Standard Input and Output for Bioconductor Packages

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Documentation for package ‘BiocIO’ version 1.8.0

Help Pages

as.character-method BiocFile objects
bestFileFormat BiocFile objects
bestFileFormat-method BiocFile objects
BiocFile-class BiocFile objects
BiocFileList BiocFile objects
BiocFileList-class BiocFile objects
class:BiocFile BiocFile objects
class:CompressedFile BiocFile objects
CompressedFile-class BiocFile objects
decompress BiocFile objects
decompress-method BiocFile objects
export Import and export
export-method Import and export
FileForFormat BiocFile objects
fileFormat BiocFile objects
fileFormat-method BiocFile objects
import Import and export
import-method Import and export
path BiocFile objects
path-method BiocFile objects
resource BiocFile objects
resource<- BiocFile objects
show-method BiocFile objects