# Circos config file.
karyotype = data/karyotype/karyotype.cvir.txt
chromosomes_units = 100000
# chromosome subset
chromosomes_display_default = no
chromosomes = cvirNC_035789.1
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-controls_females-mean_fpkm.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.99r
r0 = 0.85r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = vdpurple
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-exposed_females-mean_fpkm.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.84r
r0 = 0.68r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = vvdpurple
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-controls_females-mean_methylation.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.67r
r0 = 0.51r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = vdred
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-exposed_females-mean_methylation.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.50r
r0 = 0.34r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = vvdred
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-controls-females-mean_transcripts.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.33r
r0 = 0.17r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = dblue
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# The type sets the format of the track.
type = histogram
file = data/circos-genes-exposed-females-mean_transcripts.tab
# The track is confined within r0/r1 radius limits. When using the
# relative "r" suffix, the values are relative to the position of the
# ideogram.
r1 = 0.166r
r0 = 0.00r
# Histograms can have both a fill and outline. The default outline is 1px thick black.
fill_color = vvdblue
# To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero. If
# you want to permanently disable this default, edit
# etc/tracks/histogram.conf in the Circos distribution.
thickness = 0p
# Do not join histogram bins that do not abut.
extend_bin = no
# import defaults from Circos distribution
radius* = 1500p
# default colors, fonts and fill patterns
# system and debug parameters