#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (C) 2020 Genome Research Ltd. # # Author: James Bonfield # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # Note: this script requires gnuplot version 5.0 or later. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use List::Util qw(max); use POSIX qw(ceil); my $version = "1.0"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command line argument handling & help my %opts; my $res = GetOptions("size=s" => \$opts{size}, "size2=s" => \$opts{size2}, "size3=s" => \$opts{size3}, "help" => \$opts{help}, "page=i" => \$opts{page}, "amp_add=i" => \$opts{amp_add}, "amp-add=i" => \$opts{amp_add}, "orient=s" => \$opts{orient}, "depth_max=s" => \$opts{depth_max}, "depth-max=s" => \$opts{depth_max}, "thumbnails" => \$opts{thumbnails}, "thumb_size=i"=> \$opts{thumb_size}, "thumb-size=i"=> \$opts{thumb_size}, "index-only" => \$opts{index_only}); $opts{size} = "1000,800" unless $opts{size}; $opts{size2} = "1000,400" unless $opts{size2}; $opts{size3} = "400,847" unless $opts{size3}; $opts{page} = 96 unless $opts{page}; $opts{amp_add} = 100 unless $opts{amp_add}; $opts{orient} = "h" unless $opts{orient}; $opts{depth_max} = 0 unless $opts{depth_max}; $opts{thumbnails}= 0 unless $opts{thumbnails}; $opts{thumb_size}= 200 unless $opts{thumb_size}; my $max_depth = 0; my $usage = <= 5.0 in order to cope with "matrix rowheaders" command. my $g=`gnuplot --version` || die "gnuplot: $!"; $g=~m/gnuplot ([\d.]+)/; if ($1 < 5) { print STDERR "Plot-ampliconstats needs gnuplot version 5.0 or later (found $1)\n"; exit 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load plot meta-data # This allows us to auto-scale plots. my $namp = 0; my $nfile = 0; my $ref_len = 0; while (<>) { chomp($_); my @F = split("\t", $_); $namp = $F[2] if (/^SS\tNumber of amplicons/); $nfile = $F[2] if (/^SS\tNumber of files/); $ref_len = $F[2] if (/^SS\tReference length/); last if (/^SS\tEnd of summary/); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open up our various gnuplot output files # TODO: When nfile is too large we will need to paginate and produce # multiple plots in a for loop. This may change the structure of this # code with the headers being printed inline with the processing loop # below. my $xfont = ($namp >= 100) ? 8 : 13; my $yfont = ($nfile >= 80) ? 5 : 8; my $impw1 = ($namp >= 100) ? 4 : 5; my $impw2 = ($namp >= 100) ? 2 : 4; #--- Combined open(my $ch_depth, ">", $prefix."-combined-depth.gp") || die "$prefix-combined-depth.gp"; open(my $ch_reads, ">", $prefix."-combined-reads.gp") || die "$prefix-combined-reads.gp"; open(my $ch_rperc, ">", $prefix."-combined-read-perc.gp") || die "$prefix-combined-read-perc.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $ch_rperc <<"END"; set title "Distribution percentage of reads across amplicons, all files" set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "percentage of reads" set yrange [0:*] set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$prefix-combined-read-perc.png" plot "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw1 title "mean",\\ "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } else { print $ch_rperc <<"END"; set title "Read distribution, all files" set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "percentage of reads" set xrange [0:*] set grid; # xtics noytics set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$prefix-combined-read-perc.png" plot "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 title "mean",\\ "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } open(my $ch_amp, ">", $prefix."-combined-amp.gp") || die "$prefix-combined-amp.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $ch_amp <<"END"; set title "Percentage of read-pairs with incorrectly positioned primers, all files" set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "percentage of reads" set yrange [0:*] unset key set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$prefix-combined-amp.png" plot "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw1 END } else { print $ch_amp <<"END"; set title "% mis-priming, all files" set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "percentage of reads" set xrange [0:*] unset key set grid set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$prefix-combined-amp.png" plot "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 END } my $fh_reads; my $fh_reads_count = 0; my $fh_reads_page = 1; my $fh_reads_nfile = 0; my $fh_depth; my $fh_depth_count = 0; my $fh_depth_page = 1; my $fh_depth_nfile = 0; my $fh_amp; my $fh_amp_count = 0; my $fh_amp_page = 1; my $fh_amp_nfile = 0; my ($fh_rperc, $fh_rperl); my $fh_rperc_count = 0; my $fh_rperc_page = 1; my $fh_rperc_nfile = 0; my %fh_cover; # For coverage at multiple different depths my %fh_cover_count; my %fh_cover_page; my %fh_cover_nfile; my @amp_start; # coords for amplicons my @amp_end; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse stats file, writing to a number of outputs simultaneously my %file; my $fh; my @combined_coord; while (<>) { chomp($_); my @F = split("\t", $_); # Amplicon coordinates if (/^AMPLICON/) { my $min_left=1e9; foreach (split(",",$F[2])) { /\d+-(\d+)/; $min_left=$1 if ($min_left > $1); } my $max_right=0; foreach (split(",",$F[3])) { /(\d+)-\d+/; $max_right=$1 if ($max_right < $1); } $amp_start[$F[1]]=$min_left; $amp_end[$F[1]]=$max_right; $ref_len = $max_right if ($ref_len < $max_right); } # Heatmaps showing all files & all amplicons local $"="\t"; my $name=$F[1]; $name =~ s/_/\\\\_/g if (/^F/); $name =~ s/"/\\\\"/g if (/^F/); # Initialise gnuplot files as we create new pages #---------- Heatmap READS $fh_reads_count++ if (/^FREADS/); if ($fh_reads_count > $opts{page} && $nfile-$opts{page}*$fh_reads_page!=1) { print STDERR "page $fh_reads_page\n"; if (defined($fh_reads)) { print $fh_reads "\nend\n"; close($fh_reads); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-reads-$fh_reads_page.gp") && die; undef $fh_reads; } $fh_reads_page++; $fh_reads_count = 0; } if (/^FREADS/ && !defined($fh_reads)) { $fh_reads_nfile = $fh_reads_page * $opts{page} > $nfile ? $nfile - ($fh_reads_page-1) * $opts{page} : $opts{page}; $fh_reads_nfile++ if ($fh_reads_page * $opts{page} == $nfile-1); open($fh_reads, ">", $prefix."-heat-reads-$fh_reads_page.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-reads-$fh_reads_page.gp"; print $fh_reads <<"END"; set title "average number of log10(reads) per amplicon, page $fh_reads_page" unset key set xrange [:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_reads_nfile] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 #set palette rgbformula 15,4,9 set palette rgbformula 32,31,30 set cbrange [0:6] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8,-0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-reads-$fh_reads_page.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:(\$3>0?log10(\$3):0) matrix rowheaders with image END } print $fh_reads "\"$name\"\t@F[2..$#F]\n" if (/^FREADS/); #---------- Heatmap DEPTH $fh_depth_count++ if (/^FDEPTH/); if ($fh_depth_count > $opts{page} && $nfile-$opts{page}*$fh_depth_page != 1) { if (defined($fh_depth)) { print $fh_depth "\nend\n"; close($fh_depth); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-depth-$fh_depth_page.gp") && die; undef $fh_depth; } $fh_depth_page++; $fh_depth_count = 0; } if (/^VDEPTH/ && !defined($fh_depth)) { $fh_depth_nfile = $fh_depth_page * $opts{page} > $nfile ? $nfile - ($fh_depth_page-1) * $opts{page} : $opts{page}; $fh_depth_nfile++ if ($fh_depth_page * $opts{page} == $nfile-1); open($fh_depth, ">", $prefix."-heat-depth-$fh_depth_page.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-depth-$fh_depth_page.gp"; print $fh_depth <<"END"; set title "average log10(depth) per amplicon, page $fh_depth_page" unset key set xrange [0:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_depth_nfile] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 set palette rgbformula 15,4,9 set cbrange [0:6] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8,-0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-depth-$fh_depth_page.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:(\$3>0?log10(\$3):0) matrix rowheaders with image END } print $fh_depth "\"$name\"\t@F[2..$#F]\n" if (/^VDEPTH/); #---------- Heatmap AMP mismatch $fh_amp_count++ if (/^FAMP\t\S+\t0/); if ($fh_amp_count > $opts{page} && $nfile-$opts{page}*$fh_amp_page!=1) { if (defined($fh_amp)) { print $fh_amp "\nend\n"; close($fh_amp); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-amp-$fh_amp_page.gp") && die; undef $fh_amp; } $fh_amp_page++; $fh_amp_count = 0; } if (/^FAMP/ && !defined($fh_amp)) { $fh_amp_nfile = $fh_amp_page * $opts{page} > $nfile ? $nfile - ($fh_amp_page-1) * $opts{page} : $opts{page}; $fh_amp_nfile++ if ($fh_amp_page * $opts{page} == $nfile-1); open($fh_amp, ">", $prefix."-heat-amp-$fh_amp_page.