_0.55.0   ggforce_0.3.1       
## [10] methylKit_1.8.1      GenomicRanges_1.34.0 GenomeInfoDb_1.18.2 
## [13] IRanges_2.16.0       S4Vectors_0.20.1     BiocGenerics_0.28.0 
## [16] here_0.1             reshape2_1.4.3       forcats_0.4.0       
## [19] stringr_1.4.0        dplyr_0.8.3          purrr_0.3.3         
## [22] readr_1.3.1          tidyr_1.0.0          tibble_2.1.3        
## [25] ggplot2_3.2.1        tidyverse_1.3.0     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] colorspace_1.4-1            mclust_5.4.5               
##  [3] rprojroot_1.3-2             qvalue_2.14.1              
##  [5] XVector_0.22.0              fs_1.3.1                   
##  [7] rstudioapi_0.10             farver_2.0.1               
##  [9] fansi_0.4.0                 mvtnorm_1.0-11             
## [11] lubridate_1.7.4             xml2_1.2.2                 
## [13] splines_3.5.1               R.methodsS3_1.7.1          
## [15] knitr_1.26                  polyclip_1.10-0            
## [17] zeallot_0.1.0               jsonlite_1.6               
## [19] Rsamtools_1.34.1            broom_0.5.3                
## [21] cluster_2.1.0               dbplyr_1.4.2               
## [23] R.oo_1.23.0                 compiler_3.5.1             
## [25] httr_1.4.1                  backports_1.1.5            
## [27] assertthat_0.2.1            Matrix_1.2-18              
## [29] lazyeval_0.2.2              limma_3.38.3               
## [31] cli_2.0.0                   tweenr_1.0.1               
## [33] htmltools_0.4.0             tools_3.5.1                
## [35] coda_0.19-3                 gtable_0.3.0               
## [37] glue_1.3.1                  GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.0     
## [39] Rcpp_1.0.3                  bbmle_1.0.22               
## [41] Biobase_2.42.0              cellranger_1.1.0           
## [43] vctrs_0.2.1                 Biostrings_2.50.2          
## [45] nlme_3.1-143                rtracklayer_1.42.2         
## [47] xfun_0.11                   fastseg_1.28.0             
## [49] rvest_0.3.5                 lifecycle_0.1.0            
## [51] gtools_3.8.1                XML_3.98-1.20              
## [53] zlibbioc_1.28.0             MASS_7.3-51.5              
## [55] scales_1.1.0                hms_0.5.2                  
## [57] SummarizedExperiment_1.12.0 yaml_2.2.0                 
## [59] gridExtra_2.3               emdbook_1.3.11             
## [61] bdsmatrix_1.3-3             stringi_1.4.3              
## [63] BiocParallel_1.16.6         rlang_0.4.2                
## [65] pkgconfig_2.0.3             bitops_1.0-6               
## [67] evaluate_0.14               htmlwidgets_1.5.1          
## [69] GenomicAlignments_1.18.1    tidyselect_0.2.5           
## [71] plyr_1.8.5                  magrittr_1.5               
## [73] R6_2.4.1                    generics_0.0.2             
## [75] DelayedArray_0.8.0          DBI_1.1.0                  
## [77] mgcv_1.8-31                 pillar_1.4.3               
## [79] haven_2.2.0                 withr_2.1.2                
## [81] RCurl_1.95-4.12             modelr_0.1.5               
## [83] crayon_1.3.4                rmarkdown_2.0              
## [85] grid_3.5.1                  readxl_1.3.1               
## [87] data.table_1.12.8           reprex_0.3.0               
## [89] digest_0.6.23               numDeriv_2016.8-1.1        
## [91] R.utils_2.9.2               munsell_0.5.0

Check current directory

## [1] "/Users/laura/Documents/roberts-lab/paper-oly-mbdbs-gen/code"

Download files from gannet

Create list of all bismark data files, which hav reads that are already trimmed and aligned. These BAM files are also sorted and indexed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The location of these files depends on where the user saved them. I (Laura) used an external hard drive.

Files were downloaded from gannet on March 9th, 2020 from https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/ using curl -O [URL]:

https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_1_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_2_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_3_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_4_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_5_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_6_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_7_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_8_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_9_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_10_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_11_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_12_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_13_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_14_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_15_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_16_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_17_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-mox/scrubbed/020320-oly/zr1394_18_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam

file.list_18=list("/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_1_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_2_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_3_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_4_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_5_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_6_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_7_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_8_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_9_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_10_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_11_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_12_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_13_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_14_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_15_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_16_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_17_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam",
"/Volumes/Peach\ Backup/oly-mbdseq-bismark-files_sorted/zr1394_18_s456_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam")

The following command reads sorted BAM files and calls methylation percentage per base, and creates a methylRaw object for CpG methylation.

It also assigns minimum coverage of 2x and the treatments (in this case, the Olympia oyster population)

myobj_18 = processBismarkAln(location = file.list_18, sample.id = list("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18"), assembly = "v071", read.context="CpG", mincov=2, treatment = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1))

Save the MethylKit object; re-doing the previous step is memory/time intensive, so best to use the saved object moving forward.

