Package: RcppTOML Type: Package Title: 'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language" Version: 0.2.2 Date: 2023-01-29 Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel Description: The configuration format defined by 'TOML' (which expands to "Tom's Obvious Markup Language") specifies an excellent format (described at ) suitable for both human editing as well as the common uses of a machine-readable format. This package uses 'Rcpp' to connect to the 'toml++' parser written by Mark Gillard to R. SystemRequirements: A C++17 compiler BugReports: URL: Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.11.5) Depends: R (>= 3.3.0) LinkingTo: Rcpp Suggests: tinytest License: GPL (>= 2) NeedsCompilation: yes Packaged: 2023-01-29 21:10:46 UTC; edd Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2023-01-29 22:12:06 Built: R 4.2.3; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2023-04-27 07:02:19 UTC; unix