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-amp-$fh_amp_page.gp"; print $fh_amp <<"END"; set title "Percentage of read-pairs with incorrectly positioned primers, page $fh_amp_page" unset key set xrange [0:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_amp_nfile] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 set palette rgbformula 30,31,32 set cbrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8,-0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-amp-$fh_amp_page.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:3 matrix rowheaders with image END } if (/^FAMP/) { if ($F[2] == 0) { # First line will be summary across all amplicons (amp 0) if ($fh_amp_count == 0) { print $fh_amp "\"$name\""; } else { print $fh_amp "\n\"$name\""; } } else { # Subsequent lines are per amplicon stats, # corrected for small sample size via amp_add. print $fh_amp "\t", 100*($F[4]+$F[5])/($F[3]+$F[4]+$F[5]+$opts{amp_add}); } } #---------- Heatmap READ-PERC, clipped and log $fh_rperc_count++ if (/^FRPERC/); if ($fh_rperc_count > $opts{page} && $nfile-$opts{page}*$fh_rperc_page != 1) { if (defined($fh_rperc)) { print $fh_rperc "\nend\n"; close($fh_rperc); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-read-perc-$fh_rperc_page.gp") && die; undef $fh_rperc; } if (defined($fh_rperl)) { print $fh_rperl "\nend\n"; close($fh_rperl); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-read-perc-log-$fh_rperc_page.gp") && die; undef $fh_rperl; } $fh_rperc_page++; $fh_rperc_count = 0; } if (/^FRPERC/ && !defined($fh_rperc)) { $fh_rperc_nfile = $fh_rperc_page * $opts{page} > $nfile ? $nfile - ($fh_rperc_page-1) * $opts{page} : $opts{page}; $fh_rperc_nfile++ if ($fh_rperc_page * $opts{page} == $nfile-1); open($fh_rperc, ">", $prefix."-heat-read-perc-$fh_rperc_page.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-read-perc-$fh_rperc_page.gp"; print $fh_rperc <<"END"; set title "percentage of reads per amplicon (max 5%), page $fh_rperc_page unset key set xrange [0:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_rperc_nfile] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 #set palette rgbformula 6,5,13 set palette rgbformula 30,31,32 set cbrange [0:5] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8,-0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-read-perc-$fh_rperc_page.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:(\$3<5?\$3:5) matrix rowheaders with image END open($fh_rperl, ">", $prefix."-heat-read-perc-log-$fh_rperc_page.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-read-perc-log-$fh_rperc_page.gp"; print $fh_rperl <<"END"; set title "percentage of reads per amplicon (log10 scale), page $fh_rperc_page unset key set xrange [0:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_rperc_nfile] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 #set palette rgbformula 6,5,13 set palette rgbformula 30,31,32 set cbrange [-1:2] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8,-0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-read-perc-log-$fh_rperc_page.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:(\$3>0?log10(\$3):0) matrix rowheaders with image END } print $fh_rperc "\"$name\"\t@F[2..$#F]\n" if (/^FRPERC/); print $fh_rperl "\"$name\"\t@F[2..$#F]\n" if (/^FRPERC/); #---------- Heatmap COVERAGE at multiple depths $fh_cover_count{$1}++ if (/^FPCOV-(\d+)/); if ($fh_cover_count{$1} > $opts{page} && $nfile-$opts{page}*$fh_cover_page{$1} != 1) { if (defined($fh_cover{$1})) { my $tmp = $fh_cover{$1}; print $tmp "\nend\n"; close($fh_cover{$1}); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-coverage-$1-$fh_cover_page{$1}.gp") && die; undef $fh_cover{$1}; } $fh_cover_page{$1}++; $fh_cover_count{$1} = 0; } if (/^FPCOV-(\d+)\t/) { $fh_cover_page{$1}=1 if !defined($fh_cover_page{$1}); $fh_cover_nfile{$1} = $fh_cover_page{$1} * $opts{page} > $nfile ? $nfile - ($fh_cover_page{$1}-1) * $opts{page} : $opts{page}; $fh_cover_nfile{$1}++ if ($fh_cover_page{$1} * $opts{page}==$nfile-1); if (!defined($fh_cover{$1})) { open($fh_cover{$1}, ">", $prefix."