Object prepared by Steven in 2019 is also available at https://d.pr/f/vRtrqZ Object prepared by Laura in March 2020 is available at TBD

save(myobj_18, file = "../analyses/myobj_18") 
#zip ../analyses/myobj_18.zip ../analyses/myobj_18

Load object if needed


Check the basic stats about the methylation data - coverage and percent methylation. Index the object to look through each sample

## methylation statistics per base
## summary:
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00   75.00  100.00   84.82  100.00  100.00 
## percentiles:
##        0%       10%       20%       30%       40%       50%       60%       70% 
##   0.00000  50.00000  66.66667  83.33333 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 
##       80%       90%       95%       99%     99.5%     99.9%      100% 
## 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 100.00000
##       chr start  end strand coverage numCs numTs
## 1 Contig0    37   37      -        2     1     1
## 2 Contig0   483  483      -        3     3     0
## 3 Contig0  1003 1003      +        2     2     0
## 4 Contig0  1036 1036      +        3     1     2
## 5 Contig0   955  955      +        2     2     0
## 6 Contig0  1004 1004      -        2     2     0



Filter out loci where coverage is less than 10x or greater than 100x. Then, column bind all samples, keeping only loci that are present in 7 of the 9 samples. Also, destrand.


meth_filter=methylKit::unite(filtered.myobj, destrand=TRUE, min.per.group=7L)
save(meth_filter, file = "../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/meth_filter") #save object to file 

Percent methylation matrix (rows=region/base, columns=sample) can be extracted from methylBase object by using percMethylation function. This can be useful for downstream analyses.

Here I create % methylation matrices from the filtered object, and use it to do another cluster analysis

perc.meth=percMethylation(meth_filter, rowids=T)
hist(perc.meth, col="gray50" )

# Save % methylation df to object and .tab file 
save(perc.meth, file = "../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/perc.meth") #save object to file 
write.table((as.data.frame(perc.meth) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("contig")), file = here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "percent-methylation-filtered.tab"), sep = '\t', na = "NA", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

# What percentage of loci have ZERO methylation? 
100*table(perc.meth==0)[2]/table(perc.meth==0)[1] # Only 0.8% of loci unmethylated, averaged across all samples
##      TRUE 
## 0.8116747
# Mean % methylation across all samples 
mean(perc.meth, na.rm=TRUE) # 89.6%
## [1] 89.5939
# Mean % methylation for each populaiton 
mean(perc.meth[,1:9], na.rm=TRUE) # 89.6% <-- Hood Canal 
## [1] 89.58982
mean(perc.meth[,10:18], na.rm=TRUE) # 89.6%  <-- South Sound 
## [1] 89.59771
perc.meth.summ <- data.frame(sample=1:18, methylated=1:18, coverage=1:18, mean.perc=1:18)
for (i in 1:18) {
  perc.meth.summ[i,"sample"] <- i
  perc.meth.summ[i,"methylated"] <-mean(as.vector(getData(meth_filter)[,grep(c("numCs"), colnames(meth_filter))][i][,1]), na.rm=T)
  perc.meth.summ[i,"coverage"] <- mean(as.vector(getData(meth_filter)[,grep(c("coverage"), colnames(meth_filter))][i][,1]), na.rm=T)
  perc.meth.summ[i,"mean.perc"] <- mean(as.vector(getData(meth_filter)[,grep(c("numCs"), colnames(meth_filter))][i][,1]) / 
                                     as.vector(getData(meth_filter)[,grep(c("coverage"), colnames(meth_filter))][i][,1]), na.rm=T)
## [1] 0.8950195
## [1] 0.8955731
## two groups detected:
##  will calculate methylation difference as the difference of
## treatment (group: 1) - control (group: 0)
# get hyper methylated bases
# get hypo methylated bases
# get all differentially methylated bases
write.table(myDiff25p, file = "../analyses/DMLs/myDiff25p.tab", sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE)
save(myDiff25p, file="../analyses/DMLs/myDiff25p")

Take the DMLs to a bed

# Write out bedfile for DMLs 
dml25 <- myDiff25p %>% 
  mutate(start = start-1, end = end+1) %>% 
  dplyr::select(chr, start, end, meth.diff)
## Warning in class(x) <- c(subclass, tibble_class): Setting class(x) to multiple
## strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an S4 object
write_delim(dml25, "../analyses/DMLs/dml25.bed",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)
save(dml25, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/dml25")

# Write out bedfile for all loci fed into DML analysis, to use as background for enrichment 
mydiff.all <-  mutate(myDiff, start = start -1, end = end + 1) %>% dplyr::select(chr, start, end, meth.diff) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, as.integer)
## Warning in class(x) <- c(subclass, tibble_class): Setting class(x) to multiple
## strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an S4 object
write_delim(mydiff.all, "../analyses/DMLs/mydiff-all.bed",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)
save(mydiff.all, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/mydiff.all")

This is the number of loci that are differentially methylated among populations (DMLs)

## [1] 359

Subset the filtered methylation count dataframe for only those that are differentially methylated. Save object to file.

dml25_counts <- selectByOverlap(meth_filter,as(myDiff25p,"GRanges"))
class(dml25_counts) #class should be methylBase
## [1] "methylBase"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "methylKit"
perc.methDMLs= percMethylation(dml25_counts, rowids=T) #create a percent methylated object for DMLs

# save count and percent objects to be used in subsequent notebook 
save(dml25_counts, file = "../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/dml25_counts")
save(perc.methDMLs, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/perc.methDMLs")

