## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
echo = TRUE, # Display code chunks
eval = FALSE # Evaluate code chunks
Two possible interactions between miRNA and lncRNA are:
lncRNA acting as a precursor molecule for miRNA(s), so that the lncRNA contains one or many pre-miRNA sequences and will be broken down into pre-miRNAs molecules, which will then be processed into mature miRNAs.
lncRNA acting as a “sponge” for miRNAs, so that an miRNA will bind to the lncRNA instead of being incorporated into an RISC complex to alter gene expression.
In situation 1 we would expect one or several pre-miRNA sequences to appear inside of a lncRNA. This should be identifiable via BLASTn.
In situation 2 we would expect the mature miRNA sequence to appear inside a lncRNA. Note that situation 2 is a bit more complicated, because we can’t say for certain what sequence similarity is required for binding. In cnidarians, miRNAs seem to act, like plants, through complementarity of the full mature miRNA (this is in contrast to e.g. mammals, where only binding of a short seed region is required) (Moran et al. (2014), Admoni et al. (2023)). However, for lncRNA acting as sponges, I don’t know whether to expect complementarity of the full mature miRNA or only a section, and I don’t know what degree of complementarity is required. Work to identify lncRNA sponges could use BLASTn, but will likely need to include additional methods like miranda or RNAhybrid to identify potential binding.
# Pull out all sequences that DON'T contain "mature" or "star" in sequence name
# Note the pre-miRNAs have sequences for both strands
awk '
# If the line starts with ">", check the header
/^>/ {
if ($0 ~ /mature/ || $0 ~ /star/) {
print_seq = 0 # Skip sequences with "mature" or "star" in the header
} else {
print_seq = 1 # Mark sequences for printing
# Print the header and the next two lines if marked for printing
print_seq {
if (!/^>/) { getline; print } # Capture second sequence line
' "$full_mirna_fasta" > "$premirna_fasta"
# Pull out all sequences that contain "mature" in sequence name
grep -A 1 "mature" $full_mirna_fasta | grep -v "^--$" > $mature_mirna_fasta
# Pull out all sequences that contain "star" in sequence name
grep -A 1 "star" $full_mirna_fasta | grep -v "^--$" > $star_mirna_fasta
# Check we have appropriate headers, same number of sequences in each
grep "^>" $premirna_fasta | head -2
echo ""
grep "^>" $mature_mirna_fasta | head -2
echo ""
grep "^>" $star_mirna_fasta | head -2
echo ""
grep "^>" $premirna_fasta | wc -l
echo ""
grep "^>" $mature_mirna_fasta | wc -l
echo ""
grep "^>" $star_mirna_fasta | wc -l
echo ""
## >Cluster_1826::ntLink_6:4847443-4847535(-)
## >Cluster_1832::ntLink_6:5157537-5157626(+)
## >Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-)
## >Cluster_1832.mature::ntLink_6:5157559-5157579(+)
## >
## >
## 39
## 39
## 39
# Extract sequence lengths for precursors
awk '/^>/ {if (seqlen){print seqlen}; printf $0" " ;seqlen=0;next; } { seqlen += length($0)}END{print seqlen}' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor.fasta > ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor_lengths.txt
# Sequence lengths for matures
awk '/^>/ {if (seqlen){print seqlen}; printf $0" " ;seqlen=0;next; } { seqlen += length($0)}END{print seqlen}' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature.fasta > ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature_lengths.txt
# Summary stats of precursor and mature lengths
precursor_lengths <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor_lengths.txt", sep = " ", header = FALSE, col.names = c("seqID", "length"))
mature_lengths <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature_lengths.txt", sep = " ", header = FALSE, col.names = c("seqID", "length"))
cat("Average pre-miRNA length: ", mean(precursor_lengths$length))
## Average pre-miRNA length: 94.20513
cat("Range of pre-miRNA lengths: ", range(precursor_lengths$length))
## Range of pre-miRNA lengths: 90 98
cat("Average mature miRNA length: ", mean(mature_lengths$length))
## Average mature miRNA length: 22.25641
cat("Range of mature miRNA lengths: ", range(mature_lengths$length))
## Range of mature miRNA lengths: 21 24
LncRNAs were identified from Apul RNA-seq data in deep-dive-expression/D-Apul/code/10-Apul-lncRNA
– see details there.
Fasta of Apul lncRNAs stored at deep-dive-expression/D-Apul/output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta
echo "Number of lncRNAs:"
grep "^>" ../output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta | wc -l
## Number of lncRNAs:
## 24183
# Extract sequence lengths for precursors
awk '/^>/ {if (seqlen){print seqlen}; printf $0" " ;seqlen=0;next; } { seqlen += length($0)}END{print seqlen}' ../output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta > ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_lengths.txt
# Summary stats of lncRNA lengths
lncRNA_lengths <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_lengths.txt", sep = " ", header = FALSE, col.names = c("seqID", "length"))
cat("Average lncRNA length: ", mean(lncRNA_lengths$length))
## Average lncRNA length: 2166.153
cat("Range of lncRNA lengths: ", range(lncRNA_lengths$length))
## Range of lncRNA lengths: 201 199571
ggplot(lncRNA_lengths, aes(x = length)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 500) +
labs(title = "A. pulchra lncRNA sequence lengths",
x = "Sequence Length [nucleotides]",
y = "Frequency") +
xlim(200, 50000) +
ylim(0, 800) +
## Warning: Removed 71 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
## (`stat_bin()`).
## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_bar()`).
Database of pre-miRNAs:
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/makeblastdb \
-in ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor.fasta \
-dbtype nucl \
-out ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/Apul-db/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor
Database of mature miRNAs:
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/makeblastdb \
-in ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature.fasta \
-dbtype nucl \
-out ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/Apul-db/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature
Generate a list of blast results. It seems plausible that a single lncRNA, which would be hundreds or thousands of nucleotides long, could interact with multiple miRNAs, so I will allow up to 10 hits (~25% of Apul miRNAs) for each lncRNA. I want to see the top hits no matter how poor the match is, so I will not filter by e-value at this stage. I’ll also include the “-word_size 4” option, which reduces the required length of the initial match.
