\name{RcppArmadillo-Functions} \alias{rcpparma_hello_world} \alias{rcpparma_innerproduct} \alias{rcpparma_outerproduct} \alias{rcpparma_bothproducts} \title{Set of functions in example RcppArmadillo package} \description{ These four functions are created when \code{RcppArmadillo.package.skeleton()} is invoked to create a skeleton packages. } \usage{ rcpparma_hello_world() rcpparma_outerproduct(x) rcpparma_innerproduct(x) rcpparma_bothproducts(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a numeric vector} } \value{ \code{rcpparma_hello_world()} does not return a value, but displays a message to the console. \code{rcpparma_outerproduct()} returns a numeric matrix computed as the outer (vector) product of \code{x}. \code{rcpparma_innerproduct()} returns a double computer as the inner (vector) product of \code{x}. \code{rcpparma_bothproducts()} returns a list with both the outer and inner products. } \details{ These are example functions which should be largely self-explanatory. Their main benefit is to demonstrate how to write a function using the Armadillo C++ classes, and to have to such a function accessible from R. } \references{ See the documentation for Armadillo, and RcppArmadillo, for more details. } \examples{ x <- sqrt(1:4) rcpparma_innerproduct(x) rcpparma_outerproduct(x) } \author{Dirk Eddelbuettel}