Extract correlation matrix (pearson) and distance matrix (manhattan) from the % methylated matrix

FYI I checked that the correlation matrix in getCorrelation is derived from the percent methylated matrix. It is!

cor.pears <- cor(perc.meth, method="pearson") # create pearson correlation matrix. 
dist.manhat <- dist(t(perc.meth), method = "manhattan", diag = T, upper = F)
dist.manhat.df <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(dist.manhat), varnames = c("row", "col"))

cor.pears.DMLs <- cor(perc.methDMLs, method="pearson") 
dist.manhat.DMLs <- dist(t(perc.methDMLs), method = "manhattan", diag = T, upper = F) 
dist.manhat.DMLs.df <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(dist.manhat.DMLs), varnames = c("row", "col"))

Read in sample number key, merge with distance matrix dataframes

key <- read.csv(here::here("data", "sample-key.csv"))

dist.manhat.df <- merge(x=merge(x=dist.manhat.df, y=key, by.x="row", by.y="MBD.FILENAME"), y=key, by.x="col", by.y="MBD.FILENAME")
colnames(dist.manhat.df) <- c("SeqNum.row", "SeqNum.col", "dist.manh", "SampNum.row", "SampNum.col")
write.csv(dist.manhat.df, file=here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "dist.manhat.csv"), row.names=FALSE) 

dist.manhat.DMLs.df <- merge(x=merge(x=dist.manhat.DMLs.df, y=key, by.x="row", by.y="MBD.FILENAME"), y=key, by.x="col", by.y="MBD.FILENAME")
colnames(dist.manhat.DMLs.df) <- c("SeqNum.row", "SeqNum.col", "dist.manh", "SampNum.row", "SampNum.col")
write.csv(dist.manhat.DMLs.df, file=here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "dist.manhat.DMLs.csv"), row.names=FALSE)

Calculate Pst for all methylated loci (using filtered object)

Pst was defined by Johnson & Kelly, 2019:

“[Pst is] … a measurement of epigenetic divergence (st). We defined PST as the methylation analogue of Wrights FST and calculated it for each locus by subtracting the total variance in methylation in all populations from the variance within a single population and divided by the variance in all populations (PST = (VarianceTotal − VarianceSub)/VarianceTotal; Leinonen, McCairns, O’Hara, & Merilä, 2013).”

I looked through their code, and it’s not totally clear how they did this calculation. BUT I believe they worked with % methylation data at each locus, so I will do the same.

head(perc.meth, 3)
##                            1        2        3        4        5         6
## Contig0.39226.39226 52.38095 77.27273 45.45455 60.86957 39.13043  61.90476
## Contig0.39234.39234 41.66667 25.92593 37.03704 19.23077 42.85714  44.00000
## Contig0.64179.64179 90.00000 71.42857       NA 94.44444 72.72727 100.00000
##                            7        8        9       10 11       12       13
## Contig0.39226.39226 45.00000 62.50000 58.06452 52.94118 NA 65.21739 58.82353
## Contig0.39234.39234 30.43478 33.33333 22.22222 36.84211 NA 34.48276 42.10526
## Contig0.64179.64179 38.46154 91.66667 61.53846       NA NA 73.68421 72.72727
##                           14   15        16        17       18
## Contig0.39226.39226 50.00000 40.0  61.53846  42.10526 33.33333
## Contig0.39234.39234 41.66667 48.0  29.41176  52.17391 31.25000
## Contig0.64179.64179 76.19048 87.5 100.00000 100.00000 46.66667

The following R code was provided by Kevin Johnson

perc.meth.Pst <- read_delim(file = here::here("analyses",  "methylation-filtered", "percent-methylation-filtered.tab"), delim = "\t", col_names = TRUE) 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   contig = col_character(),
##   `1` = col_double(),
##   `2` = col_double(),
##   `3` = col_double(),
##   `4` = col_double(),
##   `5` = col_double(),
##   `6` = col_double(),
##   `7` = col_double(),
##   `8` = col_double(),
##   `9` = col_double(),
##   `10` = col_double(),
##   `11` = col_double(),
##   `12` = col_double(),
##   `13` = col_double(),
##   `14` = col_double(),
##   `15` = col_double(),
##   `16` = col_double(),
##   `17` = col_double(),
##   `18` = col_double()
## )
apply(perc.meth.Pst, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x))) #any NA values? 
## contig      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
##     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18 
#Here I removed rows with NA values, the Pstat function will work with some NA values, but to speed things up I removed them
perc.meth.Pst2 <- perc.meth.Pst[c(complete.cases(perc.meth.Pst)),]
apply(perc.meth.Pst2, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x))) #confirm no more NA values 
## contig      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
##     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18 
#I also removed rows that had a mean methylation value of 0 as these throw off the calculation
perc.meth.Pst2 <- perc.meth.Pst2[c(rowMeans(perc.meth.Pst2[-1] )>0),]

#If you want to see how this influences the Pst.hc vs Pst.ss comparison run the next line:
#perc.meth.Pst <- perc.meth.Pst2

#Now I modify the data a little bit, first setting contig as row name
#perc.meth.Pst2 <- as.data.frame(perc.meth.Pst)
row.names(perc.meth.Pst2) <- perc.meth.Pst2$contig
## Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
perc.meth.Pst2$contig = NULL