-heat-coverage-$1-$fh_cover_page{$1}.gp") || die "$prefix-heat-coverage-$1-$fh_cover_page{$1}.gp"; my $tmp = $fh_cover{$1}; print $tmp <<"END"; set title "percentage of amplicon covered to depth $1, page $fh_cover_page{$1}" unset key set xrange [0:$namp+1] set yrange [-1:$fh_cover_nfile{$1}] set bmargin at screen 0.07 set tmargin at screen 0.91 set palette rgbformula -13,6,-15 set cbrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -0.8, -0.4 set mxtics 5 set ytics 5 font "helvetica,5" scale -0.4 #set grid xtics ytics set terminal png size $opts{size} set output "$prefix-heat-coverage-$1-$fh_cover_page{$1}.png" set view map splot "-" using (\$1+1):2:3 matrix rowheaders with image END } my $tmp = $fh_cover{$1}; print $tmp "\"$name\"\t@F[2..$#F]\n"; } # Graphs with merged file data (mean and SD) for all amplicons local $"="\n"; print $ch_reads "\$mean << EOD\n@F[2..$#F]\nEOD\n\n" if (/^CDEPTH.*MEAN/); print $ch_reads "\$sd << EOD\n@F[2..$#F]\nEOD\n\n" if (/^CDEPTH.*STDDEV/); print $ch_depth "\$mean << EOD\n@F[2..$#F]\nEOD\n\n" if (/^CDEPTH.*MEAN/); print $ch_depth "\$sd << EOD\n@F[2..$#F]\nEOD\n\n" if (/^CDEPTH.*STDDEV/); print $ch_rperc "@F[2..$#F]\nend\n" if (/^CRPERC.*(MEAN|STDDEV)/); print $ch_amp 100*($F[4]+$F[5])/($F[3]+$F[4]+$F[5]+$opts{amp_add}),"\n" if (/^CAMP\tCOMBINED\t[1-9]/); # These only occur once so we can open the file in situ rather # than keep appending to it. if (/^CPCOV-(\d+).*(MEAN|STDDEV)/) { # ASSUMPTION mean first, followed by stddev. # So open file for MEAN. Close and plot on STDDEV if ($2 eq "MEAN") { open($fh, ">", $prefix."-combined-coverage-$1.gp") || die "$prefix-combined-coverage-$1.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $fh <<"END"; set title "percentage of amplicon covered to depth >= $1, all files" set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "percent covered" set yrange [0:100] set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal pngcairo size $opts{size2} set output "$prefix-combined-coverage-$1.png" plot "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw1 lt 1 title "mean", \\ "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } else { print $fh <<"END"; set title "%cover >=$1 deep, all files" set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "percent covered" set xrange [0:100] set grid set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal pngcairo size $opts{size3} set output "$prefix-combined-coverage-$1.png" plot "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 lt 1 title "mean", \\ "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } } print $fh "@F[2..$#F]\nend\n"; if ($2 eq "STDDEV") { close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-combined-coverage-$1.gp") && die; } } if (/^(FREADS|FDEPTH|FVDEPTH)/) { my $max = max(@F[2..$#F]); $max_depth = $max if $max_depth < $max; } # Per file graphs; accumulate multiple stats here and dump out at end if (/^(FREADS|FDEPTH|FVDEPTH|FPCOV|FRPERC)/) { $file{$F[1]}{$F[0]} = \@F; #push(@{$file{$F[1]}{keys}}, $F[0]); } if (/^FAMP\s\S+\s[1-9]*/) { push(@{$file{$F[1]}{$F[0]}}, 100*($F[4]+$F[5])/($F[3]+$F[4]+$F[5]+$opts{amp_add})); } if (/^FTCOORD/) { local $"="\t$F[2]\n"; $_="@F[3..$#F]"; s/,/\t/g; push(@{$file{$F[1]}{$F[0]}}, "$_\t$F[2]") if ($_ ne ""); } if (/^CTCOORD/) { local $"="\t$F[2]\n"; $_="@F[3..$#F]"; s/,/\t/g; push(@combined_coord, "$_\t$F[2]") if ($_ ne ""); } if(/^[FC]DP_(ALL|VALID)/) { local $"="\n"; push(@{$file{$F[1]}{$F[0]}}, "@F[2..$#F]") if ($_ ne ""); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Close gnuplot files and generate PNGs #--- Per file if (defined($fh_depth)) { print $fh_depth "\nend\n"; close($fh_depth); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-depth-$fh_depth_page.gp") && die; } if (defined($fh_amp)) { print $fh_amp "\nend\n"; close($fh_amp); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-amp-$fh_amp_page.gp") && die; } if (defined($fh_reads)) { print $fh_reads "\nend\n"; close($fh_reads); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-reads-$fh_reads_page.gp") && die; } if (defined($fh_rperc)) { print $fh_rperc "\nend\n"; close($fh_rperc); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-read-perc-$fh_rperc_page.gp") && die; } if (defined($fh_rperl)) { print $fh_rperl "\nend\n"; close($fh_rperl); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-read-perc-log-$fh_rperc_page.gp") && die; } foreach (keys %fh_cover) { if (defined($fh_cover{$_})) { close($fh_cover{$_}); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-heat-coverage-$_-$fh_cover_page{$_}.gp") && die; } } #--- Combined if ($opts{depth_max}) { if ($max_depth > $opts{depth_max}) { print STDERR "Warning: specified -depth_max is lower than the data maximum of $max_depth\n"; } $max_depth = $opts{depth_max}; } $max_depth = 10**ceil(log($max_depth+1)/log(10)); # round