title: "Apul MixOmics"
output: html_document
date: "2024-10-01"
chunk_output_type: console
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Script to analyzed relationships between RNA-sRNA-WGBS using mixOmics.
# Set up
Load libraries
# Read in files
Read in count matrices.
metadata <- data.frame(
sample = c("sample145", "sample140", "sample173", "sample178", "sample150"),
species = "Apul"
Transpose the count matrices.
Follow the mixOmics tutorial for conducting correlations between these two data sets.
All data sets have dimensions of 5 samples. We can add additional species to this as we go.
# Conduct mixOmics
Set matrices.
## Conduct preliminary PCA
pca.mrna <- pca(mrna, ncomp = 4, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
pca.srna <- pca(srna, ncomp = 4, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Similar variance explained because we are dealing with individual samples within a species. This will change as we add more species.
plotIndiv(pca.mrna, comp = c(1, 2),
group = metadata$species,
ind.names = metadata$sample,
legend = TRUE, title = 'mRNA, PCA comp 1 - 2')
plotIndiv(pca.srna, comp = c(1, 2),
group = metadata$species,
ind.names = metadata$sample,
legend = TRUE, title = 'sRNA, PCA comp 1 - 2')
## PLS model
Build initial sPLS model. Using 4 components since we have 5 samples and components = n-1.
Tune for number of components to keep.
# set range of test values for number of variables to use from X dataframe
list.keepX <- c(seq(20, 2000, 20))
# set range of test values for number of variables to use from Y dataframe
list.keepY <- c(seq(20, 20000, 100))
tune.spls <- tune.spls(mrna, srna, ncomp = 2,
test.keepX = list.keepX,
test.keepY = list.keepY,
nrepeat = 1, # use 10 folds
validation=c("loo"), progressBar=TRUE)
plot(tune.spls) # use the correlation measure for tuning
Not working with small number of samples. Temporarily set the number of components to keep as a smaller number.
keep.X<-c("comp1"=50, "comp2"=50)
keep.Y<-c("comp1"=50, "comp2"=50)
pls <- spls(X = mrna, Y = srna, ncomp = 4, mode = 'regression', keepX=keep.X, keepY=keep.Y)
plotIndiv(pls, ind.names = TRUE,
rep.space = "X-variate", # plot in X-variate subspace
group = metadata$sample, # colour by time group
pch = as.factor(metadata$species),
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Sample', legend.title.pch = 'Sample', title="mRNA")
plotIndiv(pls, ind.names = TRUE,
rep.space = "Y-variate", # plot in X-variate subspace
group = metadata$sample, # colour by time group
pch = as.factor(metadata$species),
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Sample', legend.title.pch = 'Sample', title="sRNA")
plotIndiv(pls, ind.names = TRUE,
rep.space = "XY-variate", # plot in X-variate subspace
group = metadata$sample, # colour by time group
pch = as.factor(metadata$species),
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Sample', legend.title.pch = 'Sample', title="sRNA&mRNA")
Plot line plot to show agreement between data sets.
plotArrow(pls, ind.names = TRUE,
group = metadata$sample, # colour by time group
legend.title = 'mRNA.sRNA')
High agreement between datasets.
## Visualizations
View correlation circle plot.
plotVar(pls, cex = c(3,4), var.names = c(FALSE, FALSE))
Cim plot.
pdf("D-Apul/output/05-Apul-mixOmics/cim-sRNA-mRNA.pdf", width=10, height=10)
cim(pls, comp = 1:2, xlab="sRNA", ylab="mRNA")
Network plot.
color.edge <- color.GreenRed(50) # set the colours of the connecting lines
network(pls, comp = 1:2,
cutoff = 0.95, # only show connections with a correlation above threshold
shape.node = c("rectangle", "circle"),
color.node = c("cyan", "pink"),
color.edge = color.edge,
interactive = FALSE,
lwd.edge = 2)
Not super helpful.