#Now I flip the data frame so that each column is a unique loci
perc.meth.Pst2 <- as.data.frame(t(perc.meth.Pst2))

#Now add a new column that has population assignment
perc.meth.Pst2$Population <- c("HC","HC","HC","HC","HC","HC","HC","HC","HC","SS","SS","SS","SS","SS","SS","SS","SS","SS")
## [1] 7826
#reorder these columns so that population is the first column
perc.meth.Pst2 <- perc.meth.Pst2[,c(7826,1:7825)]


#Now run the following line and it will provide Pst estimates for every gene. NOTE: this can take a long time. 
perc.meth.Pst.done <- Pst(perc.meth.Pst2)
## [1] "Populations sizes are:"
## HC SS 
##  9  9
save(perc.meth.Pst.done, file="../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/perc.meth.Pst.done")

# Load Pst dataframe if needed. 
hist(perc.meth.Pst.done$Pst_Values, col = "gray50")

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.00000 0.06509 0.23269 0.28724 0.47375 0.95411
## [1] 7825
# Write out Pst results 
write.table(perc.meth.Pst.done, file = here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "Pst_locus.tab"), sep = '\t', na = "NA", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)


Hierarchical Clustering using filtered methylation data

The function clusters samples using hclust function and various distance metrics derived from percent methylation per base or per region for each sample.

clusterSamples(meth_filter, dist="correlation", method="ward", plot=TRUE)
## The "ward" method has been renamed to "ward.D"; note new "ward.D2"

## Call:
## hclust(d = d, method = HCLUST.METHODS[hclust.method])
## Cluster method   : ward.D 
## Distance         : pearson 
## Number of objects: 18

Principal Component Analyses, all loci after filtering

Customized methylKit biplots from Yaamini Venkataraman’s code, https://github.com/epigeneticstoocean/paper-gonad-meth/blob/master/code/04-methylkit.Rmd#L270

#Create dataframe with sample treatment information, color & symbol scheme 
plotCustomization <- data.frame(sample = 1:18, population=c(
                                rep("HC", times=9), 
                                rep("SS", times=9)),
                                color=c(rep("firebrick3", times=9),
                                rep("dodgerblue3", times=9)),
                                symbol=c(rep(16, times=9),
                                rep(17, times=9))) 
PCA.filtered <- PCASamples(meth_filter, obj.return = TRUE) #Run a PCA analysis on percent methylation for all samples. methylKit uses prcomp to create the PCA matrix
summary(PCA.filtered) #Look at summary statistics. The first PC explains 21.9% of variation, the second PC explains 18.3% of variation
## Importance of components:
##                            PC1      PC2      PC3      PC4      PC5      PC6
## Standard deviation     21.8973 18.26734 17.60077 16.93541 16.19327 15.19167
## Proportion of Variance  0.1225  0.08524  0.07913  0.07326  0.06698  0.05895
## Cumulative Proportion   0.1225  0.20771  0.28684  0.36010  0.42708  0.48603
##                            PC7      PC8      PC9     PC10     PC11     PC12
## Standard deviation     14.8991 14.75004 14.30407 14.06376 13.85301 13.55712
## Proportion of Variance  0.0567  0.05557  0.05226  0.05052  0.04902  0.04695
## Cumulative Proportion   0.5427  0.59830  0.65056  0.70108  0.75010  0.79705
##                            PC13     PC14     PC15     PC16   PC17      PC18
## Standard deviation     13.39880 12.83144 12.67249 12.20035 11.872 3.201e-14
## Proportion of Variance  0.04586  0.04206  0.04102  0.03802  0.036 0.000e+00
## Cumulative Proportion   0.84290  0.88496  0.92598  0.96400  1.000 1.000e+00

PCA Figure, all methylated loci after filtering

par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1)) #Specify inner and outer margins
PCA.figure <- ordiplot(PCA.filtered, choices = c(1, 2), type = "none", display = "sites", cex = 0.5, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") #Use ordiplot to create base biplot. Do not add any points
points(PCA.figure, "sites", col = as.character(plotCustomization$color), pch = plotCustomization$symbol, cex = 3) #Add each sample. Darker samples are ambient, lighter samples are elevated pCO2
#Add multiple white boxes on top of the default black box to manually change the color
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
ordiellipse(PCA.filtered, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "HC", col = "firebrick3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in elevated pCO2
ordiellipse(PCA.filtered, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "SS", col = "dodgerblue3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in ambient pCO2
axis(side =  1, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add x-axis
mtext(side = 1, text = "PC 1 (21.9%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add x-axis label
axis(side =  2, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add y-axis
mtext(side = 2, text = "PC 2 (18.3%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add y-axis label
       pch = c(16, 17), 
       legend = c("Hood Canal", "South Sound"), 
       col = c(c("firebrick3", "dodgerblue3")), 
       cex = 1.6, bty = "n") #Add a legend with information about ambient and elevated samples

Save PC scores and R object for integration with genetic data

NOTE: this PCA was run with all methylated loci data after filtering for 10-100x across 7 of 9 samples per pop.

save(PCA.filtered, file="../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/PCA.filtered")
write_delim(data.frame(PCA.filtered$x) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("sample"), "../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/PC-scores-filtered-methylation.tab",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)