Full pre-miRNAs:
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/blastn \
-task blastn \
-query ../output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta \
-db ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/Apul-db/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_precursor \
-out ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/ \
-num_threads 40 \
-word_size 4 \
-max_target_seqs 10 \
-max_hsps 1 \
-outfmt 6
wc -l ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/
Note we have less than 241830 (10 * [# of lncRNAs]) output alignments because, while I did not set an evalue threshold, the default evalue threshold of evalue=10 is still in place. That means extremely poor matches were still excluded by default.
Mature miRNAs:
Note that I’m using the blastn-short option here because all of our mature miRNAs are less than 30 nucleotides long (recommended by BLAST user manual)
/home/shared/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin/blastn \
-task blastn \
-query ../output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta \
-db ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/Apul-db/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature \
-out ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/ \
-num_threads 40 \
-word_size 4 \
-max_target_seqs 10 \
-max_hsps 1 \
-outfmt 6
wc -l ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/
Read into R and assign informative column labels
precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
mature_lncRNA_BLASTn <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/blasts/", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn) <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "pident", "length", "mismatch", "gapopen", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send", "evalue", "bitscore")
colnames(mature_lncRNA_BLASTn) <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "pident", "length", "mismatch", "gapopen", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send", "evalue", "bitscore")
Are there any alignments of the full precursor miRNA to a lncRNA? Our precursor sequences are 90-98 nucleotides long, so let’s look for any alignments of at least 90 nucleotides with 0 mismatches.
precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn %>%
filter(length >= 90) %>%
filter(mismatch == 0)
## qseqid
## 1 transcript::ptg000023l:37964178-37968910
## 2 transcript::ptg000023l:38035142-38040884
## 3 transcript::ptg000035l:5335161-5347816
## 4 transcript::ptg000035l:5335634-5347816
## 5 transcript::ptg000035l:5336170-5347816
## 6 transcript::ptg000035l:5336225-5347816
## 7 transcript::ptg000035l:5336231-5347816
## sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen
## 1 Cluster_14768::ptg000023l:37965243-37965338(+) 100 96 0 0
## 2 Cluster_14768::ptg000023l:37965243-37965338(+) 100 96 0 0
## 3 Cluster_18728::ptg000035l:5346032-5346127(+) 100 96 0 0
## 4 Cluster_18728::ptg000035l:5346032-5346127(+) 100 96 0 0
## 5 Cluster_18728::ptg000035l:5346032-5346127(+) 100 96 0 0
## 6 Cluster_18728::ptg000035l:5346032-5346127(+) 100 96 0 0
## 7 Cluster_18728::ptg000035l:5346032-5346127(+) 100 96 0 0
## qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
## 1 1065 1160 1 96 4.46e-46 174
## 2 1191 1286 1 96 5.35e-46 174
## 3 10871 10966 1 96 1.17e-45 174
## 4 10398 10493 1 96 1.12e-45 174
## 5 9862 9957 1 96 1.07e-45 174
## 6 9807 9902 1 96 1.07e-45 174
## 7 9801 9896 1 96 1.07e-45 174
We have 7 alignments of a full pre-miRNA to a lncRNA with no mismatches.
The first two are two different lncRNAs that both contain the same pre-miRNA. Note that the first lncRNA-miRNA pair lie in the same genomic region, but the second lncRNA, which also contains Cluster_14768 is in a slightly different genomic location.
The remaining five lncRNAs are all located within the same reference scaffold (ptg0000351) and have the same end nucleotide (5347816), so these lncRNAs match overlapping portions of the reference genome. This suggests to me they are different isoforms of the same gene. Moreover, if you find the reference starting location of the alignment for each of these five pairs (add qstart to the reference starting location of the qseqid, e.g. 5335161 + 10871), all reference starting locations for the alignments are the same. That means there aren’t multiple instances of the same pre-miRNA occuring inside these lncRNA isoforms.
So there are 3 instances of a unique lncRNA containing a full pre-miRNA sequence (and one of those instances occurs in 5 lncRNA isoforms) That means there are 3 instances of a lncRNA that may be processed down into a pre-miRNA, which may then be processed into a mature miRNA
It is also possible that a lncRNA may be directly processed into a mature miRNA, without first being processed into pre-miRNA. Let’s look for those by searching for alignments of mature miRNAs to lncRNAs. Our mature miRNAs range 21-24 nucleotides in length. Let’s look for alignments of at least 21 nucleotides in length with 0 mismatches and 0 gaps.
mature_lncRNA_BLASTn %>%
filter(length >= 21) %>%
filter(mismatch == 0) %>%
filter(gapopen == 0)
## qseqid
## 1 transcript::ptg000023l:37964178-37968910
## 2 transcript::ptg000023l:38035142-38040884
## 3 transcript::ptg000035l:5335161-5347816
## 4 transcript::ptg000035l:5335634-5347816
## 5 transcript::ptg000035l:5336170-5347816
## 6 transcript::ptg000035l:5336225-5347816
## 7 transcript::ptg000035l:5336231-5347816
## sseqid pident length mismatch
## 1 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100 21 0
## 2 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100 21 0
## 3 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100 22 0
## 4 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100 22 0
## 5 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100 22 0
## 6 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100 22 0
## 7 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100 22 0
## gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
## 1 0 1120 1140 1 21 2.48e-06 39.2
## 2 0 1246 1266 1 21 2.64e-06 39.2
## 3 0 10893 10914 1 22 1.67e-06 41.0
## 4 0 10420 10441 1 22 1.61e-06 41.0
## 5 0 9884 9905 1 22 1.54e-06 41.0
## 6 0 9829 9850 1 22 1.53e-06 41.0
## 7 0 9823 9844 1 22 1.53e-06 41.0
These are the exact same matches as found above for pre-miRNAs contained within lncRNAs. That means these are just matching to the mature miRNA sequences contained within those pre-miRNAs, and we haven’t found any more possible lncRNAs acting as miRNA precursors.
