Use ShortStack (Axtell 2013; Shahid and Axtell 2014; Johnson et al. 2016)to perform alignment of sRNAseq data and annotation of sRNA-producing genes.
This is the same ShortStack analysis as performed in the deeep-dive
project. However, ShortStack has an updated version, ShortStack 4.1.0, which provides much faster analysis times and additional functionality for visualizing miRNA hairpin structures and generating genome-browser-ready quantitative coverage tracks of aligned small RNAs.
As in deep-dive
, we will also include a customized miRBase database, utilizing cnidarian miRNAs curated by Jill Ashley, which includes published cnidarian miRNAs:
Requires trimmed sRNAseq files generated by 06.2-Peve-sRNAseq-trimming-31bp-fastp-merged.Rmd
Genome FastA. Stored on deep-dive
Modified MiRBase v22.1 FastA. Includes cnidarian miRNAs provided by Jill Ashley.
Software requirements:
Replace with name of your ShortStack environment and the path to the corresponding conda installation (find this after you’ve activated the environment).
# Activate environment
conda activate ShortStack4_env
# Find conda path
which conda
shortstack_conda_env_name <- c("ShortStack-4.1.0_env")
shortstack_cond_path <- c("/home/sam/programs/mambaforge/condabin/conda")
This allows usage of Bash variables across R Markdown chunks.
echo "#### Assign Variables ####"
echo ""
echo "# Trimmed FastQ naming pattern"
echo "export trimmed_fastqs_pattern='*fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.gz'"
echo "# Data directories"
echo 'export expression_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/shedurkin/deep-dive-expression'
echo 'export expression_data_dir="${expression_dir}/data"'
echo 'export output_dir_top=${expression_dir}/E-Peve/output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0'
echo ""
echo "# Input/Output files"
echo 'export genome_fasta_dir=${expression_dir}/E-Peve/data'
echo 'export genome_fasta_name="Porites_evermanni_v1.fa"'
echo 'export shortstack_genome_fasta_name="Porites_evermanni_v1.fa"'
echo 'export trimmed_fastqs_dir="${genome_fasta_dir}/sRNA-trimmed-reads"'
echo 'export mirbase_mature_fasta_version=cnidarian-mirbase-mature-v22.1.fasta'
echo 'export genome_fasta="${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}"'
echo ""
echo "# Set number of CPUs to use"
echo 'export threads=40'
echo ""
echo "# Initialize arrays"
echo 'export trimmed_fastqs_array=()'
} > .bashvars
cat .bashvars
#### Assign Variables ####
# Trimmed FastQ naming pattern
export trimmed_fastqs_pattern='*fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.gz'
# Data directories
export expression_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/shedurkin/deep-dive-expression
export expression_data_dir="${expression_dir}/data"
export output_dir_top=${expression_dir}/E-Peve/output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0
# Input/Output files
export genome_fasta_dir=${expression_dir}/E-Peve/data
export genome_fasta_name="Porites_evermanni_v1.fa"
export shortstack_genome_fasta_name="Porites_evermanni_v1.fa"
export trimmed_fastqs_dir="${genome_fasta_dir}/sRNA-trimmed-reads"
export mirbase_mature_fasta_version=cnidarian-mirbase-mature-v22.1.fasta
export genome_fasta="${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}"
# Set number of CPUs to use
export threads=40
# Initialize arrays
export trimmed_fastqs_array=()
If this is successful, the first line of output should show that the Python being used is the one in your [ShortStack]( conda environment path.
python: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/mirmachine_env/bin/python
use_condaenv(condaenv = shortstack_conda_env_name, conda = shortstack_cond_path)
python: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.0_env/bin/python
libpython: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.0_env/lib/
pythonhome: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.0_env:/home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.0_env
version: 3.12.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 4 2024, 16:05:46) [GCC 13.3.0]
numpy: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.0_env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version: 2.1.1
NOTE: Python version was forced by use_python() function
Note: I sometimes get an error “failed to initialize requested version of Python,” which seems to stem from the reticulate
package default loading a python environment. I’ve been able to fix this by manually uninstalling the reticulate
package, then restarting R and reinstalling reticulate
before rerunning this code document.