Principal Component Analyses, DMLs only

PCA.DMLs <- PCASamples(dml25_counts, obj.return = TRUE) #Run a PCA analysis on percent methylation for all samples. methylKit uses prcomp to create the PCA matrix
summary(PCA.DMLs) #Look at summary statistics. The first PC explains 3.7% of variation, the second PC explains 1.9% of variation
## Importance of components:
##                           PC1    PC2     PC3     PC4    PC5     PC6     PC7
## Standard deviation     3.2374 1.6346 1.47196 1.36849 1.2932 1.20820 1.02255
## Proportion of Variance 0.4192 0.1069 0.08667 0.07491 0.0669 0.05839 0.04182
## Cumulative Proportion  0.4192 0.5261 0.61277 0.68768 0.7546 0.81297 0.85480
##                            PC8     PC9    PC10    PC11   PC12    PC13    PC14
## Standard deviation     0.94244 0.84787 0.70428 0.62673 0.5701 0.53070 0.46986
## Proportion of Variance 0.03553 0.02876 0.01984 0.01571 0.0130 0.01127 0.00883
## Cumulative Proportion  0.89032 0.91908 0.93892 0.95463 0.9676 0.97890 0.98773
##                           PC15    PC16   PC17     PC18
## Standard deviation     0.42949 0.30375 0.1734 4.54e-16
## Proportion of Variance 0.00738 0.00369 0.0012 0.00e+00
## Cumulative Proportion  0.99511 0.99880 1.0000 1.00e+00

PCA Figure, DMLs only

par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1)) #Specify inner and outer margins
PCA.figure <- ordiplot(PCA.DMLs, choices = c(1, 2), type = "none", display = "sites", cex = 0.5, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") #Use ordiplot to create base biplot. Do not add any points
points(PCA.figure, "sites", col = as.character(plotCustomization$color), pch = plotCustomization$symbol, cex = 3) #Add each sample. Darker samples are ambient, lighter samples are elevated pCO2
#Add multiple white boxes on top of the default black box to manually change the color
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
ordiellipse(PCA.DMLs, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "HC", col = "firebrick3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in elevated pCO2
ordiellipse(PCA.DMLs, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "SS", col = "dodgerblue3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in ambient pCO2
axis(side =  1, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add x-axis
mtext(side = 1, text = "PC 1 (3.7%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add x-axis label
axis(side =  2, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add y-axis
mtext(side = 2, text = "PC 2 (1.9%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add y-axis label
       pch = c(16, 17), 
       legend = c("Hood Canal", "South Sound"), 
       col = c(c("firebrick3", "dodgerblue3")), 
       cex = 1.6, bty = "n") #Add a legend with information about ambient and elevated samples

Save PC scores and R object for integration with genetic data

NOTE: this PCA was run with DMLs only

save(PCA.DMLs, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/PCA.DMLs")
write_delim(data.frame(PCA.DMLs$x) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("sample"), "../analyses/DMLs/PC-scores-DMLs.tab",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)

Principal Component Analyses, Loci with highest 100 Pst values

Pst.100 <- perc.meth.Pst.done %>% 
  mutate(Quant_Varia=as.character(Quant_Varia)) %>%
  separate(Quant_Varia, c("contig", "start", "end"), sep = "\\.") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(start, end), funs(as.integer)) %>%
  mutate(contig_start=paste(contig, start, sep="_")) %>%
  top_n(100, Pst_Values)
## Warning: funs() is soft deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0
## Please use a list of either functions or lambdas: 
##   # Simple named list: 
##   list(mean = mean, median = median)
##   # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: 
##   tibble::lst(mean, median)
##   # Using lambdas
##   list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
## This warning is displayed once per session.
# Run PCA and simultaneously select methylKit records that lie inside the Pst100 regions
PCA.Pst100 <- PCASamples(selectByOverlap(meth_filter,Pst.100.ranges), 
  obj.return = TRUE) #Run a PCA analysis on percent methylation for all samples. methylKit uses prcomp to create the PCA matrix
summary(PCA.Pst100) #The first PC explains 5.1% of variation, the second PC explains 2.1% of variation
## Importance of components:
##                           PC1     PC2    PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
## Standard deviation     5.0605 2.05969 1.7000 1.54940 1.45867 1.38136 1.30626
## Proportion of Variance 0.5122 0.08485 0.0578 0.04801 0.04255 0.03816 0.03413
## Cumulative Proportion  0.5122 0.59701 0.6548 0.70283 0.74538 0.78354 0.81767
##                            PC8     PC9    PC10    PC11    PC12    PC13    PC14
## Standard deviation     1.20860 1.17439 1.15832 1.06358 1.00689 0.95990 0.81261
## Proportion of Variance 0.02921 0.02758 0.02683 0.02262 0.02028 0.01843 0.01321
## Cumulative Proportion  0.84688 0.87447 0.90130 0.92393 0.94420 0.96263 0.97584
##                           PC15    PC16    PC17      PC18
## Standard deviation     0.72859 0.62211 0.53879 1.076e-15
## Proportion of Variance 0.01062 0.00774 0.00581 0.000e+00
## Cumulative Proportion  0.98645 0.99419 1.00000 1.000e+00