Save these results
precursor_lncRNAs <- precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn %>%
filter(length >= 90) %>%
filter(mismatch == 0)
write.table(precursor_lncRNAs, "../output/17apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/lncRNAs_as_miRNA_precursors.txt")
I’m not sure whether to expect lncRNAs to bind miRNAs in the same way cnidarian miRNA-mRNA binding occurs (nearly perfect complementarity of mature sequence), or whether the mechanism could differ (e.g., requires only a complementary seed region, as in vertebrate miRNA-mRNA binding). that means I don’t know what alignment parameters to require for our BLAST results.
For now let’s say the aligned region must be at least 8 nucleotides (the expected length of an miRNA seed region), and let’s require a low evalue of 1e-3, to generally restrict results to those with high complementarity.
mature_lncRNA_BLASTn %>%
filter(length >= 8) %>%
filter(evalue <= 0.001)
## qseqid
## 1 transcript::ntLink_8:486960-488023
## 2 transcript::ntLink_8:3186326-3196541
## 3 transcript::ntLink_8:22685928-22707807
## 4 transcript::ntLink_8:2019087-2019406
## 5 transcript::ntLink_8:7710817-7712117
## 6 transcript::ptg000001l:10644411-10649603
## 7 transcript::ptg000001l:17411559-17412717
## 8 transcript::ptg000002l:8694852-8699329
## 9 transcript::ptg000002l:8695179-8699329
## 10 transcript::ptg000002l:1383381-1383717
## 11 transcript::ptg000002l:13000471-13000718
## 12 transcript::ptg000004l:1098398-1099254
## 13 transcript::ptg000004l:8683386-8683937
## 14 transcript::ptg000004l:9747807-9748017
## 15 transcript::ptg000004l:13769536-13770031
## 16 transcript::ptg000007l:9586839-9587490
## 17 transcript::ptg000008l:1574209-1575066
## 18 transcript::ptg000008l:25572824-25573194
## 19 transcript::ptg000008l:29764952-29765232
## 20 transcript::ptg000009l:6485786-6486105
## 21 transcript::ptg000011l:6306487-6306773
## 22 transcript::ptg000011l:4332065-4332324
## 23 transcript::ptg000012l:11943933-11944356
## 24 transcript::ptg000015l:10500419-10505388
## 25 transcript::ptg000015l:1837134-1837430
## 26 transcript::ptg000015l:6035836-6036085
## 27 transcript::ptg000015l:6877278-6878452
## 28 transcript::ptg000017l:8069280-8069537
## 29 transcript::ptg000018l:3773601-3773923
## 30 transcript::ptg000018l:5706186-5706414
## 31 transcript::ptg000019l:454985-456434
## 32 transcript::ptg000020l:2373777-2375564
## 33 transcript::ptg000020l:3110932-3117029
## 34 transcript::ptg000020l:4098333-4098592
## 35 transcript::ptg000021l:13842902-13873009
## 36 transcript::ptg000021l:13843241-13866689
## 37 transcript::ptg000023l:2712745-2718896
## 38 transcript::ptg000023l:2712745-2720465
## 39 transcript::ptg000023l:37964178-37968910
## 40 transcript::ptg000023l:38035142-38040884
## 41 transcript::ptg000023l:3633190-3636532
## 42 transcript::ptg000023l:3633462-3636532
## 43 transcript::ptg000023l:1197924-1198645
## 44 transcript::ptg000023l:5792311-5792526
## 45 transcript::ptg000023l:7881897-7882272
## 46 transcript::ptg000025l:15012969-15013245
## 47 transcript::ptg000025l:14999548-15000203
## 48 transcript::ptg000025l:7437716-7438377
## 49 transcript::ptg000025l:13688600-13688807
## 50 transcript::ptg000025l:15784341-15784905
## 51 transcript::ptg000025l:15805797-15806833
## 52 transcript::ptg000025l:18567820-18568066
## 53 transcript::ptg000027l:12369353-12370324
## 54 transcript::ptg000027l:14957936-14959033
## 55 transcript::ptg000027l:15899910-15900948
## 56 transcript::ptg000029c:30378-30679
## 57 transcript::ptg000030l:2571998-2573130
## 58 transcript::ptg000030l:2983299-2984288
## 59 transcript::ptg000030l:3114544-3114851
## 60 transcript::ptg000031l:6673205-6674498
## 61 transcript::ptg000035l:5335161-5347816
## 62 transcript::ptg000035l:5335634-5347816
## 63 transcript::ptg000035l:5336170-5347816
## 64 transcript::ptg000035l:5336225-5347816
## 65 transcript::ptg000035l:5336231-5347816
## 66 transcript::ptg000035l:3568395-3588450
## 67 transcript::ptg000035l:4735337-4735895
## 68 transcript::ptg000035l:4745735-4746320
## 69 transcript::ptg000035l:4758662-4759387
## 70 transcript::ptg000036l:1647657-1649308
## 71 transcript::ptg000036l:1647657-1649308
## 72 transcript::ptg000036l:3107888-3108320
## 73 transcript::ptg000036l:3107888-3108320
## 74 transcript::ptg000047l:8057344-8058484
## 75 transcript::ptg000047l:6228838-6229808
## 76 transcript::ptg000047l:1248153-1248367
## 77 transcript::ptg000047l:9202194-9203168
## sseqid pident length
## 1 Cluster_10228.mature::ptg000017l:7471168-7471190(+) 90.909 22
## 2 Cluster_18723.mature::ptg000035l:4808391-4808412(+) 95.238 21
## 3 Cluster_15775.mature::ptg000025l:7472581-7472603(-) 90.909 22
## 4 Cluster_5012.mature::ptg000008l:10754789-10754809(-) 94.444 18
## 5 Cluster_18723.mature::ptg000035l:4808391-4808412(+) 90.909 22
## 