aSAH Subarachnoid hemorrhage data are.paired Are two ROC curves paired? auc Compute the area under the ROC curve ci Compute the confidence interval of a ROC curve ci.auc Compute the confidence interval of the AUC ci.coords Compute the confidence interval of arbitrary coordinates Compute the confidence interval of sensitivities at given specificities ci.sp Compute the confidence interval of specificities at given sensitivities ci.thresholds Compute the confidence interval of thresholds coords Coordinates of a ROC curve coords_transpose Transposing the output of 'coords' cov.roc Covariance of two paired ROC curves ggroc.roc Plot a ROC curve with ggplot2 groupGeneric pROC Group Generic Functions has.partial.auc Does the ROC curve have a partial AUC? lines.roc Add a ROC line to a ROC plot multiclass.roc Multi-class AUC pROC-package pROC Plot confidence intervals plot.roc Plot a ROC curve power.roc.test Sample size and power computation for ROC curves print.roc Print a ROC curve object roc Build a ROC curve roc.test Compare two ROC curves smooth Smooth a ROC curve var.roc Variance of a ROC curve