PCA Figure, 100 loci with largest Pst values

par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1)) #Specify inner and outer margins
PCA.figure <- ordiplot(PCA.Pst100, choices = c(1, 2), type = "none", display = "sites", cex = 0.5, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") #Use ordiplot to create base biplot. Do not add any points
points(PCA.figure, "sites", col = as.character(plotCustomization$color), pch = plotCustomization$symbol, cex = 3) #Add each sample. Darker samples are ambient, lighter samples are elevated pCO2
#Add multiple white boxes on top of the default black box to manually change the color
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
ordiellipse(PCA.Pst100, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "HC", col = "firebrick3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in elevated pCO2
ordiellipse(PCA.Pst100, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "SS", col = "dodgerblue3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in ambient pCO2
axis(side =  1, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add x-axis
mtext(side = 1, text = "PC 1 (5.1%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add x-axis label
axis(side =  2, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add y-axis
mtext(side = 2, text = "PC 2 (2.1%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add y-axis label
       pch = c(16, 17), 
       legend = c("Hood Canal", "South Sound"), 
       col = c(c("firebrick3", "dodgerblue3")), 
       cex = 1.6, bty = "n") #Add a legend with information about ambient and elevated samples

Save PC scores and R object for integration with genetic data

NOTE: this PCA was run with loci with 100-highest Pst values only

save(PCA.Pst100, file="../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/PCA.Pst100")
write_delim(data.frame(PCA.Pst100$x) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("sample"), "../analyses/methylation-filtered/PC-scores-Pst100.tab",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)

Principal Component Analyses, Loci with highest 200 Pst values

Pst.200 <- perc.meth.Pst.done %>% 
  mutate(Quant_Varia=as.character(Quant_Varia)) %>%
  separate(Quant_Varia, c("contig", "start", "end"), sep = "\\.") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(start, end), funs(as.integer)) %>%
  mutate(contig_start=paste(contig, start, sep="_")) %>%
  top_n(200, Pst_Values)

# Run PCA and simultaneously select methylKit records that lie inside the Pst200 regions
PCA.Pst200 <- PCASamples(selectByOverlap(meth_filter,Pst.200.ranges), 
  obj.return = TRUE) #Run a PCA analysis on percent methylation for all samples. methylKit uses prcomp to create the PCA matrix
summary(PCA.Pst200) #The first PC explains 6.6% of variation, the second PC explains 2.7% of variation
## Importance of components:
##                           PC1     PC2     PC3     PC4     PC5    PC6     PC7
## Standard deviation     6.6246 2.68787 2.40727 2.28591 2.16600 2.1118 1.91507
## Proportion of Variance 0.4389 0.07225 0.05795 0.05225 0.04692 0.0446 0.03667
## Cumulative Proportion  0.4389 0.51110 0.56905 0.62130 0.66822 0.7128 0.74949
##                            PC8     PC9    PC10    PC11    PC12    PC13    PC14
## Standard deviation     1.84514 1.81047 1.80512 1.72831 1.62635 1.53280 1.43904
## Proportion of Variance 0.03405 0.03278 0.03258 0.02987 0.02645 0.02349 0.02071
## Cumulative Proportion  0.78354 0.81631 0.84890 0.87877 0.90522 0.92871 0.94942
##                           PC15    PC16    PC17     PC18
## Standard deviation     1.42171 1.27435 1.18853 2.29e-15
## Proportion of Variance 0.02021 0.01624 0.01413 0.00e+00
## Cumulative Proportion  0.96963 0.98587 1.00000 1.00e+00

PCA Figure, 200 loci with largest Pst values

par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1)) #Specify inner and outer margins
PCA.figure <- ordiplot(PCA.Pst200, choices = c(1, 2), type = "none", display = "sites", cex = 0.5, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") #Use ordiplot to create base biplot. Do not add any points
points(PCA.figure, "sites", col = as.character(plotCustomization$color), pch = plotCustomization$symbol, cex = 3) #Add each sample. Darker samples are ambient, lighter samples are elevated pCO2
#Add multiple white boxes on top of the default black box to manually change the color
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
box(col = "white")
ordiellipse(PCA.Pst200, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "HC", col = "firebrick3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in elevated pCO2
ordiellipse(PCA.Pst200, plotCustomization$population, show.groups = "SS", col = "dodgerblue3") #Add confidence ellipse around the samples in ambient pCO2
axis(side =  1, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add x-axis
mtext(side = 1, text = "PC 1 (6.6%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add x-axis label
axis(side =  2, labels = TRUE, col = "grey80", cex.axis = 1.7) #Add y-axis
mtext(side = 2, text = "PC 2 (2.7%)", line = 3, cex = 1.5) #Add y-axis label
       pch = c(16, 17), 
       legend = c("Hood Canal", "South Sound"), 
       col = c(c("firebrick3", "dodgerblue3")), 
       cex = 1.6, bty = "n") #Add a legend with information about ambient and elevated samples

Save PC scores and R object for integration with genetic data

NOTE: this PCA was run with loci with 200-highest Pst values only

save(PCA.Pst200, file="../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/PCA.Pst200")
write_delim(data.frame(PCA.Pst200$x) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("sample"), "../analyses/methylation-filtered/PC-scores-Pst200.tab",  delim = '\t', col_names = TRUE)