6 Cluster_19193.mature::ptg000039l:35786-35807(-) 94.737 19
## 7 Cluster_2463.mature::ptg000001l:5548893-5548914(-) 90.000 20
## 8 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 19
## 9 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 19
## 10 Cluster_15775.mature::ptg000025l:7472581-7472603(-) 86.364 22
## 11 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 15
## 12 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 13 Cluster_1951.mature::ntLink_6:13351801-13351822(-) 90.476 21
## 14 Cluster_3437.mature::ptg000004l:1859911-1859933(-) 94.118 17
## 15 Cluster_17791.mature::ptg000031l:6751957-6751979(-) 100.000 15
## 16 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 17 Cluster_15854.mature::ptg000025l:10668923-10668945(-) 100.000 15
## 18 Cluster_17791.mature::ptg000031l:6751957-6751979(-) 100.000 14
## 19 Cluster_15775.mature::ptg000025l:7472581-7472603(-) 100.000 14
## 20 Cluster_3437.mature::ptg000004l:1859911-1859933(-) 100.000 14
## 21 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 22 Cluster_15854.mature::ptg000025l:10668923-10668945(-) 100.000 16
## 23 Cluster_5900.mature::ptg000009l:616601-616622(-) 100.000 15
## 24 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 19
## 25 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 26 Cluster_3437.mature::ptg000004l:1859911-1859933(-) 94.118 17
## 27 Cluster_4220.mature::ptg000007l:915927-915948(-) 94.444 18
## 28 Cluster_10057.mature::ptg000016l:8599884-8599905(-) 89.474 19
## 29 Cluster_15775.mature::ptg000025l:7472581-7472603(-) 86.364 22
## 30 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 31 Cluster_3366.mature::ptg000002l:14046285-14046308(+) 91.304 23
## 32 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 95.238 21
## 33 Cluster_5900.mature::ptg000009l:616601-616622(-) 90.476 21
## 34 Cluster_15316.mature::ptg000024l:4086254-4086275(+) 100.000 14
## 35 Cluster_1951.mature::ntLink_6:13351801-13351822(-) 95.238 21
## 36 Cluster_1951.mature::ntLink_6:13351801-13351822(-) 95.238 21
## 37 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 19
## 38 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 19
## 39 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 21
## 40 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 100.000 21
## 41 Cluster_3250.mature::ptg000002l:7337560-7337581(+) 95.000 20
## 42 Cluster_3250.mature::ptg000002l:7337560-7337581(+) 95.000 20
## 43 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 44 Cluster_4220.mature::ptg000007l:915927-915948(-) 90.476 21
## 45 Cluster_15775.mature::ptg000025l:7472581-7472603(-) 94.444 18
## 46 Cluster_2463.mature::ptg000001l:5548893-5548914(-) 100.000 16
## 47 Cluster_2463.mature::ptg000001l:5548893-5548914(-) 100.000 16
## 48 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 49 Cluster_1832.mature::ntLink_6:5157559-5157579(+) 100.000 14
## 50 Cluster_10051.mature::ptg000016l:7795530-7795551(+) 94.444 18
## 51 Cluster_4254.mature::ptg000007l:3377335-3377356(+) 90.000 20
## 52 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.118 17
## 53 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 54 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 55 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 56 Cluster_3437.mature::ptg000004l:1859911-1859933(-) 94.118 17
## 57 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## 58 Cluster_10057.mature::ptg000016l:8599884-8599905(-) 100.000 15
## 59 Cluster_5981.mature::ptg000009l:4940537-4940559(-) 100.000 14
## 60 Cluster_15854.mature::ptg000025l:10668923-10668945(-) 100.000 15
## 61 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100.000 22
## 62 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100.000 22
## 63 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100.000 22
## 64 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100.000 22
## 65 Cluster_18728.mature::ptg000035l:5346054-5346075(+) 100.000 22
## 66 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 100.000 18
## 67 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 68 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 69 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 70 Cluster_3367.mature::ptg000002l:14046591-14046614(+) 100.000 16
## 71 Cluster_3366.mature::ptg000002l:14046285-14046308(+) 100.000 16
## 72 Cluster_3367.mature::ptg000002l:14046591-14046614(+) 100.000 16
## 73 Cluster_3366.mature::ptg000002l:14046285-14046308(+) 100.000 16
## 74 Cluster_2859.mature::ptg000001l:20063094-20063116(+) 100.000 15
## 75 Cluster_3366.mature::ptg000002l:14046285-14046308(+) 100.000 16
## 76 Cluster_14768.mature::ptg000023l:37965298-37965318(+) 94.737 19
## 77 Cluster_10419.mature::ptg000018l:2286829-2286850(+) 94.444 18
## mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
## 1 1 1 853 873 22 1 