# rprojroot 2.0.3 (2022-03-25) - Add `is_pkgdown_project` root criterion looking for a `_pkgdown.yml`, `_pkgdown.yaml`, `pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml` and/or `inst/_pkgdown.yml` file (#79, @salim-b). - Avoid `LazyData` in `DESCRIPTION`. # rprojroot 2.0.2 (2020-11-15) ## Features - In `find_root_file()`, if the first path component is already an absolute path, the path is returned unchanged without referring to the root. This allows using both root-relative and absolute paths in `here::here()`. Mixing root-relative and absolute paths in the same call returns an error (#59). - `find_root_file()` propagates `NA` values in path components. Using tidyverse recycling rules for path components of length different from one (#66). - `has_file()` and `has_file_pattern()` gain `fixed` argument (#75). - New `is_drake_project` criterion (#34). - Add `subdir` argument to `make_fix_file()` (#33, @BarkleyBG). - Update documentation for version control criteria (#35, @uribo). ## Breaking changes - `has_file()` and `has_dir()` now throw an error if the `filepath` argument is an absolute path (#74). - `has_basename()` replaces `has_dirname()` to avoid confusion (#63). - `as_root_criterion()` and `is_root_criterion()` replace `as.` and `is.`, respectively. The latter are soft-deprecated. - `thisfile()` and related functions are soft-deprecated, now available in the whereami package (#43). ## Bug fixes - The `is_dirname()` criterion no longer considers sibling directories (#44). ## Internal - Use testthat 3e (#70). - The backports package is no longer imported (#68). - Re-license as MIT (#50). - Move checks to GitHub Actions (#52). - Availability of suggested packages knitr and rmarkdown, and pandoc, is now checked before running the corresponding tests. # rprojroot 1.3-2 (2017-12-22) - Availability of suggested packages knitr and rmarkdown, and pandoc, is now checked before running the corresponding tests. # rprojroot 1.3-1 (2017-12-18) - Adapt to testthat 2.0.0. - New `thisfile()`, moved from kimisc (#8). - Add more examples to vignette (#26, @BarkleyBG). - Detect `.git` directories created with `git clone --separate-git-dir=...` (#24, @karldw). # rprojroot 1.2 (2017-01-15) - New root criteria - `is_projectile_project` recognize projectile projects (#21). - `has_dir()` constructs root criteria that check for existence of a directory. - `is_git_root`, `is_svn_root` and `is_vcs_root` look for a version control system root (#19). - New function - `get_root_desc()` returns the description of the criterion that applies to a given root, useful for composite criteria created with `|`. - Minor enhancements - Improve formatting of alternative criteria (#18). - If root cannot be found, the start path is shown in the error message. - Internal - The `$testfun` member of the `rprojroot` S3 class is now a list of functions instead of a function. # rprojroot 1.1 (2016-10-29) - Compatibility - Compatible with R >= 3.0.0 with the help of the `backports` package. - New root criteria - `is_remake_project` and `find_remake_root_file()` look for [remake](https://github.com/richfitz/remake) project (#17). - `is_testthat` and `find_testthat_root_file()` that looks for `tests/testthat` root (#14). - `from_wd`, useful for creating accessors to a known path (#11). - Minor enhancement - Criteria can be combined with the `|` operator (#15). - Documentation - Add package documentation with a few examples (#13). - Clarify difference between `find_file()` and `make_fix_file()` in vignette (#9). - Remove unexported functions from documentation and examples (#10). - Use `pkgdown` to create website. - Testing - Use Travis instead of wercker. Travis tests three R versions, and OS X. - Improve AppVeyor testing. # rprojroot 1.0-2 (2016-03-28) - Fix test that fails on Windows only on CRAN. # rprojroot 1.0 (2016-03-26) Initial CRAN release. - S3 class `root_criterion`: - Member functions: `find_file()` and `make_fix_file()` - `root_criterion()` - `as.root_criterion()` - `is.root_criterion()` - `has_file()` - `has_file_pattern()` - Built-in criteria: - `is_r_package` - `is_rstudio_project` - Getting started: - `find_package_root_file()` - `find_rstudio_root_file()` - Use a custom notion of a project root: - `find_root()` - `find_root_file()` - Vignette