up to power of 10 # combined-reads if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $ch_reads <<"END"; set title "average number of reads per amplicon, all files" unset key set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "no. reads" set yrange [1:$max_depth] set logscale y set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvetica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$prefix-combined-reads.png" plot \$mean using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw1 title "mean", \\ \$sd using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } else { print $ch_reads <<"END"; # Compute max X value stats \$mean nooutput max_range = STATS_max stats \$sd nooutput max_range = max_range > STATS_max ? max_range : STATS_max max_range = 10**ceil(log10(max_range+0.01)) set title "no. of reads, all files" unset key set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "no. reads" set xrange [0:max_range] set grid; # xtics noytics set logscale x set format x "%.g" set xtics font "helvectica,$yfont" set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$prefix-combined-reads.png" plot "\$mean" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < max_range ? \$1 : max_range ): 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 title "mean", \\ "\$sd" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < max_range ? \$1 : max_range ): 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } close($ch_reads); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-combined-reads.gp") && die; # combind-depth if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $ch_depth <<"END"; set title "average depth per amplicon, all files" set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [:$namp+1] set ylabel "depth" set logscale y set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvetica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$prefix-combined-depth.png" plot "\$mean" using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw1 title "mean", \\ "\$sd" using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } else { print $ch_depth <<"END"; # Compute max X value stats \$mean nooutput max_range = STATS_max stats \$sd nooutput max_range = max_range > STATS_max ? max_range : STATS_max max_range = 10**ceil(log10(max_range+0.01)) set title "avg depth / amp, all files" set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "depth" set xrange [0:max_range] set grid; # xtics noytics set logscale x set format x "%.g" set xtics font "helvectica,$yfont" set key below set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvetica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$prefix-combined-depth.png" plot "\$mean" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < max_range ? \$1 : max_range) : 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 title "mean", \\ "\$sd" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < max_range ? \$1 : max_range) : 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 3 title "s.d." END } close($ch_depth); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-combined-depth.gp") && die; close($ch_rperc); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-combined-read-perc.gp") && die; close($ch_amp); system("gnuplot", "$prefix-combined-amp.gp") && die; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Also produce per file graphs my $combined_done = 0; foreach my $f (sort keys %file) { next if $f eq "COMBINED"; my $ff = $f; $ff =~ s/[\/\\;#\$\{\}]/./g; # safe filename component my $fg = $f; # printable in gnuplot $fg =~ s/_/\\\\_/g; #--- Template coordinates vs frequence: FILE goto skip_coord if !exists($file{$f}{FTCOORD}); my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-tcoord"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: Template coordinate frequencies" unset key set xlabel "position" set xrange [0:$ref_len] set ylabel "frequency" set yrange [*:*] set logscale y set mytics 10 set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics out nomirror set mxtics 5 set x2tics font "helvectica,6" offset 0,-0.6 scale -0.4 centre nomirror set terminal png size $opts{size} truecolor set output "$fn.png" set linetype 1 lc "blue" set linetype 2 lc "red" set linetype 3 lc "black seed=rand(-1) END my @x2tics = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$namp;$i++) { my $col = ($i%2)?"blue":"green"; print $fh "set obj rect from $amp_start[$i], graph 0 to $amp_end[$i], graph 1 fillcolor rgb '$col' fillstyle transparent solid 0.1 noborder\n"; if ($i%2 == 0) { my $ts = $i>=2 ? $amp_end[$i-1] : $amp_start[$i]; my $te = $i<$namp ? $amp_start[$i+1] : $amp_end[$i]; my $tpos = ($ts+$te)/2; push(@x2tics, "\"$i\" " . ($amp_start[$i]+$amp_end[$i])/2); } } print $fh "set x2tics (" . join(", ", @x2tics) . ")\n"; print $fh <<"END"; plot "-" using 1:(\$3+rand(0)):(\$2-\$1):(0):(int(\$4)?