1.00e-03 28.3
## 2 1 0 9861 9881 22 2 2.00e-04 34.6
## 3 2 0 658 679 23 2 1.00e-03 31.9
## 4 1 0 78 95 2 19 3.99e-04 29.2
## 5 1 1 240 261 2 22 1.00e-03 28.3
## 6 1 0 2071 2089 21 3 1.00e-03 31.0
## 7 2 0 1087 1106 22 3 1.00e-03 28.3
## 8 0 0 3366 3384 19 1 2.86e-05 35.6
## 9 0 0 3039 3057 19 1 2.65e-05 35.6
## 10 3 0 250 271 23 2 1.00e-03 27.4
## 11 0 0 223 237 15 1 3.06e-04 28.3
## 12 1 0 188 205 18 1 8.98e-04 29.2
## 13 2 0 128 148 22 2 1.82e-04 30.1
## 14 1 0 6 22 17 1 8.99e-04 27.4
## 15 0 0 156 170 3 17 5.70e-04 28.3
## 16 1 0 33 50 18 1 7.54e-04 29.2
## 17 0 0 585 599 16 2 8.99e-04 28.3
## 18 0 0 308 321 14 1 1.00e-03 26.5
## 19 0 0 19 32 17 4 1.00e-03 26.5
## 20 0 0 85 98 1 14 1.00e-03 26.5
## 21 0 0 235 249 15 1 3.56e-04 28.3
## 22 0 0 56 71 22 7 9.20e-05 30.1
## 23 0 0 150 164 22 8 4.85e-04 28.3
## 24 0 0 824 842 1 19 3.17e-05 35.6
## 25 1 0 217 234 18 1 3.69e-04 29.2
## 26 1 0 202 218 17 1 1.00e-03 27.4
## 27 1 0 115 132 3 20 1.00e-03 29.2
## 28 2 0 214 232 4 22 1.00e-03 26.5
## 29 3 0 29 50 2 23 1.00e-03 27.4
## 30 0 0 48 62 1 15 2.81e-04 28.3
## 31 1 1 248 270 2 23 4.38e-04 30.1
## 32 1 0 1267 1287 1 21 4.44e-05 34.6
## 33 2 0 3613 3633 22 2 1.00e-03 30.1
## 34 0 0 56 69 16 3 1.00e-03 26.5
## 35 1 0 10332 10352 22 2 5.09e-04 34.6
## 36 1 0 9993 10013 22 2 3.97e-04 34.6
## 37 0 0 4726 4744 3 21 3.45e-05 35.6
## 38 0 0 4726 4744 3 21 4.33e-05 35.6
## 39 0 0 1120 1140 1 21 2.48e-06 39.2
## 40 0 0 1246 1266 1 21 2.64e-06 39.2
## 41 1 0 2913 2932 1 20 2.59e-04 32.8
## 42 1 0 2641 2660 1 20 2.38e-04 32.8
## 43 1 0 223 240 18 1 8.37e-04 29.2
## 44 1 1 64 84 1 20 1.00e-03 26.5
## 45 1 0 95 112 21 4 4.28e-04 29.2
## 46 0 0 188 203 16 1 9.83e-05 30.1
## 47 0 0 363 378 16 1 2.17e-04 30.1
## 48 1 0 418 435 1 18 7.66e-04 29.2
## 49 0 0 56 69 17 4 8.86e-04 26.5
## 50 1 0 258 275 4 21 6.51e-04 29.2
## 51 2 0 794 813 1 20 1.00e-03 28.3
## 52 1 0 83 99 17 1 1.00e-03 27.4
## 53 1 0 793 810 18 1 1.00e-03 29.2
## 54 1 0 609 626 1 18 1.00e-03 29.2
## 55 1 0 572 589 1 18 1.00e-03 29.2
## 56 1 0 124 140 1 17 1.00e-03 27.4
## 57 1 0 612 629 1 18 1.00e-03 29.2
## 58 0 0 566 580 3 17 1.00e-03 28.3
## 59 0 0 271 284 21 8 1.00e-03 26.5
## 60 0 0 822 836 21 7 1.00e-03 28.3
## 61 0 0 10893 10914 1 22 1.67e-06 41.0
## 62 0 0 10420 10441 1 22 1.61e-06 41.0
## 63 0 0 9884 9905 1 22 1.54e-06 41.0
## 64 0 0 9829 9850 1 22 1.53e-06 41.0
## 65 0 0 9823 9844 1 22 1.53e-06 41.0
## 66 0 0 16964 16981 18 1 3.39e-04 33.7
## 67 0 0 130 144 15 1 6.44e-04 28.3
## 68 0 0 144 158 15 1 6.76e-04 28.3
## 69 0 0 262 276 15 1 8.41e-04 28.3
## 70 0 0 1111 1126 21 6 5.00e-04 30.1
## 71 0 0 1111 1126 21 6 5.00e-04 30.1
## 72 0 0 130 145 21 6 1.42e-04 30.1
## 73 0 0 130 145 21 6 1.42e-04 30.1
## 74 0 0 1060 1074 15 1 1.00e-03 28.3
## 75 0 0 366 381 24 9 2.92e-04 30.1
## 76 1 0 114 132 1 19 7.53e-05 31.0
## 77 1 0 357 374 1 18 1.00e-03 29.2
77 putative lncRNA sponges with these parameters.
Ultimately though these results are insufficient to determine lncRNA sponging. We need to evaluate miRNA-lncRNA binding.
miRanda is a target prediction software, used to identify likely miRNA-mRNA interactions.
FASTA of A.pulchra lncRNAs
FASTA of A.pulchra mature miRNAs
# score cutoff >100
# energy cutoff <-10
# strict binding
/home/shared/miRanda-3.3a/src/miranda \
../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_ShortStack_4.1.0_mature.fasta \
../output/10-Apul-lncRNA/Apul_lncRNA.fasta \
-sc 100 \
-en -10 \
-strict \
-out ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/
Let’s look at the output
echo "miranda run finished!"
echo "Counting number of interacting miRNA-lncRNA pairs"
zgrep -c "Performing Scan" ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/
echo "Parsing output"
grep -A 1 "Scores for this hit:" ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/ | sort | grep '>' > ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt
echo "counting number of putative interactions predicted (can include multiple interactions between single miRNA-lncRNA pair)"
wc -l ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/
This is a lot of putative interactions! We can probably narrow it down though. In vertebrates, miRNA-mRNA binding only requires complementarity of an miRNA seed region of ~8 nucleotides. This requirement is built in to miRanda target prediction. In cnidarians, however, miRNA-mRNA binding is believed to require near-complete complementarity of the full mature miRNA, similarly to plants ( Admoni et al. (2023) , Admoni et al. (2025) ). While I couldn’t find any information on expected requirements for miRNA-lncRNA sponges, its possible the binding will function similarly to miRNA-mRNA binding. Let’s look at how many putative interactions are predicted for a binding length of at least 21 nucleotides (the length of our smallest mature miRNA).