Reshape filtered data to create a new column with sample info, and calculate %methylation for each locus/sample

meth_filter_reshaped <- melt(data=meth_filter, id=c("chr", "start", "end", "strand"), value.name = "count") %>%
 tidyr::separate(col = "variable" , into = c("variable", "sample"), sep = "(?<=[a-zA-Z])\\s*(?=[0-9])") %>%
  dcast(chr+start+end+strand+sample ~  variable) %>%
  mutate(percMeth = 100*(numCs/coverage)) %>% 
## Using count as value column: use value.var to override.
meth_filter_reshaped$population <- car::recode(meth_filter_reshaped$population, "c('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')='HC'") 
meth_filter_reshaped$population <- car::recode(meth_filter_reshaped$population, "c('10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18')='SS'")
readr::write_delim(meth_filter_reshaped, here::here("analyses", "methylation-filtered", "meth_filter_long.tab"),  delim = '\t', col_names = FALSE)
save(meth_filter_reshaped, file="../analyses/methylation-filtered/R-objects/meth_filter_reshaped")

Calculations of % methylation by population

# mean % methylation across samples  
dml25_counts_unique <- unique(getData(dml25_counts)[,c("chr", "start")]) %>%
  mutate(chr_start=paste(chr, start, sep="_"))

#Calculate ratio between mean % methylation in Hood Canal : South Sound 
DML.ratios <- meth_filter_reshaped %>% 
  mutate(chr_start=paste(chr, start, sep="_")) %>%
  filter(chr_start %in% dml25_counts_unique$chr_start) %>% 
  group_by(population, chr, start) %>%
  summarise(mean_percentMeth = mean(percMeth, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% #could instead use ... allCs_percent = 100*(sum(numCs)/sum(coverage)), 
  dcast(chr + start ~ population) %>% 
  mutate(ratio_HC.SS = HC/SS,  #in this ratio column, values <1 = HC hypomethylated, values >1 = SS hypomethylated 
         chr_start=paste(chr, start, sep="_")) 
## Using mean_percentMeth as value column: use value.var to override.
nrow(DML.ratios)==nrow(dml25_counts_unique) #confirm same # loci; should=0
## [1] TRUE
save(DML.ratios, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/DML.ratios")

# For all loci, calculate mean and sd percent methylation across samples by population 
DML.calcs <- meth_filter_reshaped %>% 
  group_by(population, chr, start) %>% 
    mean_percMeth = mean(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
    sd_percMeth=sd(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE),
    n())  %>% 
  filter(chr %in% c(DML.ratios$chr) & 
           start %in% c(DML.ratios$start))


DMLs_heatmap <- meth_filter_reshaped %>%
  mutate(sample=factor(sample, levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)), 
         chr_start=paste(chr, start, sep="_")) %>%
           start %in% dml25_counts_unique$start & 
           chr %in% DML.ratios$chr)
save(DMLs_heatmap, file="../analyses/DMLs/R-objects/DMLs_heatmap")

ggplot(DMLs_heatmap, aes(sample, chr_start, fill= percMeth)) + xlab("Sample") + geom_tile(na.rm = T) +
  scale_y_discrete(limits=(DML.ratios[order(DML.ratios$ratio_HC.SS),]$chr_start)) + 
        axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) + 
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlGnBu", direction = 1) #)

  #scale_fill_gradient(low="gray5", high="white")

Barplots showing % methylation of DMLs by population

# First look at coverage for each DML, by population 

# use this to call specific contigs 
DML.calcs %>% 
    filter(chr=="Contig26041") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = population, y = mean_percMeth, fill = population, 
                         label=paste0(round(mean_percMeth, digits = 2), "%"))) + 
      geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 0.5) + ylim(0,110) +
                        ymax=mean_percMeth+sd_percMeth, width=0.15)) + 
      geom_text(size=3, vjust=-0.5, hjust=1.25) +
      theme_light() + ggtitle("Tonsoku-like protein, DNA repair") +
## Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width

# For loop to plot a list of loci (this plots all of them, but there are >400 DMLs, so I only plot the first 3 here) 
for (i in 1:3) {
  temp <-  meth_filter_reshaped %>% 
    mutate(chr_start=paste(chr, start, sep="_")) %>%
  filter(chr_start == dml25_counts_unique[i,"chr_start"]) %>%
  group_by(population, chr, start) %>%
  summarise(mean_percentMeth = mean(percMeth, na.rm=TRUE))
    print((ggplot(temp, aes(x = population, y = mean_percentMeth, fill = population)) + 
    geom_bar(stat="identity") + ylim(0,100) +
    theme_light() + ggtitle(paste("Locus = ", dml25_counts_unique[i, "chr"], "_", dml25_counts_unique[i, "start"], sep="")) +


Old version of dml25 bed file saved at http://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/snaps/dml25.bed

Another PCA option with % methylation matrices

## Warning in FactoMineR::PCA(perc.meth): Missing values are imputed by the mean of
## the variable: you should use the imputePCA function of the missMDA package