# Download reference files
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
wget -O ${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name} ""
# Load bash vairables into memory
source .bashvars
head ${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}
Available n deep-dive
repo, here
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
wget -O ${expression_data_dir}/"${mirbase_mature_fasta_version}" ""
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
head -5 ${expression_data_dir}/"${mirbase_mature_fasta_version}"
>cel-let-7-5p MIMAT0000001 Caenorhabditis elegans let-7-5p
>cel-let-7-3p MIMAT0015091 Caenorhabditis elegans let-7-3p
>cel-lin-4-5p MIMAT0000002 Caenorhabditis elegans lin-4-5p
Trimmed in deep-dive
, 06.2-Peve-sRNAseq-trimming-31bp-fastp-merged
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
wget \
--directory-prefix ${trimmed_fastqs_dir} \
--recursive \
--no-check-certificate \
--continue \
--cut-dirs 7 \
--no-host-directories \
--no-parent \
--quiet \
--accept ${trimmed_fastqs_pattern} \
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Check for FastA file first
# Then create rename file if doesn't exist
if [ -f "${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}" ]; then
echo "${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}"
echo ""
echo "Already exists. Nothing to do."
echo ""
# Copy genome FastA to ShortStack-compatible filename (ending with .fa)
cp ${genome_fasta_dir}/${genome_fasta_name} ${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}
# Confirm
ls -lh ${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}
Already exists. Nothing to do.
-rw-r--r-- 1 shedurkin labmembers 586M Jun 30 2023 /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/shedurkin/deep-dive-expression/E-Peve/data/Porites_evermanni_v1.fa
Uses the --dn_mirna
option to identify miRNAs in the genome, without relying on the --known_miRNAs
This part of the code redirects the output of time
to the end of shortstack.log
; } \ 2>> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Make output directory, if it doesn't exist
mkdir --parents "${output_dir_top}"
# Create array of trimmed FastQs
# Pass array contents to new variable as space-delimited list
trimmed_fastqs_list=$(echo "${trimmed_fastqs_array[*]}")
###### Run ShortStack ######
{ time \
ShortStack \
--genomefile "${genome_fasta}" \
--readfile ${trimmed_fastqs_list} \
--known_miRNAs ${expression_data_dir}/${mirbase_mature_fasta_version} \
--dn_mirna \
--threads ${threads} \
--outdir ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out \
&> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log ; } \
2>> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tail -n 3 ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log \
| grep "real" \
| awk '{print "ShortStack runtime:" "\t" $2}'
ShortStack runtime: 11m17.143s
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tail -n 25 ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
Writing final files
Found a total of 45 MIRNA loci
Non-MIRNA loci by DicerCall:
N 16673
22 60
23 53
21 36
24 26
Creating visualizations of microRNA loci with strucVis
<<< WARNING >>>
Do not rely on these results alone to annotate new MIRNA loci!
The false positive rate for de novo MIRNA identification is low, but NOT ZERO
Insepct each mirna locus, especially the strucVis output, and see ,
Tue 22 Oct 2024 16:33:44 -0700 PDT
Run Completed!
real 11m17.143s
user 241m43.184s
sys 18m24.229s
ShortStack identified 45 miRNAs
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
head ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Nummber of potential loci:"
awk '(NR>1)' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt | wc -l
Locus Name Chrom Start End Length Reads DistinctSequences FracTop Strand MajorRNA MajorRNAReads Short Long 21 22 23 24 DicerCall MIRNA known_miRNAs
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:1671-2096 Cluster_1 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 1671 2096 426 61 8 0.984 + AGGACAACAACAAUUAACUGCAGAGU 52 3 56 0 0 1 1 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:45711-46131 Cluster_2 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 45711 46131 421 88 38 1.0 + CAGUAGAGGUGGCCAAGAAUCAGU 8 24 27 9 8 9 11 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:313446-313846 Cluster_3 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 313446 313846 401 50 27 0.0 - CUGACGUUUUAAGCUCAAUAGU 13 10 15 1 17 3 4 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:406133-406734 Cluster_4 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 406133 406734 602 251 128 0.036 - UGAGUGUAUUCUUGAACUGUUUUCCAAC 37 2 225 3 3 8 10 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:409836-410269 Cluster_5 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 409836 410269 434 190 63 0.0 - UGGAACUCCGAUUUAGAACUUGCAAACUUU 54 0 184 2 0 1 3 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:465244-465668 Cluster_6 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 465244 465668 425 169 49 0.0 - AAGUUGCUCUGAAGAUUAUGU 39 34 52 48 8 20 7 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:468473-468950 Cluster_7 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 468473 468950 478 91900 807 0.0 - AGCACUGAUGACUGUUCAGUUUUUCUGAAUU 68534 2227 88188 115 138 153 1079 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:476827-477250 Cluster_8 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 476827 477250 424 116 37 0.0 - CGUGUCUUCGUAAUCGUCUCGUAC 14 33 38 0 12 15 18 N N NA
Porites_evermani_scaffold_1:486441-486868 Cluster_9 Porites_evermani_scaffold_1 486441 486868 428 57 11 0.07 - AUAUUGACGAAUCCUGGCCUAGUGAACC 26 0 53 0 0 4 0 N N NA
Nummber of potential loci:
Column 20 of the Results.txt
file identifies if a cluster is a miRNA or not (Y
or N
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
echo "Number of loci characterized as miRNA:"
awk '$20=="Y" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Number of loci _not_ characterized as miRNA:"
awk '$20=="N" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
Number of loci characterized as miRNA:
Number of loci _not_ characterized as miRNA:
Column 21 of the Results.txt
file identifies if a cluster aligned to a known miRNA (miRBase) or not (Y
or NA
Since there are no miRNAs, the following code will not print any output.