echo "number of putative interactions of at least 21 nucleotides"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | wc -l
echo ""
echo "check some:"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | head -5
The header for this output is formatted as:
mirna Target Score Energy-Kcal/Mol Query-Aln(start-end) Subjetct-Al(Start-End) Al-Len Subject-Identity Query-Identity
We can see from the percent identities (last 2 entries) that this number includes alignments with multiple mismatches. Let’s filter again to reduce the number of permissible mismatches. Let’s say we want no more than 3 mismatches (a gap is counted as a mismatch). For an alignment of 21 nucleotides, this would be an percent identity of (21-3)/21 = 85.7%. The miRNA is our “subject”, so we will filter by column 8.
echo "number of putative interactions of at least 21 nucleotides, with at most 3 mismatches"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | awk -F'\t' '$8 >= 85' | wc -l
echo ""
echo "check some:"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | awk -F'\t' '$8 >= 85' | head -5
This is a dramatically smaller number – only 19 interactions are at least 21 nucleotides with <=3 mismatches
RNAhybrid is another miRNA-mRNA target prediction tool, which bases its predictions primarily on thermodynamic binding stability (unlike miRanda, which considers sequence features expected of miRNA targets). While the tool is normally used to predict miRNA-mRNA binding, it should also work for miRNA-lncRNA binding
First we need to format our lncRNA and mature miRNA data. RNAhybrid requires a query fasta file of mature miRNAs, and a target fasta file (in this case, of lncRNAs). The problem is that RNAhybrid can only handle fastas that contain sequences of 1000 nucleotides or fewer. Some of our lncRNAs are thousands of nucleotides long, so we’ll need to reformat this file.
I need to:
Get a gff/gtf/bed file of our lncRNAs
Use a bash script to modify the gff so that any sequences of >1000 nucleotides are broken up into multiple sub-sequences (and appropriately annotated as such)
Convert this modified gff back into a fasta file.
We have a candidate lncRNA gtf that then underwent some filtering and was converted to our final Apul_lncRNA.fasta. Let’s filter the gtf to retain only the lncRNAs that made it into our final Apul_lncRNA.fasta.
# Step 1: Extract coordinates from FASTA headers
grep "^>" $lncRNAfasta | \
sed 's/>//' | \
awk -F'[:\\-]' '{print $3, $4+1, $5}' OFS="\t" \
> $lncRNAcoordinates
# Step 2: Keep only the candidate gtf entries whose coordinates
# exactly match those included in the lncRNAfasta coordinates
awk 'NR==FNR {ref[$1,$2,$3]; next} ($1,$4,$5) in ref' \
$lncRNAcoordinates \
$candidategtf \
> $lncRNAgtf
# Check
echo "some lncRNA fasta sequences: "
grep "^>" $lncRNAfasta | head -100 |tail -3
echo ""
echo "same index of filtered lncRNA gtf sequences: "
head -100 $lncRNAgtf | tail -3
echo ""
echo "number of lncRNA fasta sequences: "
grep "^>" $lncRNAfasta | wc -l
echo "number of filtered lncRNA gtf sequences: "
wc -l $lncRNAgtf
## some lncRNA fasta sequences:
## >transcript::ntLink_6:12654168-12654858
## >transcript::ntLink_6:13210102-13212000
## >transcript::ntLink_6:13210122-13212000
## same index of filtered lncRNA gtf sequences:
## ntLink_6 StringTie transcript 12654169 12654858 . + . transcript_id "MSTRG.1611.1"; gene_id "MSTRG.1611"; xloc "XLOC_000892"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS1327";
## ntLink_6 StringTie transcript 13210103 13212000 . + . transcript_id "MSTRG.1688.1"; gene_id "MSTRG.1688"; xloc "XLOC_000920"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS1373";
## ntLink_6 StringTie transcript 13210123 13212000 . + . transcript_id "MSTRG.1688.2"; gene_id "MSTRG.1688"; xloc "XLOC_000920"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS1373";
## number of lncRNA fasta sequences:
## 24183
## number of filtered lncRNA gtf sequences:
## 24183 ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_unformatted.gtf
Looks like we’re good!
Before we proceed I also just want to fix the gtf formatting. Right now it looks like, instead of being contained as single column 9, all the extra info (transcript ID, gene ID, etc.) is in separate tab-delimited columns. Let’s get it all correctly formatted inside of the 9th column.
awk -F'\t' '{
combined = $9
for (i = 10; i <= 18; i++) {
combined = combined $i
gsub(/ /, "", combined) # Remove spaces from the combined column
$9 = combined
for (i = 10; i <= 18; i++) {
$i = ""
$0 = $1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $4 OFS $5 OFS $6 OFS $7 OFS $8 OFS $9
print $0
}' OFS='\t' $unformatted > $formatted
# Check
head -3 $formatted | awk -F'\t' '{print $9}'
# mRNA-only genome gff
# Count total sequences in lncRNA gtf
wc -l ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA.gtf
# Count the number of sequences that contain >1000 bp
awk '{if ($5 - $4 > 1000) count++} END {print count}' ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA.gtf
# Check how the sequence names are formatted
head -2 ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA.gtf
## 24183 ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA.gtf
## 9601
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 84516 93551 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 15629 19151 . - . transcript_id"MSTRG.3.1";gene_id"MSTRG.3";xloc"XLOC_000010";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS17";
about 40% of our lncRNAs are too long, so we’ll need to break them up
I want to break up any sequence >1000bp into 1000bp chunks, adding a line to the gff for each chunk.