## **Results for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)**
## The analysis was performed on 33738 individuals, described by 18 variables
## *The results are available in the following objects:
##    name               description                          
## 1  "$eig"             "eigenvalues"                        
## 2  "$var"             "results for the variables"          
## 3  "$var$coord"       "coord. for the variables"           
## 4  "$var$cor"         "correlations variables - dimensions"
## 5  "$var$cos2"        "cos2 for the variables"             
## 6  "$var$contrib"     "contributions of the variables"     
## 7  "$ind"             "results for the individuals"        
## 8  "$ind$coord"       "coord. for the individuals"         
## 9  "$ind$cos2"        "cos2 for the individuals"           
## 10 "$ind$contrib"     "contributions of the individuals"   
## 11 "$call"            "summary statistics"                 
## 12 "$call$centre"     "mean of the variables"              
## 13 "$call$ecart.type" "standard error of the variables"    
## 14 "$call$row.w"      "weights for the individuals"        
## 15 "$call$col.w"      "weights for the variables"
## Warning in FactoMineR::PCA(perc.methDMLs): Missing values are imputed by the
## mean of the variable: you should use the imputePCA function of the missMDA
## package

## **Results for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)**
## The analysis was performed on 359 individuals, described by 18 variables
## *The results are available in the following objects:
##    name               description                          
## 1  "$eig"             "eigenvalues"                        
## 2  "$var"             "results for the variables"          
## 3  "$var$coord"       "coord. for the variables"           
## 4  "$var$cor"         "correlations variables - dimensions"
## 5  "$var$cos2"        "cos2 for the variables"             
## 6  "$var$contrib"     "contributions of the variables"     
## 7  "$ind"             "results for the individuals"        
## 8  "$ind$coord"       "coord. for the individuals"         
## 9  "$ind$cos2"        "cos2 for the individuals"           
## 10 "$ind$contrib"     "contributions of the individuals"   
## 11 "$call"            "summary statistics"                 
## 12 "$call$centre"     "mean of the variables"              
## 13 "$call$ecart.type" "standard error of the variables"    
## 14 "$call$row.w"      "weights for the individuals"        
## 15 "$call$col.w"      "weights for the variables"

Barplots of all hypomethylated loci in South Sound population

DML_plots <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(DML.ratios)) {
  test <- DML.calcs %>% 
    filter(chr==DML.ratios$chr[i] &
  hypo_SS_plots[[i]] <- ggplot(test, aes(x = population, y = mean_percMeth, fill = population, 
                         label=paste0(round(mean_percMeth, digits = 2), "%"))) + 
      geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 0.5) + ylim(0,110) +
                        ymax=mean_percMeth+sd_percMeth, width=0.15)) + 
      geom_text(size=3, vjust=-0.5, hjust=1.25) +
      theme_light() + ggtitle(paste("Contig = ", DML.ratios[i, "chr"], ", Locus = ", 
                                    DML.ratios[i, "start"], sep="")) +
do.call("grid.arrange", DML_plots)

Tiling window analysis

Summarize methylation information over tiling windows, to then assess differentially methylated regions (DMRs). The function below tiles the genome with windows 1000bp length and 1000bp step-size and summarizes the methylation information on those tiles. In this case, it returns a methylRawList object which can be fed into unite and calculateDiffMeth functions consecutively to get differentially methylated regions. The tilling function adds up C and T counts from each covered cytosine and returns a total C and T count for each tile.

#tiles_1000=tileMethylCounts(filtered.myobj,win.size=1000,step.size=1000, mc.cores=4)

#tiles_200=tileMethylCounts(filtered.myobj,win.size=200,step.size=200, mc.cores=4)
meth_tile_filter=methylKit::unite(tiles_1000, destrand=TRUE)

clusterSamples(meth_tile_filter, dist="correlation", method="ward", plot=TRUE)

Test for differentially methylated regions


Test for differentially methylated regions

# get hyper methylated regions 
# get hypo methylated regions
# get all differentially methylated regions (25% different)
myDiff_tiled_25p=getMethylDiff(myDiff_tiled,difference=25,qvalue=0.01) #only 2 regions! 
write.table((as.data.frame(perc.meth) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("contig")), file = here::here("analyses", "percent-methylation-filtered.tab"), sep = '\t', na = "NA", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)


perc.meth.Pst <- read_delim(file = "../analyses/percent-methylation-filtered.tab", delim = "\t", col_names = TRUE) 
perc.meth.Pst$var_all <- rowVars((perc.meth.Pst[-1] %>% as.matrix()), na.rm = TRUE) #calculate % methylation variance across all samples
perc.meth.Pst$var_hc <- rowVars((perc.meth.Pst[,2:10] %>% as.matrix()), na.rm = TRUE) #calculate % methylation variance across Hood Canal samples (sample #1 - #9) 
perc.meth.Pst$var_ss <- rowVars((perc.meth.Pst[,11:19] %>% as.matrix()), na.rm = TRUE) #calculate % methylation variance across South Sound samples (sample #10 - #18) 
perc.meth.Pst$Pst.hc <- (perc.meth.Pst$var_all - perc.meth.Pst$var_hc) / perc.meth.Pst$var_all #calculate Pst using Hood Canal variance as the within-group variance 
perc.meth.Pst$Pst.ss <- (perc.meth.Pst$var_all - perc.meth.Pst$var_ss) / perc.meth.Pst$var_all  #calculate Pst using South Sound variance as the within-group variance 
plot(perc.meth.Pst$Pst.hc ~ perc.meth.Pst$Pst.ss)  #Do Pst calculated using HC variance and SS variance differ? Yes, not 1:1 
hist(perc.meth.Pst$Pst.hc) # Slightly right skewed 
hist(perc.meth.Pst$Pst.ss) # Slightly left skewed