\$4+1:(int(\$5) % 2)) with vector nohead lw 3 lc var END local $"="\n"; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FTCOORD}}\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; #--- Template coordinates vs size: FILE my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-tsize"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: Template sizes" unset key set xlabel "position" set xrange [0:$ref_len] set ylabel "length" set yrange [10:10000] set logscale y set mytics 10 set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics out nomirror set mxtics 5 set x2tics font "helvectica,6" offset 0,-0.6 scale -0.4 centre nomirror set terminal png size $opts{size} truecolor set output "$fn.png" set linetype 1 lc "blue" set linetype 2 lc "red" set linetype 3 lc "black seed=rand(-1) END my @x2tics = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$namp;$i++) { my $col = ($i%2)?"blue":"green"; print $fh "set obj rect from $amp_start[$i], graph 0 to $amp_end[$i], graph 1 fillcolor rgb '$col' fillstyle transparent solid 0.1 noborder\n"; if ($i%2 == 0) { my $ts = $i>=2 ? $amp_end[$i-1] : $amp_start[$i]; my $te = $i<$namp ? $amp_start[$i+1] : $amp_end[$i]; my $tpos = ($ts+$te)/2; push(@x2tics, "\"$i\" " . ($amp_start[$i]+$amp_end[$i])/2); } } print $fh "set x2tics (" . join(", ", @x2tics) . ")\n"; print $fh <<"END"; plot "-" using 1:(\$2-\$1+sqrt(\$3)*rand(0)):(\$2-\$1):(0):(int(log(sqrt(\$3)))) with vector nohead lw 2 lc var END # Sort by descending freq so high freq colours are on top. local $"="\n"; my @sorted = sort { [split(/\s+/,$a)]->[2] <=> [split(/\s+/,$b)]->[2] } split("\n", "@{$file{$f}{FTCOORD}}"); print $fh "@sorted\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; skip_coord: #--- Template coordinates: COMBINED if (scalar(@combined_coord) > 0 && !$combined_done) { my $fn = "$prefix-combined-tcoord"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; print $fh <<"END"; set title "Template coordinate frequencies, all files" unset key set xlabel "position" set xrange [0:$ref_len] set ylabel "frequency" set yrange [*:*] set logscale y set mytics 10 set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics out nomirror set mxtics 5 set x2tics font "helvectica,6" offset 0,-0.6 scale -0.4 centre nomirror set terminal png size $opts{size} truecolor set output "$fn.png" set linetype 1 lc "blue" set linetype 2 lc "red" set linetype 3 lc "black seed=rand(-1) END my @x2tics = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$namp;$i++) { my $col = ($i%2)?"blue":"green"; print $fh "set obj rect from $amp_start[$i], graph 0 to $amp_end[$i], graph 1 fillcolor rgb '$col' fillstyle transparent solid 0.1 noborder\n"; if ($i%2 == 0) { my $ts = $i>=2 ? $amp_end[$i-1] : $amp_start[$i]; my $te = $i<$namp ? $amp_start[$i+1] : $amp_end[$i]; my $tpos = ($ts+$te)/2; push(@x2tics, "\"$i\" " . ($amp_start[$i]+$amp_end[$i])/2); } } print $fh "set x2tics (" . join(", ", @x2tics) . ")\n"; print $fh <<"END"; plot "-" using 1:(\$3+rand(0)):(\$2-\$1):(0):(int(\$4)?\$4+1:(int(\$5) % 2)) with vector nohead lw 3 lc var END local $"="\n"; print $fh "@combined_coord\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; } #--- Template depth: FILE my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-tdepth"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: Template depth per base" set key below set xlabel "position" set xrange [0:$ref_len] set ylabel "depth" set yrange [1:$max_depth] set logscale y set mytics 10 set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics out nomirror set mxtics 5 set x2tics font "helvectica,6" offset 0,-0.6 scale -0.4 centre nomirror set terminal png size $opts{size2} truecolor set output "$fn.png" set linetype 1 lc "blue" set linetype 2 lc "#00B000" xa=0 xv=0 END my @x2tics = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$namp;$i++) { my $col = ($i%2)?"blue":"green"; print $fh "set obj rect from $amp_start[$i], graph 0 to $amp_end[$i], graph 1 fillcolor rgb '$col' fillstyle transparent solid 0.1 noborder\n"; if ($i%2 == 