An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates

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Documentation for package ‘progressr’ version 0.13.0

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progressr-package progressr: A Unifying API for Progress Updates
handlers Control How Progress is Reported
handler_ascii_alert Progression Handler: Progress Reported as ASCII BEL Symbols (Audio or Blink) in the Terminal
handler_beepr Progression Handler: Progress Reported as 'beepr' Sounds (Audio)
handler_cli Progression Handler: Progress Reported via 'cli' Progress Bars (Text) in the Terminal
handler_debug Progression Handler: Progress Reported as Debug Information (Text) in the Terminal
handler_filesize Progression Handler: Progress Reported as the Size of a File on the File System
handler_pbcol Progression Handler: Progress Reported as an ANSI Background Color in the Terminal
handler_pbmcapply Progression Handler: Progress Reported via 'pbmcapply' Progress Bars (Text) in the Terminal
handler_progress Progression Handler: Progress Reported via 'progress' Progress Bars (Text) in the Terminal
handler_rstudio Progression Handler: Progress Reported in the RStudio Console
handler_tkprogressbar Progression Handler: Progress Reported as a Tcl/Tk Progress Bars in the GUI
handler_txtprogressbar Progression Handler: Progress Reported as Plain Progress Bars (Text) in the Terminal
handler_void Progression Handler: No Progress Report
handler_winprogressbar Progression Handler: Progress Reported as a MS Windows Progress Bars in the GUI
progressor Create a Progressor Function that Signals Progress Updates
progressr progressr: A Unifying API for Progress Updates
progress_progressr Use Progressr with Plyr Map-Reduce Functions
without_progress Report on Progress while Evaluating an R Expression
withProgressShiny Use Progressr in Shiny Apps: Plug-in Backward Compatibility Replacement for shiny::withProgress()
with_progress Report on Progress while Evaluating an R Expression