--- title: "sample_summary" author: "Aspen Coyle" date: "11/1/2021" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` # Sample Summary ### Introduction This is a summary of the samples that Pam Jensen shipped to the Roberts Lab upon her retirement from NOAA. It is a close approximation, rather than an exact summary, as the source of this summary - Pam's data tables - was not cross-referenced with the physical samples (with ~30,000 samples, this would be quite time-consuming). Data is sourced from the merged and cleaned Jensen data files created in ../scripts/9_2_merging_jensen_files.Rmd. For the original data files, along with the cleaning process, reference that script. ### Sample Storage The majority are hemolymph samples in deep well plates, with a minority of tissue samples stored in tubes. All are kept in 100% EtOH. ```{r} crabdat <- read.csv("../output/jensen_data/cleaned_data/relevant_sample_data.csv") filt_crabdat <- ```