For miRNA target prediction, we expect most binding to occur in the 3’UTR regions. However, our reference genome Apulcra-genome.gff
is not annotated with UTRs. We need to annotate those manually
First let’s take a look at what our reference Apulcra-genome.gff
file looks like
grep -v '^#' ../data/Apulcra-genome.gff | cut -s -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
echo ""
head -10 ../data/Apulcra-genome.gff
## 209537 exon
## 201613 CDS
## 44371 gene
## 36447 mRNA
## 7924 tRNA
## ##gff-version 3
## ntLink_0 funannotate gene 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001;
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1;Parent=FUN_000001;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1105 1188 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon1;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate exon 1861 1941 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon2;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate exon 2762 2839 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon3;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate exon 5044 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1.exon4;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1105 1188 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 1861 1941 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
## ntLink_0 funannotate CDS 2762 2839 . + 0 ID=FUN_000001-T1.cds;Parent=FUN_000001-T1;
According to NCBI, the standard gff3 format should annotate regions like this:
gene1 ================================ ID=gene1
mRNA1 ================================ ID=mRNA1;Parent=gene1
exon1 ==== Parent=mRNA1
five_prime_UTR == Parent=mRNA1
CDS1 == Parent=mRNA1
CDS2 ========== Parent=mRNA1
CDS3 ==== Parent=mRNA1
three_prime_UTR ====== Parent=mRNA1
Note how a region annotated as mRNA
should contain both the 5’UTR and 3’UTR, as well as all CDS regions.
Unfortunately, looking at our gff, it seems that Apulcra-genome.gff
is formatted more like this:
gene1 ================================ ID=gene1
mRNA1 ================================ ID=mRNA1;Parent=gene1
exon1 ====== Parent=mRNA1
CDS1 ====== Parent=mRNA1
exon2 ================== Parent=mRNA1
CDS2 ================== Parent=mRNA1
Where an annotated mRNA contains only the CDS regions and internal UTR regions. That means there is no straightforward way to identify the actual 5’ and 3’ UTR regions from the gff.
Instead, we can just extract a best-guess region from immediately before and immediately after the annotated mRNA. Jill Ashey validated during our deep-dive
work that a 1000bp region captures the 3’UTR well (see post and code here). This is also convenient because RNAhybrid accepts sequences of maximum 1000bp in length.
So we want to
1) isolate mRNA regions in Apulcra-genome.gff
2) determine sense of the annotated region (to inform which end is 5’ and which is 3’)
3) make new lines in gff that covers the 1000bp immediately preceding/following the mRNA, annotated appropriately as 5’/3’ UTR
4) ensure none of the newly annotated UTR regions overlap with an existing mRNA region – remove overlapping region from UTR annotation if necessary
Note: while the majority of miRNA functional binding occurs in the 3’UTR, it is possible for functional binding to occur in other regions, including the 5’UTR and CDS. I want to run target prediction for all regions, at least at first, so I want to annotate both the 3’ and 5’ UTR regions of our genome.
We’ll use a modified version of Jill’s code for this
# extract the mRNAs
grep $'\tmRNA\t' ../data/Apulcra-genome.gff > ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff
# Let's also isolate the CDS while we're at it
grep $'\tCDS\t' ../data/Apulcra-genome.gff > ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-CDS_only.gff
# check
wc -l ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff
echo ""
head -5 ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff
## 36447 ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 1105 7056 . + . ID=FUN_000001-T1;Parent=FUN_000001;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 10215 15286 . + . ID=FUN_000002-T1;Parent=FUN_000002;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 32057 33275 . + . ID=FUN_000003-T1;Parent=FUN_000003;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 34824 42794 . + . ID=FUN_000004-T1;Parent=FUN_000004;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_0 funannotate mRNA 45953 51024 . + . ID=FUN_000005-T1;Parent=FUN_000005;product=hypothetical protein;
cd ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs
# Extract scaffold lengths
cat is ../../data/Apulchra-genome.fa | awk '$0 ~ ">" {if (NR > 1) {print c;} c=0;printf substr($0,2,100) "\t"; } $0 !~ ">" {c+=length($0);} END { print c; }' > Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt
# Extract scaffold names
awk -F" " '{print $1}' Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt > Apul.Chromosome_names.txt
# Check
wc -l Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt
echo ""
head -3 Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt
echo ""
head -3 Apul.Chromosome_names.txt
## cat: is: No such file or directory
## 174 Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt
## ntLink_7 182921
## ntLink_8 37517065
## ntLink_0 96579
## ntLink_7
## ntLink_8
## ntLink_0
The following code will sort the mRNA gff, extract 1kb down the 3’ end of mRNA, subtract portions of the 1kb flank (representing the 3’UTR) from any overlapping mRNA, and make fasta file of the 3’UTRs. It will do the same for 5’UTRs.