(I also want there to be overlap among the chunks, in case the break between two chunks falls in the middle of an miRNA binding site. Let’s say a 25bp overlap, since that is just over the maximum expected miRNA length.)
for now though let’s not worry about the overlap.
The below code checks every sequence in the gtf and, for sequences over 1000 nucleotides long, breaks them up iteratively into 1000bp chunks. When it breaks up a sequence, it also appends to the final column of the line a “parent ID” showing the original lncRNA ID.
awk -v chunk_size=1000 '
BEGIN {OFS="\t"}
seq_length = $5 - $4
parent_id = $1 ":" $4 "-" $5
if (seq_length > chunk_size) {
start = $4
ogend = $5
while (start < ogend) {
end = start + chunk_size
if (end > ogend) end = ogend
$4 = start
$5 = end
temp_col9 = $9 "parent_id\"" parent_id "\"" # Preserve the existing content and append parent_id
print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, temp_col9
start = end
} else {
$9 = $9 "parent_id\"" parent_id "\"" # Append parent_id to the existing content in $9
}' "../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA.gtf" > "../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.gtf"
# mRNA-only genome gff
# Count total sequences in genome gff
wc -l $MAX1000gtf
# Count the number of sequences that contain >1000 bp
awk '{if ($5 - $4 > 1000) count++} END {print count}' $MAX1000gtf
# Check how the sequence names are formatted
head -5 $MAX1000gtf
## 65494 ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.gtf
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 84516 85516 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";parent_id"ntLink_0:84516-93551"
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 85516 86516 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";parent_id"ntLink_0:84516-93551"
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 86516 87516 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";parent_id"ntLink_0:84516-93551"
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 87516 88516 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";parent_id"ntLink_0:84516-93551"
## ntLink_0 StringTie transcript 88516 89516 . + . transcript_id"MSTRG.10.1";gene_id"MSTRG.10";xloc"XLOC_000009";class_code"u";tss_id"TSS16";parent_id"ntLink_0:84516-93551"
Looks good!
# Use lncRNA gtf and genome fasta to extract lncRNA fastas
/home/shared/bedtools2/bin/bedtools getfasta \
-fi "../data/Apulchra-genome.fa" \
-bed "../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.gtf" \
-fo "../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.fa"
Now we can run RNAhybrid! I was getting a weird issue with all-zero pvalues when I used RNAcalibrate-generated shape distribution parameters in 16-Apul-RNAhybrid
, so I’ll just use the built-in 3utr_worm parameter again.
I have RNAhybrid installed on a miniconda environment
# Check path to the conda environment I'm using
which conda
# Install RNAhybrid if neccessary
conda install -y -c genomedk rnahybrid
# Check installation
conda list rnahybrid
#Start time: 12/12/2024 15:36
RNAhybrid \
-s 3utr_worm \
-e -20 \
-p 0.05 \
-c \
-t ../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.fa \
-q ../data/16-Apul-RNAhybrid/miRNA_mature-Apul-ShortStack_4.1.0-pulchra_genome.fasta \
> ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm.txt
# How many significant hybridizations predicted for each input?
wc -l ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm.txt
echo ""
head -3 ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm.txt
## 1566 ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm.txt
## ntLink_6:15566281-15566670:389:Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-):22:-26.2:0.020079:150: U C : GGAAAGUGCUAUGA : UCUUUCACGAUACU :UGUU AGUA
## ntLink_8:10040388-10040616:228:Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-):22:-27.2:0.004032:123:G A : ACAAAGAGAGUGCUA : UGUUUCUUUCACGAU : ACUAGUA
## ptg000001l:25192-26193:1000:Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-):22:-29.5:0.014814:926: G A : GAAGAAAGUGCUAUGA : UUUCUUUCACGAUACU :UG AGUA
Now let’s read our RNAhybrid results into R for visualization. Note this is going to be slightly more complicated than it sounds because the RNAhybrid compact output is colon-delimited and our target- and query-IDs contain intentional colons than could get confused with column delimiters.
RNAhybrid_lncRNA <- read.table("../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm.txt", sep=":")
# Recombine Columns 1 and 2 (fix incorrect separation of target ID components)
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V1 <- paste(RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V1, RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V2, sep = ":")
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V2 <- NULL
# Do the same for Columns 4-7 (query ID components)
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V4 <- paste(RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V4, RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V5, RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V6, RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V7 , sep = ":")
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V4 <- gsub(":NA:", "::", RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V4)
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V5 <- NULL
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V6 <- NULL
RNAhybrid_lncRNA$V7 <- NULL
# Rename all columns for readability/accessibility
colnames(RNAhybrid_lncRNA) <- c("target_name", "target_length", "query_name", "query_length",
"mfe", "pval", "position",
"noncomp_target_seq", "comp_target_seq", "comp_query_seq", "noncomp_query_seq")
Right now the “target” names are, for many lncRNAs, the broken-up “chunks” of 1000bp. Let’s associate all of these chunks back to their original “parent” lncRNAs.
