aapc Average annual per cent change in segmented trend analysis broken.line Fitted values for segmented relationships confint.segmented Confidence intervals for breakpoints confint.segmented.lme Confidence intervals in segmented mixed models davies.test Testing for a change in the slope down Down syndrome in babies draw.history History for the breakpoint estimates fitted.segmented.lme Fitted values for segmented mixed fits intercept Intercept estimates from segmented relationships lines.segmented Bars for interval estimate of the breakpoints plant Plan organ dataset plot.segmented Plot method for segmented objects plot.segmented.lme Plot method for segmented mixed objects points.segmented Points method for segmented objects predict.segmented Predict method for segmented model fits print.segmented Print method for the segmented class print.segmented.lme Print method for the segmented.lme class pscore.test Testing for existence of one breakpoint pwr.seg Power Analysis in segmented regression seg.control Auxiliary for controlling segmented model fitting seg.lm.fit Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models segmented Segmented relationships in regression models segmented-package Segmented Relationships in Regression Models with Breakpoints / Changepoints (with Possibly Random Effects) Estimation segmented.lme Segmented relationships in linear mixed models selgmented Selecting the number of breakpoints in segmented regression slope Slope estimates from segmented relationships stagnant Stagnant band height data summary.segmented Summarizing model fits for segmented regression summary.segmented.lme Summarizing model fits for segmented mixed-effects regression vcov.segmented Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Model vcov.segmented.lme Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Mixed Model