The echo
command after the awk
command is simply there to prove that the chunk executed.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
echo "Number of loci matching miRBase miRNAs:"
awk '$21!="NA" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Number of loci _not_ matching miRBase miRNAs:"
awk '$21=="NA" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
Number of loci matching miRBase miRNAs:
Number of loci _not_ matching miRBase miRNAs:
Although there are loci with matches to miRBase miRNAs, ShortStack did not annotate these clusters as miRNAs likely because they do not also match secondary structure criteria.
Many of these are large (by GitHub standards) BAM files, so will not be added to the repo.
Additionally, it’s unlikely we’ll utilize most of the other files (bigwig) generated by ShortStack.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tree -h ${output_dir_top}/
├── [4.0K] figures
│ ├── [117K] Peve_ShortStack_dbmatch_histogram.png
│ ├── [120K] Peve_ShortStack_dbmatch_histogram_reduced.png
│ ├── [207K] Peve_ShortStack_miRNA_histogram.png
│ ├── [199K] Peve_ShortStack_miRNA_histogram_reduced.png
│ └── [201K] Peve_ShortStack_venn.png
├── [6.6K] shortstack.log
└── [244K] ShortStack_out
├── [ 17K] alignment_details.tsv
├── [1.1M] Counts.txt
├── [212K] known_miRNAs.gff3
├── [1.8M] known_miRNAs_unaligned.fasta
├── [133M] merged_alignments.bam
├── [315K] merged_alignments.bam.csi
├── [ 15K] mir.fasta
├── [ 32M] POR-73-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [278K] POR-73-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [ 98M] POR-73-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 45M] POR-79-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [287K] POR-79-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [153M] POR-79-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 54M] POR-82-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [293K] POR-82-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [183M] POR-82-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [1.9M] Results.gff3
├── [2.8M] Results.txt
└── [4.0K] strucVis
├── [9.4K]
├── [ 25K] Cluster_10060.txt
├── [9.3K]
├── [ 27K] Cluster_10061.txt
├── [10.0K]
├── [8.3K] Cluster_10934.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [ 22K] Cluster_10965.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 25K] Cluster_11134.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 43K] Cluster_11135.txt
├── [10.0K]
├── [ 15K] Cluster_1140.txt
├── [ 12K]
├── [ 51K] Cluster_1167.txt
├── [9.8K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_11997.txt
├── [8.0K]
├── [2.4K] Cluster_13502.txt
├── [8.8K]
├── [4.0K] Cluster_14500.txt
├── [9.3K]
├── [4.9K] Cluster_14999.txt
├── [9.8K]
├── [ 10K] Cluster_15726.txt
├── [9.6K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_15890.txt
├── [8.2K]
├── [ 14K] Cluster_16498.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [8.9K] Cluster_16738.txt
├── [9.7K]
├── [ 14K] Cluster_2787.txt
├── [7.6K]
├── [3.0K] Cluster_2854.txt
├── [8.8K]
├── [ 17K] Cluster_2882.txt
├── [8.8K]
├── [ 32K] Cluster_29.txt
├── [9.9K]
├── [ 66K] Cluster_4079.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 57K] Cluster_4080.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 55K] Cluster_4115.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [5.6K] Cluster_4629.txt
├── [8.7K]
├── [ 12K] Cluster_4735.txt
├── [8.8K]
├── [ 15K] Cluster_5563.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [8.6K] Cluster_5882.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [ 20K] Cluster_589.txt
├── [9.7K]
├── [4.1K] Cluster_6255.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_6904.txt
├── [9.0K]
├── [8.1K] Cluster_6905.txt
├── [9.7K]
├── [ 14K] Cluster_6906.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [ 39K] Cluster_6914.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [9.7K] Cluster_7053.txt
├── [9.9K]
├── [ 20K] Cluster_7657.txt
├── [10.0K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_7658.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [5.7K] Cluster_7855.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 58K] Cluster_796.txt
├── [9.2K]
├── [5.4K] Cluster_8634.txt
├── [10.0K]
├── [ 30K] Cluster_8884.txt
├── [8.7K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_8887.txt
├── [8.9K]
├── [ 21K] Cluster_8888.txt
├── [8.8K]
├── [ 52K] Cluster_8988.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [3.2K] Cluster_9149.txt
├── [9.4K]
└── [ 11K] Cluster_9983.txt
3 directories, 114 files
We noticed that a) not all of the identified miRNAs have database matches, and b) some reads have a match in the database but are not classified as miRNAs. Let’s look at this in more depth.
