--- title: "Peve miRNA renaming" author: "Jill Ashey" date: "2025-02-10" output: html_document --- The following script will compare the miRNAs identified using the old and new short stack versions. It will also rename the miRNAs from the new version in accordance with the old version. ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(tidyverse) ``` Read in old miRNAs generated during deep dive manuscript (see github repo for that project [here](https://github.com/urol-e5/deep-dive)). This data was generated using this [code](https://github.com/urol-e5/deep-dive/tree/main/E-Peve/code/08.2-Peve-sRNAseq-ShortStack-31bp-fastp-merged_files)) and using the Pevermanni genome. ```{r} peve_old <- read.csv("../../M-multi-species/data/Peve_results_mature_named_old_ShortStack_version.csv") dim(peve_old) # Add _old to colnames colnames(peve_old) <- paste0(colnames(peve_old), "_old") ``` 46 miRNAs were identified using the old version of shortstack. Read in new miRNAs generated for this manuscript (see github repo for the current project [here](https://github.com/urol-e5/deep-dive-expression/tree/main)). This data was generated using this [code](https://github.com/urol-e5/deep-dive-expression/blob/main/E-Peve/code/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0.Rmd) and using the Pevermanni genome. ```{r} peve_new <- read.delim("../../E-Peve/output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/ShortStack_out/Results.txt") # Filter to only retain miRNAs peve_new <- peve_new %>% filter(MIRNA == "Y") dim(peve_new) # Add _new to colnames colnames(peve_new) <- paste0(colnames(peve_new), "_new") ``` 45 miRNAs were identified using the new version of shortstack. Merge dfs together by MajorRNA ```{r} peve_merge <- peve_new %>% full_join(peve_old, by = c("MajorRNA_new" = "MajorRNA_old")) ``` Select specific columns ```{r} selected_columns <- c( grep("new", colnames(peve_merge), value = TRUE), "given_miRNA_name_old" ) peve_merge_selected <- peve_merge[, selected_columns] ``` With the new version of shortstack, a few clusters joined with multiple old miRNAs. As identified by the old version of shortstack, they are the same sequence but they were found in different places in the genome. Combine the old miRNA names into one line for a new locus that matched with two different old miRNAs ```{r} peve_merge_combined <- peve_merge_selected %>% group_by(Locus_new) %>% summarise(across(everything(), ~ if(is.character(.x)) paste(unique(.x), collapse = "; ") else first(.x))) ``` The following OLD miRNAs were not found in the new miRNA list: peve-mir-novel-5; peve-mir-novel-12; peve-mir-novel-37; peve-mir-novel-33 There are also two clusters that are close to one another that align with both peve-mir-novel-14a/b and peve-mir-novel-17a/b. Cluster_6904 and Cluster_6905 align with peve-mir-novel-14a/b, while Cluster_7657 and Cluster_7658 align with peve-mir-novel-17a/b. There are 3 new unnamed miRNAs. Rename them: peve-mir-novel-40, 41, 42. Use a counter to apply the names to the rows with NAs ```{r} # Create a vector of new names new_names <- c("peve-mir-novel-40", "peve-mir-novel-41", "peve-mir-novel-42") # Initialize a counter counter <- 1 # Custom function to replace "NA" with new names replace_na <- function(x) { if (x == "NA") { new_name <- new_names[counter] counter <<- counter + 1 if (counter > length(new_names)) { counter <<- 1 # Reset counter if we run out of new names } return(new_name) } else { return(x) } } # Apply the replacement peve_merge_combined <- peve_merge_combined %>% mutate(given_miRNA_name_old = sapply(given_miRNA_name_old, replace_na)) ``` Format colnames and save as csv ```{r} peve_merge_final <- peve_merge_combined %>% rename_with(~ gsub("_new$|_old$", "", .), everything()) # Save write.csv(peve_merge_final, "../../E-Peve/output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/ShortStack_out/Peve_Results_mature_named_miRNAs.csv") ```