# Read in current gtf
MAX1000gtf <- read.table("../data/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000.gtf", sep="\t", head=FALSE)
# make new column for the full sequence ID (scaffold:beginning location-end location)
MAX1000gtf$target_name <- paste(MAX1000gtf$V1, paste(MAX1000gtf$V4-1, MAX1000gtf$V5, sep = "-"), sep = ":")
# separate out all of the extra info contained in column 9
# Define the ID types
id_types <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id", "xloc", "class_code", "cmp_ref_gene", "tss_id", "parent_id")
# Function to extract values for all ID types
extract_ids <- function(row, id_types) {
# Split the row by ';'
entries <- strsplit(row, ";")[[1]]
# Initialize a named list with NA for all fields
result <- setNames(rep(NA, length(id_types)), id_types)
# Populate the list with actual values from the row
for (entry in entries) {
for (id_type in id_types) {
if (startsWith(entry, id_type)) {
result[[id_type]] <- sub(paste0("^", id_type), "", entry)
# Return the result as a named vector
# Apply the function to each row in column V9
parsed_data <- t(sapply(MAX1000gtf$V9, extract_ids, id_types = id_types))
# Convert the result into a data frame
parsed_df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(parsed_df) <- NULL # Reset row names
# Combine the parsed data back into the original data frame
MAX1000gtf <- cbind(MAX1000gtf, parsed_df)
# Keep only the columns we may want to use
MAX1000gtf_reduced <- MAX1000gtf %>%
select(target_name, parent_id, gene_id, cmp_ref_gene)
# remove duplicate rows (I believe stemming from isoforms)
MAX1000gtf_reduced <- MAX1000gtf_reduced[!duplicated(MAX1000gtf_reduced$target_name), ]
# Save these for later use
write.table(MAX1000gtf, "../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000_expandedgtf_large.txt", sep="\t")
write.table(MAX1000gtf_reduced, "../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul_lncRNA_MAX1000_expandedgtf.txt", sep="\t")
Now we can merge this gtf-based association table with the RNAhybrid outputs
# merge and keep only columns of interest
RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot <- left_join(RNAhybrid_lncRNA, MAX1000gtf_reduced, by = c("target_name" = "target_name")) %>%
select(target_name, query_name, mfe, pval, parent_id, gene_id, cmp_ref_gene)
# Also, grab just the miRNA cluster name, for simplicity
RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot$miRNA_cluster <- sub("\\..*", "", RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot$query_name)
# move lncRNA parent ID and miRNA cluster name to first two columns
RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot <- RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot %>% select(parent_id, miRNA_cluster, everything())
# take a look
## parent_id miRNA_cluster target_name
## 1 ntLink_6:15566282-15566670 Cluster_1826 ntLink_6:15566281-15566670
## 2 ntLink_8:10040389-10040616 Cluster_1826 ntLink_8:10040388-10040616
## 3 ptg000001l:25193-27088 Cluster_1826 ptg000001l:25192-26193
## 4 ptg000001l:10926731-10928207 Cluster_1826 ptg000001l:10927730-10928207
## 5 ptg000002l:5112686-5113594 Cluster_1826 ptg000002l:5112685-5113594
## 6 ptg000007l:7556635-7557971 Cluster_1826 ptg000007l:7557634-7557971
## query_name mfe pval gene_id
## 1 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -26.2 0.020079 MSTRG.1961
## 2 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -27.2 0.004032 MSTRG.4113
## 3 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -29.5 0.014814 MSTRG.7321
## 4 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -29.1 0.005259 MSTRG.8409
## 5 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -27.5 0.037381 MSTRG.10224
## 6 Cluster_1826.mature::ntLink_6:4847465-4847486(-) -25.8 0.019897 MSTRG.14688
## cmp_ref_gene
## 1 <NA>
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 <NA>
## 6 <NA>
# save
write.table(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot, "../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-RNAhybrid-lncRNA-compact_3utrworm-annot.txt", sep = "\t")
LncRNA as miRNA precursors:
cat("Number of putative lncRNA precursors: ", length(filter(filter(precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn, length >= 90), mismatch == 0)$qseqid), "\n",
"Number of miRNA whose precursors are lncRNA: ", length(unique(filter(filter(precursor_lncRNA_BLASTn, length >= 90), mismatch == 0)$sseqid)))
## Number of putative lncRNA precursors: 7
## Number of miRNA whose precursors are lncRNA: 2
Note: So there are 3 instances of a unique lncRNA containing a full pre-miRNA sequence (and one of those instances occurs in 5 lncRNA isoforms)
LncRNA as miRNA sponges:
echo "miRanda Results:"
echo ""
echo "Number of putative interactions:"
wc -l ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/
echo ""
echo "Number of putative interactions of at least 21 nucleotides"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | wc -l
echo ""
echo "Number of putative interactions of at least 21 nucleotides, with at most 3 mismatches"
awk -F'\t' '$7 >= 21' ../output/17-Apul-miRNA-lncRNA-BLASTs-RNAhybrid/Apul-miRanda-lncRNA-strict-parsed.txt | awk -F'\t' '$8 >= 85' | wc -l
``` r
cat("RNAhybrid Results: ", "\n", "\n",
"(as a reminder)", "\n",
"Number of A.pulchra lncRNAs: ", length(lncRNA_lengths$seqID), "\n",
"Number of A.pulchra miRNAs: ", length(mature_lengths$seqID), "\n",
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", "\n",
"for p < 0.05: ", "\n",
"Number of significant lncRNA-miRNA hybridizations: ", length(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot$parent_id), "\n",
"Number of putative lncRNA sponges: ", length(unique(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot$parent_id)), "\n",
"Number of miRNA putatively sequestered by lncRNA: ", length(unique(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot$miRNA_cluster)), "\n",
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", "\n",
"for p < 0.01: ", "\n",
"Number of lncRNA-miRNA hybridizations: ", length(filter(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot, pval < 0.01)$parent_id), "\n",
"Number of putative lncRNA sponges: ", length(unique(filter(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot, pval < 0.01)$parent_id)), "\n",
"Number of miRNA putatively sequestered by lncRNA sponges: ", length(unique(filter(RNAhybrid_lncRNA_annot, pval < 0.01)$miRNA_cluster)))
## RNAhybrid Results:
## (as a reminder)
## Number of A.pulchra lncRNAs: 24183
## Number of A.pulchra miRNAs: 39
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## for p < 0.05:
## Number of significant lncRNA-miRNA hybridizations: 1566
## Number of putative lncRNA sponges: 1265
## Number of miRNA putatively sequestered by lncRNA: 39
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## for p < 0.01:
## Number of lncRNA-miRNA hybridizations: 313
## Number of putative lncRNA sponges: 259
## Number of miRNA putatively sequestered by lncRNA sponges: 35