Peve_shortstack_results <- read.csv("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/ShortStack_out/Results.txt", sep="\t")
# Reads identified as miRNAs (but not necessarily known)
Peve_shortstack_results %>%
filter(MIRNA == "Y") %>%
mutate(known_miRNAs = str_sub(known_miRNAs, 1, 40)) %>%
mutate(Locus = str_sub(Locus, 20, 40)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Locus, Reads), y = Reads, fill = known_miRNAs)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_text(aes(label = Reads), vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0, color = "black", size = 2.5, angle = 90) +
labs(x = "miRNA", y = "Read count",
title = "Reads identified by ShortStack as miRNAs",
fill = "Annotation") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
ggsave("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/figures/Peve_ShortStack_miRNA_histogram.png", width = 12, height = 7, units = "in")
# Reads matched in the reference db (but not necessarily identified as miRNA)
Peve_shortstack_results %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(known_miRNAs = str_sub(known_miRNAs, 1, 40)) %>%
mutate(Locus = str_sub(Locus, 20, 40)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Locus, Reads), y = Reads, fill = MIRNA)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_text(aes(label = Reads), vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0, color = "black", size = 2.5, angle = 90) +
labs(x = "miRNA", y = "Read count",
title = "Reads with miRBase+cnidarian database matches",
fill = "Identified as miRNA?") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
ggsave("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/figures/Peve_ShortStack_dbmatch_histogram.png", width = 12, height = 7, units = "in")
There’s two miRNAs with very high read counts, and it’s making visualization of the rest difficult. Let’s remove them and retry visualizing the rest.
# Reads identified as miRNAs (but not necessarily known)
Peve_shortstack_results %>%
filter(MIRNA == "Y") %>%
filter(Reads < 200000) %>%
mutate(known_miRNAs = str_sub(known_miRNAs, 1, 40)) %>%
mutate(Locus = str_sub(Locus, 20, 40)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Locus, Reads), y = Reads, fill = known_miRNAs)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_text(aes(label = Reads), vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0, color = "black", size = 2.5, angle = 90) +
labs(x = "miRNA", y = "Read count",
title = "Reads identified by ShortStack as miRNAs",
fill = "Annotation") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
ggsave("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/figures/Peve_ShortStack_miRNA_histogram_reduced.png", width = 12, height = 7, units = "in")
# Reads matched in the reference db (but not necessarily identified as miRNA)
Peve_shortstack_results %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(Reads < 200000) %>%
mutate(known_miRNAs = str_sub(known_miRNAs, 1, 40)) %>%
mutate(Locus = str_sub(Locus, 20, 40)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Locus, Reads), y = Reads, fill = MIRNA)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_text(aes(label = Reads), vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0, color = "black", size = 2.5, angle = 90) +
labs(x = "miRNA", y = "Read count",
title = "Reads with miRBase+cnidarian database matches",
fill = "Identified as miRNA?") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
ggsave("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/figures/Peve_ShortStack_dbmatch_histogram_reduced.png", width = 12, height = 7, units = "in")
# Make list
mirnas <- Peve_shortstack_results %>% filter(MIRNA == "Y") %>% pull(Locus)
matches <- Peve_shortstack_results %>% filter(! %>% pull(Locus)
Peve_shortstack_vennlist <- list(
"Identified as miRNA" = mirnas,
"Database match" = matches
# Make venn diagrams
ggsave("../output/05-Peve-sRNA-ShortStack_4.1.0/figures/Peve_ShortStack_venn.png", width = 12, height = 7, units = "in")