cd ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs
export PATH="/home/shared/bedtools2/bin:$PATH"
echo "Sorting gffs by chromosome" $(date)
sortBed -faidx Apul.Chromosome_names.txt -i Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff > Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff
echo "Sorting complete!" $(date)
echo "Extracting 1kb 3' UTRs" $(date)
bedtools flank -i Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff -g Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt -l 0 -r 1000 -s | \
awk '{gsub("mRNA","3prime_UTR",$3); print $0 }' | \
awk '{if($5-$4 > 3)print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9}' | \
tr ' ' '\t' > Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb.gff
echo "Subtract portions of UTRs that overlap nearby genes" $(date)
bedtools subtract -a Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb.gff -b Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff > Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff
echo "3' UTRs identified!" $(date)
echo "Extracting 3' UTR sequences" $(date)
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../data/Apulchra-genome.fa -bed Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff -fo Apul_3UTR_1kb.fasta -fullHeader
echo "Extracting 1kb 5' UTRs" $(date)
bedtools flank -i Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff -g Apul.Chromosome_lengths.txt -l 1000 -r 0 -s | \
awk '{gsub("mRNA","five_prime_UTR",$3); print $0 }' | \
awk '{if($5-$4 > 3)print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9}' | \
tr ' ' '\t' > Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb.gff
echo "Subtract portions of 5' UTRs that overlap nearby genes" $(date)
bedtools subtract -a Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb.gff -b Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff > Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff
echo "5' UTRs identified!" $(date)
echo "Extracting 5' UTR sequences" $(date)
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../data/Apulchra-genome.fa -bed Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff -fo Apul_5UTR_1kb.fasta -fullHeader
echo "Sequence extraction complete!" $(date)
## Sorting gffs by chromosome Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## Sorting complete! Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## Extracting 1kb 3' UTRs Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## Subtract portions of UTRs that overlap nearby genes Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## 3' UTRs identified! Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## Extracting 3' UTR sequences Mon Dec 16 09:20:22 PST 2024
## Extracting 1kb 5' UTRs Mon Dec 16 09:20:23 PST 2024
## Subtract portions of 5' UTRs that overlap nearby genes Mon Dec 16 09:20:23 PST 2024
## 5' UTRs identified! Mon Dec 16 09:20:23 PST 2024
## Extracting 5' UTR sequences Mon Dec 16 09:20:23 PST 2024
## Sequence extraction complete! Mon Dec 16 09:20:24 PST 2024
Check We expect, for an mRNA in + sense (forward strand), the 3’UTR region to be the 1000bp immediately following the mRNA, and the 5’UTR to be the 1000bp immediately before the mRNA (For a - sense mRNA, we would expect the opposite, with 3’ preceding the mRNA and 5’ following it.)
cd ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs
head -1 Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff
head -1 Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff
head -1 Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff
echo ""
head -2 Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff | tail -1
head -2 Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff | tail -1
head -2 Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff | tail -1
echo ""
head -3 Apul_GFFannotation.mRNA_sorted.gff | tail -1
head -3 Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff | tail -1
head -3 Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff | tail -1
## ntLink_7 funannotate mRNA 79 4679 . + . ID=FUN_002303-T1;Parent=FUN_002303;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_7 funannotate 3prime_UTR 4680 5679 . + . ID=FUN_002303-T1;Parent=FUN_002303;product=hypothetical
## ntLink_7 funannotate five_prime_UTR 1 78 . + . ID=FUN_002303-T1;Parent=FUN_002303;product=hypothetical
## ntLink_7 funannotate mRNA 12385 16904 . - . ID=FUN_002304-T1;Parent=FUN_002304;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_7 funannotate 3prime_UTR 11385 12384 . - . ID=FUN_002304-T1;Parent=FUN_002304;product=hypothetical
## ntLink_7 funannotate five_prime_UTR 16905 17904 . - . ID=FUN_002304-T1;Parent=FUN_002304;product=hypothetical
## ntLink_7 funannotate mRNA 18480 24187 . + . ID=FUN_002305-T1;Parent=FUN_002305;product=hypothetical protein;
## ntLink_7 funannotate 3prime_UTR 24188 25187 . + . ID=FUN_002305-T1;Parent=FUN_002305;product=hypothetical
## ntLink_7 funannotate five_prime_UTR 17480 18479 . + . ID=FUN_002305-T1;Parent=FUN_002305;product=hypothetical
We’re good!
Finally, we may want to use the simpler mRNA-associated FUN ids to denote 3UTR/5UTR regions, rather than the genomic location. Let’s create helper files for making those associations
FUNid_helper() {
local input_gff="$1"
local output_file="$2"
# Check if the input file exists
if [[ ! -f "$input_gff" ]]; then
echo "Error: File $input_gff not found!"
return 1
# Process the GFF file
awk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"} {
# Combine location
location = $1 ":" $4-1 "-" $5;
# Extract type
type = $3;
# Extract and format the attributes (last column)
attributes = $9;
gsub(";", "\t", attributes); # Replace semicolons with tabs
# Print the desired output
print location, type, attributes;
}' "$input_gff" > "$output_file"
echo "Processed $input_gff -> $output_file"
FUNid_helper "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff" "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-mRNA-FUNids.txt"
FUNid_helper "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff" "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-3UTR-FUNids.txt"
FUNid_helper "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff" "../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-5UTR-FUNids.txt"
## Processed ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apulcra-genome-mRNA_only.gff -> ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-mRNA-FUNids.txt
## Processed ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul.GFFannotation.3UTR_1kb_corrected.gff -> ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-3UTR-FUNids.txt
## Processed ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul.GFFannotation.5UTR_1kb_corrected.gff -> ../output/15-Apul-annotate-UTRs/Apul-5UTR-FUNids.txt