0) { my $ts = $i>=2 ? $amp_end[$i-1] : $amp_start[$i]; my $te = $i<$namp ? $amp_start[$i+1] : $amp_end[$i]; my $tpos = ($ts+$te)/2; push(@x2tics, "\"$i\" " . ($amp_start[$i]+$amp_end[$i])/2); } } print $fh "set x2tics (" . join(", ", @x2tics) . ")\n"; print $fh <<"END"; plot "-" using (xa=xa+\$2):(\$1+.1) with fsteps lw 1 title "all templates", \\ "-" using (xv=xv+\$2):(\$1+.1) with fsteps lw 2 title "valid templates" END if (exists($file{$f}{FDP_ALL})) { foreach (split(/\s+/,"@{$file{$f}{FDP_ALL}}")) { s/,/ /; print $fh "$_\n"; } } print $fh "end\n"; if (exists($file{$f}{FDP_VALID})) { foreach (split(/\s+/, "@{$file{$f}{FDP_VALID}}")) { s/,/ /; print $fh "$_\n"; } } print $fh "end\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; #--- Template depth: FILE if (!$combined_done) { my $fn = "$prefix-combined-tdepth"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; print $fh <<"END"; set title "Template depth per base, all files" set key below set xlabel "position" set xrange [0:$ref_len] set ylabel "depth" set yrange [1:$max_depth] set logscale y set mytics 10 set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics out nomirror set mxtics 5 set x2tics font "helvectica,6" offset 0,-0.6 scale -0.4 centre nomirror set terminal png size $opts{size2} truecolor set output "$fn.png" set linetype 1 lc "blue" set linetype 2 lc "#00B000" xa=0 xv=0 END my @x2tics = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$namp;$i++) { my $col = ($i%2)?"blue":"green"; print $fh "set obj rect from $amp_start[$i], graph 0 to $amp_end[$i], graph 1 fillcolor rgb '$col' fillstyle transparent solid 0.1 noborder\n"; if ($i%2 == 0) { my $ts = $i>=2 ? $amp_end[$i-1] : $amp_start[$i]; my $te = $i<$namp ? $amp_start[$i+1] : $amp_end[$i]; my $tpos = ($ts+$te)/2; push(@x2tics, "\"$i\" " . ($amp_start[$i]+$amp_end[$i])/2); } } print $fh "set x2tics (" . join(", ", @x2tics) . ")\n"; print $fh <<"END"; plot "-" using (xa=xa+\$2):((\$1+.1)/$nfile) with fsteps lw 1 title "all templates", \\ "-" using (xv=xv+\$2):((\$1+.1)/$nfile) with fsteps lw 2 title "valid templates" END if (exists($file{COMBINED}{CDP_ALL})) { foreach (split(/\s+/,"@{$file{COMBINED}{CDP_ALL}}")) { s/,/ /; print $fh "$_\n"; } } print $fh "end\n"; if (exists($file{COMBINED}{CDP_VALID})) { foreach (split(/\s+/, "@{$file{COMBINED}{CDP_VALID}}")) { s/,/ /; print $fh "$_\n"; } } print $fh "end\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; } #--- Read count / depth my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-reads"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: read count per amplicon set key below set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "no. reads" set logscale y set yrange [1:$max_depth] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$fn.png" plot "-" using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw1 title "#reads", \\ "-" using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw2 lt 5 title "all depth",\\ "-" using (column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? \$1 : 0.001) with impulses lw $impw2 lt 3 title "usable depth", END } else { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg:\\nread count per amplicon set key below set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "no. reads" set xrange [1:$max_depth] set grid; # xtics noytics set logscale x set xtics font "helvectica,$yfont" set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$fn.png" plot "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < $max_depth ? \$1 : $max_depth) : 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 title "#reads", \\ "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < $max_depth ? \$1 : $max_depth) : 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 5 title "all depth",\\ "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):(\$1 > 0.001 ? (\$1 < $max_depth ? \$1 : $max_depth) : 0.001):(0) with vector nohead lw $impw2 lt 3 title "usable depth", END } local $"="\n"; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FREADS}}[2..$#{$file{$f}{FREADS}}]\nend\n"; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FDEPTH}}[2..$#{$file{$f}{FDEPTH}}]\nend\n"; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FVDEPTH}}[2..$#{$file{$f}{FVDEPTH}}]\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; #--- Read %coverage and %read-per-amplicon my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-cov"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: percentage coverage to specific depth(s)" set key below set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "%coverage" set yrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set ytics nomirror set y2tics set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$fn.png" plot \\ END } else { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: % coverage at depth(s)" set key below set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [$namp+1:0] #set xlabel "%coverage" set xrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,14" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set xtics 10 font "helvetica,12" set mxtics 5 set x2tics 10 font "helvetica,12" set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$fn.png" plot \\ END } #my $lw = 5; my $lw = ($namp >= 100) ? 3 : 2; my @lt = ("rgb \"#900020\"","rgb \"#2060FF\"",2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); my $lt = 0; foreach (sort { my $x=$a; $x=~s/FPCOV-(\d+)/\1/; my $y=$b; $y=~s/FPCOV-(\d+)/\1/; $x <=> $y } keys %{$file{$f}}) { next unless /^FPCOV-(\d+)/; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $fh "\"-\" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $lw lt $lt[$lt] title \"\depth >= $1\", \\\n"; $lw += ($namp >= 100) ? ($lw<4) : ($lw<5)*2; #print $fh "\"-\" using (column(0)+1):1 with linespoints lw $lw lt $lt[$lt] title \"\%coverage >= $1\", \\\n"; #$lw -= ($lw>1)*2; } else { print $fh "\"-\" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $lw lt $lt[$lt] title \"depth>=$1\", \\\n"; $lw += ($lw<5)*2; } $lt++; } print $fh "\n"; #print $fh "\"-\" with linespoints lw 3 lt 3 title \"\%reads/amp\" axis x1y2\n"; #plot "-" with linespoints lw 3 title "%coverage", \\ # "-" with linespoints lw 3 lt 3 title "%reads/amp" axis x1y2 #END local $"="\n"; foreach (sort { my $x=$a; $x=~s/FPCOV-(\d+)/\1/; my $y=$b; $y=~s/FPCOV-(\d+)/\1/; $x <=> $y } keys %{$file{$f}}) { next unless /^FPCOV-(\d+)/; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{$_}}[2..$#{$file{$f}{$_}}]\nend\n"; } #print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FRPERC}}[2..$#{$file{$f}{FRPERC}}]\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; #--- Amplicon primer correctness my $fn = "$prefix-$ff-amp"; # filename prefix open(my $fh, ">", "$fn.gp") || die "$fn.gp"; if ($opts{orient} eq "h") { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg: Percentage of read-pairs with incorrectly positioned primers" unset key set xlabel "amplicon" set xrange [0:$namp+1] set ylabel "%incorrect" set yrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,20" set xtics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mxtics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size2} set output "$fn.png" plot "-" using (column(0)+1):1 with impulses lw $impw1 END } else { print $fh <<"END"; set title "$fg:\\n% mis-priming read-pairs" unset key set grid set ylabel "amplicon" set yrange [0:$namp+1] set xlabel "%incorrect" set xrange [0:100] set title font "helvetica,20" set ytics 5 font "helvectica,$xfont" scale -2,-1 set mytics 5 set terminal png size $opts{size3} set output "$fn.png" plot "-" using (0):(column(0)+1):1:(0) with vector nohead lw $impw1 END } local $"="\n"; print $fh "@{$file{$f}{FAMP}}[1..$#{$file{$f}{FAMP}}]\nend\n"; close($fh); system("gnuplot", "$fn.gp") && die; $combined_done = 1; } #--------------------------------- #adding html file to show plots index_only: # index.html is in the same dir as the images my ($prefix_dir) = $prefix=~/(.*\/)/; my $fname = "${prefix_dir}index.html"; open(my $fh,'>',$fname) or error("$fname: $!"); print $fh q[ ]; my @imgs = sort { my ($A,$B)=($a,$b); $A=~s/(\d+)/sprintf("%09d",$1)/ge; $B=~s/(\d+)/sprintf("%09d",$1)/ge; $A cmp $B } grep {!/thumb\.png/} <"$prefix*.png">; my $last = ""; my $new_section = 0; for (my ($i,$j)=(0,0); $i < @imgs; $i++, $j++) { my $fn_base = $imgs[$i]; $fn_base =~ s/-(\w+|read-perc|read-perc-log)(-\d+)*\.png$//; if ($fn_base ne $last || $j % 6 == 0) { if ($fn_base ne $last) { $last=$fn_base; $new_section = 1; $j = 0; } if ( $i>0 ) { print $fh "\n"; } if ($new_section) { print $fh "\n"; $new_section = 0; } print $fh ""; } my ($img) = $imgs[$i]=~/(?:.*\/)?(.*)/; if ($opts{thumbnails}) { my $scale = 100*$opts{thumb_size}/[split(",",$opts{size})]->[0],"\n"; system("convert", "-scale", "$scale%", $imgs[$i], "$imgs[$i].thumb.png") && die; print $fh qq[\n]; } else { print $fh qq[\n]; } } print $fh qq[
]; close($fh);